Source code for

Module implementing unphased genotyping for dense genotype matrices.

from typing import Optional
from import GenotypingProtocol
from pybrops.popgen.gmat.DenseGenotypeMatrix import DenseGenotypeMatrix
from pybrops.popgen.gmat.GenotypeMatrix import GenotypeMatrix
from pybrops.popgen.gmat.PhasedGenotypeMatrix import PhasedGenotypeMatrix
from pybrops.popgen.gmat.PhasedGenotypeMatrix import check_is_PhasedGenotypeMatrix

[docs] class DenseUnphasedGenotyping( GenotypingProtocol, ): """ Class implementing unphased genotyping for dense genotype matrices. This converts a DensePhasedGenotypeMatrix to a DenseGenotypeMatrix containing genotype values. """ ########################## Special Object Methods ########################## def __init__( self, **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Constructor for the concrete class DenseUnphasedGenotyping. Perform unphased genotyping on a genome. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. """ super(DenseUnphasedGenotyping, self).__init__(**kwargs) ############################## Object Methods ##############################
[docs] def genotype( self, pgmat: PhasedGenotypeMatrix, miscout: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs: dict ) -> GenotypeMatrix: """ Genotype a genome. Returned matrix is in {0,1,2} format. Parameters ---------- pgmat : PhasedGenotypeMatrix A phased genotype matrix representing the whole simulated genome. miscout : dict, None Pointer to a dictionary for miscellaneous user defined output. If dict, write to dict (may overwrite previously defined fields). If None, user defined output is not calculated or stored. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : GenotypeMatrix A DenseGenotypeMatrix of genotyped individuals. """ # check for correct data types check_is_PhasedGenotypeMatrix(pgmat, "pgmat") # create genotype matrix out = DenseGenotypeMatrix( mat = pgmat.mat_asformat("{0,1,2}"), taxa = pgmat.taxa, taxa_grp = pgmat.taxa_grp, vrnt_chrgrp = pgmat.vrnt_chrgrp, vrnt_phypos = pgmat.vrnt_phypos, vrnt_name = pgmat.vrnt_name, vrnt_genpos = pgmat.vrnt_genpos, vrnt_xoprob = pgmat.vrnt_xoprob, vrnt_hapgrp = pgmat.vrnt_hapgrp, vrnt_hapalt = pgmat.vrnt_hapalt, vrnt_hapref = pgmat.vrnt_hapref, vrnt_mask = pgmat.vrnt_mask, ploidy = pgmat.ploidy, **kwargs ) # copy metadata out.taxa_grp_name = pgmat.taxa_grp_name out.taxa_grp_stix = pgmat.taxa_grp_stix out.taxa_grp_spix = pgmat.taxa_grp_spix out.taxa_grp_len = pgmat.taxa_grp_len out.vrnt_chrgrp_name = pgmat.vrnt_chrgrp_name out.vrnt_chrgrp_stix = pgmat.vrnt_chrgrp_stix out.vrnt_chrgrp_spix = pgmat.vrnt_chrgrp_spix out.vrnt_chrgrp_len = pgmat.vrnt_chrgrp_len return out