Source code for pybrops.breed.arch.EmigrationOperator

Module defining interfaces and associated error checking routines for
emigration operators.

__all__ = [

from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod
from pybrops.breed.arch.BreedingEdge import BreedingEdge
from pybrops.breed.arch.BreedingNode import BreedingNode

[docs] class EmigrationOperator( BreedingEdge, metaclass = ABCMeta, ): """ Abstract class defining immigration operators. The purpose of this abstract class is to define functionality for: 1) Protocols for emigration between different breeding nodes. """ ########################## Special Object Methods ########################## ############################ Object Properties ############################# ############################## Object Methods ##############################
[docs] @abstractmethod def emigrate( self, bnode: BreedingNode, **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Emigrate individuals to a BreedingNode. Parameters ---------- bnode : BreedingNode A BreedingNode object to add individuals. kwargs : dict Dictionary of data for individuals to be added. """ raise NotImplementedError("method is abstract")
################################## Utilities ###################################
[docs] def check_is_EmigrationOperator(v: object, vname: str) -> None: """ Check if object is of type EmigrationOperator. Otherwise raise TypeError. Parameters ---------- v : object Any Python object to test. vname : str Name of variable to print in TypeError message. """ if not isinstance(v, EmigrationOperator): raise TypeError("'%s' must be a EmigrationOperator." % vname)