Source code for pybrops.core.mat.DensePhasedMatrix

Module implementing a dense phased matrix and associated error checking routines.

__all__ = [

import copy
import numpy
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Union
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

from pybrops.core.error.error_type_python import check_is_array_like
from pybrops.core.error.error_attr_python import check_is_iterable
from pybrops.core.error.error_attr_python import error_readonly
from pybrops.core.error.error_generic_python import generic_check_isinstance
from pybrops.core.mat.Matrix import Matrix
from pybrops.core.util.array import get_axis
from pybrops.core.mat.DenseMutableMatrix import DenseMutableMatrix
from pybrops.core.mat.PhasedMatrix import PhasedMatrix

[docs] class DensePhasedMatrix( DenseMutableMatrix, PhasedMatrix, ): """ A concrete class implementing dense phased matrices. A phased matrix is defined as a matrix with a third dimension. Dense phased matrices utilize numpy.ndarray's for data storage. The purpose of this concrete class is to implement base functionality for: 1) Dense matrix phase manipulation routines. """ ########################## Special Object Methods ########################## def __init__( self, mat: numpy.ndarray, **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Constructor for the concrete class DensePhasedMatrix. Parameters ---------- mat : numpy.ndarray Matrix used to construct the object. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. """ super(DensePhasedMatrix, self).__init__( mat = mat, **kwargs ) #################### Matrix copying #################### def __copy__( self ) -> 'DensePhasedMatrix': """ Make a shallow copy of the the matrix. Returns ------- out : Matrix """ # create new object out = self.__class__( mat = copy.copy(self.mat), ) return out def __deepcopy__( self, memo: Optional[dict] = None ) -> 'DensePhasedMatrix': """ Make a deep copy of the matrix. Parameters ---------- memo : dict Dictionary of memo metadata. Returns ------- out : Matrix """ # create new object out = self.__class__( mat = copy.deepcopy(self.mat, memo), ) return out ############################ Object Properties ############################# ############## Phase Metadata Properites ############### @property def nphase(self) -> int: """Number of chromosome phases represented by the matrix.""" return self._mat.shape[self.phase_axis] @property def phase_axis(self) -> int: """Axis along which phases are stored.""" return 0 ############################## Object Methods ############################## ######### Matrix element copy-on-manipulation ##########
[docs] def adjoin( self, values: Union[Matrix,numpy.ndarray], axis: int = -1, **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DensePhasedMatrix': """ Add additional elements to the end of the DensePhasedMatrix along an axis. Parameters ---------- values : DensePhasedMatrix, numpy.ndarray Values are appended to append to the Matrix. axis : int The axis along which values are adjoined. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : DensePhasedMatrix A copy of mat with values appended to axis. Note that adjoin does not occur in-place: a new DensePhasedMatrix is allocated and filled. """ axis = get_axis(axis, self.mat_ndim) # get axis out = None # declare variable # dispatch functions to handle operations if axis == self.phase_axis: out = self.adjoin_phase( values = values, **kwargs ) else: raise ValueError("cannot append along axis {0}".format(axis)) return out
[docs] def adjoin_phase( self, values: Union[Matrix,numpy.ndarray], **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DensePhasedMatrix': """ Adjoin values along the phase axis. Parameters ---------- values : Matrix or numpy.ndarray Values to adjoin along the phase axis. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : DensePhasedMatrix A copy of the DensePhasedMatrix with values adjoined along the phase axis. Note that adjoin does not occur in-place: a new DensePhasedMatrix is allocated and filled. """ # extract mat values if isinstance(values, self.__class__): values = values.mat elif not isinstance(values, numpy.ndarray): raise ValueError("cannot adjoin: 'values' must be of type {0} or numpy.ndarray".format(self.__class__)) # perform error checks before allocating memory if values.ndim != self.mat_ndim: raise ValueError("cannot adjoin: 'values' must have ndim == {0}".format(self.mat_ndim)) for i,(j,k) in enumerate(zip(values.shape, self.mat_shape)): if (i != self.phase_axis) and (j != k): raise ValueError("cannot adjoin: axis lengths incompatible for axis {0}".format(i)) # adjoin values values = numpy.append(self._mat, values, axis = self.phase_axis) out = self.__class__( mat = values, **kwargs ) return out
