Source code for pybrops.breed.prot.mate.util

Module containing mating utilities.

from typing import Union
import numpy

__all__ = [

[docs] def mat_meiosis( geno: numpy.ndarray, sel: numpy.ndarray, xoprob: numpy.ndarray, rng: Union[numpy.random.Generator,numpy.random.RandomState] ) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Perform meiosis on matrix inputs. Parameters ---------- geno : numpy.ndarray Genotype matrix. sel : numpy.ndarray Selection configuration array. xoprob : numpy.ndarray Crossover probability array. rng : numpy.random.Generator, numpy.random.RandomState Random number generator instance Returns ------- gamete : numpy.ndarray Genotype matrix of gametes. """ # calculate shape of the retured gamete matrix # number of rows is the number of elements in sel gshape = (len(sel), len(xoprob)) # generate random numbers to determine crossover points: # generate in interval [0,1) rnd = rng.uniform(0, 1, gshape) # allocate gamete array gamete = numpy.empty(gshape, dtype = geno.dtype) for i,s in enumerate(sel): # calculate locations where crossover occurs xoix = numpy.flatnonzero(rnd[i] < xoprob) # get starting phase phase = 0 # starting index for copy stix = 0 for spix in xoix: # copy from start index (inclusive) to stop index (exclusive) gamete[i,stix:spix] = geno[phase,s,stix:spix] # move the start index in the next iteration to the current stop index stix = spix # alternate between phases phase = 1 - phase # finally copy the last remaining chromosome segments gamete[i,stix:] = geno[phase,s,stix:] return gamete
[docs] def mat_dh( geno: numpy.ndarray, sel: numpy.ndarray, xoprob: numpy.ndarray, rng: Union[numpy.random.Generator,numpy.random.RandomState] ) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Perform doubled haploid production on matrix inputs. Parameters ---------- geno : numpy.ndarray Genotype matrix. sel : numpy.ndarray Selection configuration array. xoprob : numpy.ndarray Crossover probability array. rng : numpy.random.Generator, numpy.random.RandomState Random number generator instance Returns ------- progeny : numpy.ndarray Genotype matrix of progenies. """ # generate gametes gamete = mat_meiosis(geno, sel, xoprob, rng) # generate offspring genotypes by stacking matrices to make 3d matrix progeny = numpy.stack([gamete, gamete]) return progeny
[docs] def mat_mate( fgeno: numpy.ndarray, mgeno: numpy.ndarray, fsel: numpy.ndarray, msel: numpy.ndarray, xoprob: numpy.ndarray, rng: Union[numpy.random.Generator,numpy.random.RandomState] ) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Perform mating on matrix inputs. Parameters ---------- fgeno : numpy.ndarray Female genotype matrix. mgeno : numpy.ndarray Male genotype matrix. fsel : numpy.ndarray Female selection configuration array. msel : numpy.ndarray Male selection configuration array. xoprob : numpy.ndarray Crossover probability array. rng : numpy.random.Generator, numpy.random.RandomState Random number generator instance Returns ------- progeny : numpy.ndarray Genotype matrix of progenies. """ # generate gametes fgamete = mat_meiosis(fgeno, fsel, xoprob, rng) mgamete = mat_meiosis(mgeno, msel, xoprob, rng) # generate offspring genotypes by stacking matrices to make 3d matrix progeny = numpy.stack([fgamete, mgamete]) return progeny