Source code for pybrops.breed.prot.sel.prob.SubsetSelectionProblem

Module partially implementing the SetSelectionProblem interface.

# list of public objects in this module
__all__ = [

# imports
import numpy
from numbers import Integral
from numbers import Real
from typing import Callable
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Union
from pymoo.core.problem import ElementwiseEvaluationFunction
from pymoo.core.problem import LoopedElementwiseEvaluation

from pybrops.breed.prot.sel.prob.SelectionProblem import SelectionProblem
from pybrops.opt.prob.SubsetProblem import SubsetProblem

# inheritance ordering is important here to avoid method resolution issues
# SelectionProblem functions as a semi-abstract/mixin-esque class and must go second
[docs] class SubsetSelectionProblem( SubsetProblem, SelectionProblem, ): """ Semi-abstract class representing selection problems in subset search spaces. """ ########################## Special Object Methods ########################## def __init__( self, ndecn: Integral, decn_space: Union[numpy.ndarray,None], decn_space_lower: Union[numpy.ndarray,Real,None], decn_space_upper: Union[numpy.ndarray,Real,None], nobj: Integral, obj_wt: Optional[Union[numpy.ndarray,Real]] = None, obj_trans: Optional[Callable[[numpy.ndarray,numpy.ndarray,dict],numpy.ndarray]] = None, obj_trans_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, nineqcv: Optional[Integral] = None, ineqcv_wt: Optional[Union[numpy.ndarray,Real]] = None, ineqcv_trans: Optional[Callable[[numpy.ndarray,numpy.ndarray,dict],numpy.ndarray]] = None, ineqcv_trans_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, neqcv: Optional[Integral] = None, eqcv_wt: Optional[Union[numpy.ndarray,Real]] = None, eqcv_trans: Optional[Callable[[numpy.ndarray,numpy.ndarray,dict],numpy.ndarray]] = None, eqcv_trans_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, vtype: Optional[type] = None, vars: Optional[Sequence] = None, elementwise: bool = True, elementwise_func: type = ElementwiseEvaluationFunction, elementwise_runner: Callable = LoopedElementwiseEvaluation(), replace_nan_values_by: Optional[Real] = None, exclude_from_serialization: Optional[Iterable] = None, callback: Optional[Callable] = None, strict: bool = True, **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Constructor for SubsetSelectionProblem. Parameters ---------- ndecn : Integral Number of decision variables. decn_space: numpy.ndarray, None An array of shape ``(2,ndecn)`` defining the decision space. If None, do not set a decision space. decn_space_lower: numpy.ndarray, Real, None An array of shape ``(ndecn,)`` containing lower limits for decision variables. If a Real is provided, construct an array of shape ``(ndecn,)`` containing the Real. If None, do not set a lower limit for the decision variables. decn_space_upper: numpy.ndarray, Real, None An array of shape ``(ndecn,)`` containing upper limits for decision variables. If a Real is provided, construct an array of shape ``(ndecn,)`` containing the Real. If None, do not set a upper limit for the decision variables. nobj: Integral Number of objectives. obj_wt: numpy.ndarray Objective function weights. obj_trans: Callable, None A transformation function transforming a latent space vector to an objective space vector. The transformation function must be of the form: ``obj_trans(x: numpy.ndarray, **kwargs) -> numpy.ndarray`` If None, use the identity transformation function: copy the latent space vector to the objective space vector. obj_trans_kwargs: dict, None Keyword arguments for the latent space to objective space transformation function. If None, an empty dictionary is used. nineqcv: Integral, Number of inequality constraints. ineqcv_wt: numpy.ndarray, Inequality constraint violation weights. ineqcv_trans: Callable, None A transformation function transforming a latent space vector to an inequality constraint violation vector. The transformation function must be of the form: ``ineqcv_trans(x: numpy.ndarray, **kwargs) -> numpy.ndarray`` If None, use the empty set transformation function: return an empty vector of length zero. ineqcv_trans_kwargs: Optional[dict], Keyword arguments for the latent space to inequality constraint violation space transformation function. If None, an empty dictionary is used. neqcv: Integral Number of equality constraints. eqcv_wt: numpy.ndarray Equality constraint violation weights. eqcv_trans: Callable, None A transformation function transforming a latent space vector to an equality constraint violation vector. The transformation function must be of the form: ``eqcv_trans(x: numpy.ndarray, **kwargs) -> numpy.ndarray`` If None, use the empty set transformation function: return an empty vector of length zero. eqcv_trans_kwargs: dict, None Keyword arguments for the latent space to equality constraint violation space transformation function. If None, an empty dictionary is used. vtype: type, None The variable type. So far, just used as a type hint. See PyMOO documentation. vars: Sequence, None Variables provided in their explicit form. See PyMOO documentation. elementwise: bool Whether the evaluation function should be run elementwise. See PyMOO documentation. elementwise_func: type A class that creates the function that evaluates a single individual. See PyMOO documentation. elementwise_runner: Callable A function that runs the function that evaluates a single individual. See PyMOO documentation. replace_nan_values_by: Number, None Value for which to replace NaN values. See PyMOO documentation. exclude_from_serialization: Iterable, None Attributes which are excluded from being serialized. See PyMOO documentation. callback: Callable, None A callback function to be called after every evaluation. See PyMOO documentation. strict : bool, default = True See PyMOO documentation. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments used for cooperative inheritance. See PyMOO documentation. """ # call the SubsetProblem constructor super(SubsetSelectionProblem, self).__init__( ndecn = ndecn, decn_space = decn_space, decn_space_lower = decn_space_lower, decn_space_upper = decn_space_upper, nobj = nobj, obj_wt = obj_wt, nineqcv = nineqcv, ineqcv_wt = ineqcv_wt, neqcv = neqcv, eqcv_wt = eqcv_wt, vtype = vtype, vars = vars, elementwise = elementwise, elementwise_func = elementwise_func, elementwise_runner = elementwise_runner, replace_nan_values_by = replace_nan_values_by, exclude_from_serialization = exclude_from_serialization, callback = callback, strict = strict, **kwargs ) # make assignments self.obj_trans = obj_trans self.obj_trans_kwargs = obj_trans_kwargs self.ineqcv_trans = ineqcv_trans self.ineqcv_trans_kwargs = ineqcv_trans_kwargs self.eqcv_trans = eqcv_trans self.eqcv_trans_kwargs = eqcv_trans_kwargs
############################ Object Properties ############################# # leave nlatent property abstract ############################## Object Methods ############################## # leave latentfn abstract # evalfn defined by DenseSelectionProblem # _evaluate defined by DenseSelectionProblem ################################## Utilities ###################################
[docs] def check_is_SubsetSelectionProblem(v: object, vname: str) -> None: """ Check if object is of type SubsetSelectionProblem, otherwise raise TypeError. Parameters ---------- v : object Any Python object to test. vname : str Name of variable to print in TypeError message. """ if not isinstance(v, SubsetSelectionProblem): raise TypeError("'{0}' must be of type SubsetSelectionProblem.".format(vname))