[docs] def delete( self, obj: Union[int,slice,Sequence], axis: int = -1, **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DensePhasedMatrix': """ Delete sub-arrays along an axis. Parameters ---------- obj : int, slice, or Sequence of ints Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis. axis: int The axis along which to delete the subarray defined by obj. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : DensePhasedMatrix A DensePhasedMatrix with deleted elements. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new DensePhasedMatrix is allocated and filled. """ axis = get_axis(axis, self.mat_ndim) # get axis out = None # declare variable # dispatch functions to handle operations if axis == self.phase_axis: out = self.delete_phase(obj = obj, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("cannot delete along axis {0}".format(axis)) return out
[docs] def delete_phase( self, obj: Union[int,slice,Sequence], **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DensePhasedMatrix': """ Delete sub-arrays along the phase axis. Parameters ---------- obj : int, slice, or Sequence of ints Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : Matrix A Matrix with deleted elements. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new Matrix is allocated and filled. """ # get values mat = self._mat # delete values mat = numpy.delete(mat, obj, axis = self.phase_axis) out = self.__class__( mat = mat, **kwargs ) return out
[docs] def insert( self, obj: Union[int,slice,Sequence], values: Union[Matrix,numpy.ndarray], axis: int = -1, **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DensePhasedMatrix': """ Insert values along the given axis before the given indices. Parameters ---------- obj: int, slice, or Sequence of ints Object that defines the index or indices before which values is inserted. values : Matrix, numpy.ndarray Values to insert into the matrix. axis : int The axis along which values are inserted. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : DensePhasedMatrix A DensePhasedMatrix with values inserted. Note that insert does not occur in-place: a new DensePhasedMatrix is allocated and filled. """ axis = get_axis(axis, self.mat_ndim) # get axis out = None # declare variable # dispatch functions to handle operations if axis == self.phase_axis: out = self.insert_phase( obj = obj, values = values, **kwargs ) else: raise ValueError("cannot insert along axis {0}".format(axis)) return out
[docs] def insert_phase( self, obj: Union[int,slice,Sequence], values: Union[Matrix,numpy.ndarray], **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DensePhasedMatrix': """ Insert values along the phase axis before the given indices. Parameters ---------- obj: int, slice, or Sequence of ints Object that defines the index or indices before which values is inserted. values : Matrix, numpy.ndarray Values to insert into the matrix. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : DensePhasedMatrix A DensePhasedMatrix with values inserted. Note that insert does not occur in-place: a new DensePhasedMatrix is allocated and filled. """ # extract mat values if isinstance(values, self.__class__): values = values.mat elif not isinstance(values, numpy.ndarray): raise ValueError("'values' must be of type {0} or numpy.ndarray".format(self.__class__)) # perform error checks before allocating memory if values.ndim != self.mat_ndim: raise ValueError("cannot insert: 'values' must have ndim == {0}".format(self.mat_ndim)) for i,(j,k) in enumerate(zip(values.shape, self.mat_shape)): if (i != self.phase_axis) and (j != k): raise ValueError("cannot insert: axis lengths incompatible for axis {0}".format(i)) # insert values values = numpy.insert(self._mat, obj, values, axis = self.phase_axis) # create output out = self.__class__( mat = values, **kwargs ) return out
[docs] def select( self, indices: ArrayLike, axis: int = -1, **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DensePhasedMatrix': """ Select certain values from the DensePhasedMatrix. Parameters ---------- indices : ArrayLike (Nj, ...) The indices of the values to select. axis : int The axis along which values are selected. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : DensePhasedMatrix The output DensePhasedMatrix with values selected. Note that select does not occur in-place: a new DensePhasedMatrix is allocated and filled. """ axis = get_axis(axis, self.mat_ndim) # get axis out = None # declare variable # dispatch functions to handle operations if axis == self.phase_axis: out = self.select_phase(indices = indices, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("cannot select along axis {0}".format(axis)) return out
