Source code for

Module implementing phenotyping protocols for extracting true breeding values.

import copy
import math
from numbers import Real
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union
import numpy
import pandas
import h5py

from import PhenotypingProtocol
from pybrops.core.error.error_attr_python import error_readonly
from pybrops.core.error.error_io_python import check_file_exists
from pybrops.core.error.error_type_python import check_is_dict
from pybrops.core.error.error_value_h5py import check_h5py_File_has_group
from pybrops.core.error.error_value_h5py import check_h5py_File_is_readable
from pybrops.core.error.error_value_h5py import check_h5py_File_is_writable
from pybrops.core.util.h5py import h5py_File_write_dict
from pybrops.model.gmod.GenomicModel import GenomicModel
from pybrops.model.gmod.GenomicModel import check_is_GenomicModel
from pybrops.popgen.gmat.PhasedGenotypeMatrix import PhasedGenotypeMatrix
from pybrops.popgen.gmat.PhasedGenotypeMatrix import check_is_PhasedGenotypeMatrix

[docs] class TruePhenotyping( PhenotypingProtocol ): """ Class implementing phenotyping protocols for extracting true breeding values. """ ########################## Special Object Methods ########################## def __init__( self, gpmod: GenomicModel, **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Constructor for the concrete class TruePhenotyping. Parameters ---------- gpmod : GenomicModel Genomic prediction model to use to determine phenotypes. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments """ self.gpmod = gpmod def __copy__( self ) -> 'TruePhenotyping': """ Make a shallow copy of the ``TruePhenotyping`` object. Returns ------- out : TruePhenotyping A shallow copy of the ``TruePhenotyping`` object. """ # get the class cls = type(self) # create a new class object out = cls( gpmod = copy.copy(self.gpmod), ) return out def __deepcopy__( self, memo: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> 'TruePhenotyping': """ Make a deep copy of the ``TruePhenotyping`` object. Parameters ---------- memo : dict, None An optional dictionary of memo metadata. Returns ------- out : TruePhenotyping A deep copy of the ``TruePhenotyping`` object. """ # get the class cls = type(self) # create a new class object out = cls( gpmod = copy.deepcopy(self.gpmod, memo), ) return out ############################ Object Properties ############################# ############### Genomic Model Properties ############### @property def gpmod(self) -> GenomicModel: """Genomic prediction model.""" return self._gpmod @gpmod.setter def gpmod(self, value: GenomicModel) -> None: """Set genomic prediction model""" check_is_GenomicModel(value, "gpmod") self._gpmod = value ################ Stochastic Parameters ################# @property def var_err(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """Error variance for each trait.""" return numpy.repeat(0.0, self.gpmod.ntrait) @var_err.setter def var_err(self, value: numpy.ndarray) -> None: """Set error variance""" error_readonly("var_err") ############################## Object Methods ##############################
[docs] def copy( self ) -> 'TruePhenotyping': """ Make a shallow copy of the ``TruePhenotyping`` object. Returns ------- out : TruePhenotyping A shallow copy of the ``TruePhenotyping`` object. """ return copy.copy(self)
[docs] def deepcopy( self, memo: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> 'TruePhenotyping': """ Make a deep copy of the ``TruePhenotyping`` object. Parameters ---------- memo : dict, None An optional dictionary of memo metadata. Returns ------- out : TruePhenotyping A deep copy of the ``TruePhenotyping`` object. """ return copy.deepcopy(self, memo)
[docs] def phenotype( self, pgmat: PhasedGenotypeMatrix, miscout: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs: dict ) -> pandas.DataFrame: """ Phenotype a set of genotypes using a genomic prediction model. Parameters ---------- pgmat : PhasedGenotypeMatrix Genomes of the individuals to phenotype. miscout : dict, None, default = None Pointer to a dictionary for miscellaneous user defined output. If ``dict``, write to dict (may overwrite previously defined fields). If ``None``, user defined output is not calculated or stored. gpmod : GenomicModel, None Genomic prediction model to use to determine phenotypes. If None, use default genomic prediction model. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : pandas.DataFrame A pandas.DataFrame containing phenotypes for individuals. """ # check argument data types check_is_PhasedGenotypeMatrix(pgmat, "pgmat") if miscout is not None: check_is_dict(miscout, "miscout") # calculate true breeding values gvmat = self.gpmod.gegv(pgmat) # construct dataframe labels labels_dict = {} taxazfill = math.ceil(math.log10(gvmat.ntaxa))+1 labels_dict["taxa"] = ["Taxon"+str(i+1).zfill(taxazfill) for i in range(gvmat.ntaxa)] if gvmat.taxa is None else gvmat.taxa if gvmat.taxa_grp is not None: labels_dict["taxa_grp"] = gvmat.taxa_grp labels_df = pandas.DataFrame(labels_dict) # construct dataframe data values mat = gvmat.unscale() # calculate unscaled breeding values traitzfill = math.ceil(math.log10(gvmat.ntrait))+1 cols = ["Trait"+str(i+1).zfill(traitzfill) for i in range(gvmat.ntrait)] if gvmat.trait is None else gvmat.trait values_df = pandas.DataFrame( data = mat, columns = cols ) # combine data labels and values out_df = pandas.concat([labels_df, values_df], axis = 1) return out_df
[docs] def set_h2( self, h2: Union[Real,numpy.ndarray], pgmat: PhasedGenotypeMatrix, **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Set the narrow sense heritability for environments. Parameters ---------- h2 : float, numpy.ndarray Narrow sense heritability. pgmat : PhasedGenotypeMatrix Founder genotypes. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments """ raise AttributeError("unsupported operation: heritability always set at 1.0")