[docs] def select_phase( self, indices: ArrayLike, **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DensePhasedMatrix': """ Select certain values from the DensePhasedMatrix along the phase axis. Parameters ---------- indices : ArrayLike (Nj, ...) The indices of the values to select. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : DensePhasedMatrix The output DensePhasedMatrix with values selected. Note that select does not occur in-place: a new DensePhasedMatrix is allocated and filled. """ # check for array_like check_is_array_like(indices, "indices") # select values mat = numpy.take(self._mat, indices, axis = self.phase_axis) out = self.__class__( mat = mat, **kwargs ) return out
[docs] @classmethod def concat( cls, mats: Sequence, axis: int = -1, **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DensePhasedMatrix': """ Concatenate a sequence of Matrix together along an axis. Parameters ---------- mats : Sequence of Matrix List of Matrix to concatenate. The matrices must have the same shape, except in the dimension corresponding to axis. axis : int The axis along which the arrays will be joined. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments Returns ------- out : DensePhasedMatrix The concatenated DensePhasedMatrix. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new DensePhasedMatrix is allocated and filled. """ axis = get_axis(axis, mats[0].mat_ndim) # get axis out = None # declare variable # dispatch items to worker functions if axis == mats[0].phase_axis: out = cls.concat_phase(mats, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("cannot concat along axis {0}".format(axis)) return out
[docs] @classmethod def concat_phase( cls, mats: Sequence, **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DensePhasedMatrix': """ Concatenate list of Matrix together along the taxa axis. Parameters ---------- mats : Sequence of Matrix List of Matrix to concatenate. The matrices must have the same shape, except in the dimension corresponding to axis. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments Returns ------- out : Matrix The concatenated matrix. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new Matrix is allocated and filled. """ # ensure that we have an iterable object check_is_iterable(mats, "mats") # ensure that we have an array_like of length >= 1 if len(mats) <= 0: raise ValueError("need at least one Matrix to concatenate") # ensure that all items in mats are DensePhasedMatrix for i,v in enumerate(mats): generic_check_isinstance(v, "mats[{0}]".format(i), cls) # make sure dimensions are all identical to first element in mats if any(m.mat_ndim != mats[0].mat_ndim for m in mats): raise ValueError("cannot concat: not all matrices have the same number of dimensions") # extract tuple of shapes for testing compatibility shape_t = tuple(zip(*[m.mat.shape for m in mats])) # test matrix compatibility (same axis length along non-taxa axes) for i,v in enumerate(shape_t): # for each index,tuple in shape_t if (i != mats[0].phase_axis) and any(l != v[0] for l in v): # if not the taxa axis AND axis lengths are different raise ValueError("cannot concat: matrix shapes do not all align along axis {0}".format(i)) # create matrix lists mat_ls = [m.mat for m in mats] # concatenate items mat = numpy.concatenate(mat_ls, axis = mats[0].phase_axis) # TODO: decide if first element in list is good source of information # concatenate everything and put into new DenseHaplotypeMatrix # use first element as source of variant data out = cls( mat = mat, **kwargs ) return out
######### Matrix element in-place-manipulation #########
[docs] def append( self, values: Union[Matrix,numpy.ndarray], axis: int = -1, **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Append values to the matrix. Parameters ---------- values : DenseHaplotypeMatrix, numpy.ndarray Values are appended to append to the matrix. Must be of type int8. Must be of shape (m, n, p) axis : int The axis along which values are appended. """ # get axis axis = get_axis(axis, self.mat_ndim) # dispatch functions if axis == self.phase_axis: self.append_phase(values, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("cannot append along axis {0}".format(axis))
[docs] def append_phase( self, values: Union[Matrix,numpy.ndarray], **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Append values to the Matrix along the phase axis. Parameters ---------- values : Matrix, numpy.ndarray Values are appended to append to the matrix. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. """ # if given a DensePhasedGenotypeMatrix extract *.mat values if isinstance(values, self.__class__): values = values.mat elif not isinstance(values, numpy.ndarray): raise ValueError("'values' must be of type {0} or numpy.ndarray".format(self.__class__)) # perform error checks before allocating memory if values.ndim != self.mat_ndim: raise ValueError("cannot append: 'values' must have ndim == {0}".format(self.mat_ndim)) for i,(j,k) in enumerate(zip(values.shape, self.mat_shape)): if (i != self.phase_axis) and (j != k): raise ValueError("cannot append: axis lengths incompatible for axis {0}".format(i)) # append values self._mat = numpy.append(self._mat, values, axis = self.phase_axis)
[docs] def remove( self, obj: Union[int,slice,Sequence], axis: int = -1, **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Remove sub-arrays along an axis. Parameters ---------- obj : int, slice, or Sequence of ints Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis. axis: int The axis along which to remove the subarray defined by obj. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. """ # get axis axis = get_axis(axis, self.mat_ndim) if axis == self.phase_axis: self.remove_phase(obj = obj, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("cannot remove along axis {0}".format(axis))
[docs] def remove_phase( self, obj: Union[int,slice,Sequence], **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Remove sub-arrays along the phase axis. Parameters ---------- obj : int, slice, or Sequence of ints Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. """ # delete values self._mat = numpy.delete(self._mat, obj, axis = self.phase_axis)
[docs] def incorp( self, obj: Union[int,slice,Sequence], values: ArrayLike, axis: int = -1, **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Incorporate values along the given axis before the given indices. Parameters ---------- obj: int, slice, or Sequence of ints Object that defines the index or indices before which values is incorporated. values : array_like Values to incorporate into the matrix. axis : int The axis along which values are incorporated. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. """ # get axis axis = get_axis(axis, self.mat_ndim) if axis == self.phase_axis: self.incorp( obj = obj, values = values, **kwargs ) else: raise ValueError("cannot incorp along axis {0}".format(axis))
[docs] def incorp_phase( self, obj: Union[int,slice,Sequence], values: Union[Matrix,numpy.ndarray], **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Incorporate values along the taxa axis before the given indices. Parameters ---------- obj: int, slice, or Sequence of ints Object that defines the index or indices before which values is incorporated. values : Matrix, numpy.ndarray Values to incorporate into the matrix. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. """ # if given a DensePhasedGenotypeMatrix extract *.mat values if isinstance(values, self.__class__): values = values.mat elif not isinstance(values, numpy.ndarray): raise ValueError("'values' must be of type {0} or numpy.ndarray".format(self.__class__)) # perform error checks before allocating memory if values.ndim != self.mat_ndim: raise ValueError("cannot incorp: 'values' must have ndim == {0}".format(self.mat_ndim)) for i,(j,k) in enumerate(zip(values.shape, self.mat_shape)): if (i != self.phase_axis) and (j != k): raise ValueError("cannot incorp: axis lengths incompatible for axis {0}".format(i)) # insert values self._mat = numpy.insert(self._mat, obj, values, axis = self.phase_axis)
################################## Utilities ###################################
[docs] def check_is_DensePhasedMatrix(v: object, vname: str) -> None: """ Check if object is of type DensePhasedMatrix. Otherwise raise TypeError. Parameters ---------- v : object Any Python object to test. vname : str Name of variable to print in TypeError message. """ if not isinstance(v, DensePhasedMatrix): raise TypeError("variable '{0}' must be a of type '{1}' but received type '{2}'".format(vname,DensePhasedMatrix.__name__,type(v).__name__))