[docs] def set_H2( self, H2: Union[Real,numpy.ndarray], pgmat: PhasedGenotypeMatrix, **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Set the broad sense heritability for environments. Parameters ---------- H2 : float, numpy.ndarray Broad sense heritability. pgmat : PhasedGenotypeMatrix Founder genotypes. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments """ raise AttributeError("unsupported operation: heritability always set at 1.0")
################### Matrix File I/O ####################
[docs] def to_hdf5( self, filename: Union[str,Path,h5py.File], groupname: Optional[str] = None, overwrite: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Write a ``TruePhenotyping`` object to an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- filename : str, Path, h5py.File If ``str`` or ``Path``, an HDF5 file name to which to write. File is closed after writing. If ``h5py.File``, an already opened HDF5 file to which to write. File remains open after writing. groupname : str, None If ``str``, an HDF5 group name under which object data is stored. If ``None``, object is written to the base HDF5 group. overwrite : bool Whether to overwrite values in an HDF5 file if a field already exists. """ ######################################################## ############ process ``groupname`` argument ############ # if we have a string if isinstance(groupname, str): # if last character in string is not '/', add '/' to end of string if groupname[-1] != '/': groupname += '/' # else if ``groupname`` is None, set ``groupname`` to empty string elif groupname is None: # empty string groupname = "" # else raise error else: raise TypeError( "``groupname`` must be of type ``str`` or ``None`` but received type ``{0}``".format( type(groupname).__name__ ) ) ######################################################## ############ process ``filename`` argument ############# # h5 file object h5file = None # if we have a string or Path, open HDF5 file in append (``r+``) mode if isinstance(filename, (str,Path)): h5file = h5py.File(filename, "a") # elif we have an h5py.File, make sure mode is writable, and copy pointer elif isinstance(filename, h5py.File): check_h5py_File_is_writable(filename) h5file = filename # else raise TypeError else: raise TypeError( "filename must be of type ``str`` or ``h5py.File`` but received type {0}".format( type(filename).__name__ ) ) ######################################################## ### populate HDF5 file # data dictionary data = { } # save data h5py_File_write_dict(h5file, groupname, data, overwrite) # close the file, only if the provided filename was a string or Path and not a h5py.File. if isinstance(filename, (str,Path)): h5file.close()
############################## Class Methods ############################### ################### Matrix File I/O ####################
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5( cls, filename: Union[str,Path,h5py.File], groupname: Optional[str] = None, gpmod : GenomicModel = None, ) -> 'TruePhenotyping': """ Read an object from an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- filename : str, Path, h5py.File If ``str`` or ``Path``, an HDF5 file name from which to read. File is closed after reading. If ``h5py.File``, an opened HDF5 file from which to read. File is not closed after reading. groupname : str, None If ``str``, an HDF5 group name under which object data is stored. If ``None``, object is read from base HDF5 group. gpmod : GenomicModel A genomic model to bind to the ``TruePhenotyping`` protocol. This will be eliminated when a better storage mechanism is available. Returns ------- out : TruePhenotyping An object read from an HDF5 file. """ ######################################################## ############ process ``filename`` argument ############# # HDF5 file object h5file = None # if we have a string or Path, open HDF5 file in append (``r``) mode if isinstance(filename, (str,Path)): check_file_exists(filename) h5file = h5py.File(filename, "r") # elif we have an h5py.File, make sure mode is in at least ``r`` mode, and copy pointer elif isinstance(filename, h5py.File): check_h5py_File_is_readable(filename) h5file = filename # else raise TypeError else: raise TypeError( "``filename`` must be of type ``str``, ``Path``, or ``h5py.File`` but received type ``{0}``".format( type(filename).__name__ ) ) ######################################################## ############ process ``groupname`` argument ############ # if we have a string if isinstance(groupname, str): # FIXME: errors if groupname == "" or "/" # if the group does not exist in the file, close and raise error check_h5py_File_has_group(h5file, groupname) # if last character in string is not '/', add '/' to end of string if groupname[-1] != '/': groupname += '/' # else if ``groupname`` is None, set ``groupname`` to empty string elif groupname is None: groupname = "" # else raise error else: raise TypeError( "``groupname`` must be of type ``str`` or ``None`` but received type ``{0}``".format( type(groupname).__name__ ) ) ######################################################## ################## process ``gpmod`` ################### check_is_GenomicModel(gpmod, "gpmod") ######################################################## ######## check that we have all required fields ######## # all required arguments required_fields = [] # for each required field, check if the field exists in the HDF5 file. for field in required_fields: check_h5py_File_has_group(h5file, groupname + field) ######################################################## ### read data from HDF5 file and (optionally) close #### # output dictionary data = { } ################################## ### read mandatory data fields ### ################################# ### read optional data fields ### ##################################### ### read optional metadata fields ### ###################### ### close the file ### # close the file, only if the provided fieldname was a string or Path an not an h5py.File. if isinstance(filename, (str,Path)): h5file.close() ######################################################## ### create object # create object from read data out = cls( gpmod = gpmod, ) return out