Module containing haplotype calculation utility functions.
from numbers import Integral
import numpy
__all__ = [
def nhaploblk_chrom(
nhaploblk: int,
genpos: numpy.ndarray,
chrgrp_stix: numpy.ndarray,
chrgrp_spix: numpy.ndarray
) -> numpy.ndarray:
Given a total number of haplotype blocks to assign across the genome,
determine the number of haplotype blocks to give to each chromosome.
nhaploblk : int
Total number of haplotype blocks to assign across the genome.
genpos : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape ``(p,)`` containing genetic positions of markers across
the genome.
- ``p`` is the number of markers.
Input contraints:
- Must be sorted in ascending order.
- Must be grouped based on chromosome. The chromosome boundary start
and stop indices must be provided in ``chrgrp_stix`` and
``chrgrp_spix``, respectively.
chrgrp_stix : numpy.ndarray
Chromosome boundary start indices array of shape ``(c,)``.
- ``c`` is the number of chromosomes.
chrgrp_spix : numpy.ndarray
Chromosome boundary stop indices array of shape ``(c,)``.
- ``c`` is the number of chromosomes.
out : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape ``(c,)`` containing the number of haplotype blocks
assigned to each chromosome.
- ``c`` is the number of chromosomes.
# get number of chromosomes
nchr = len(chrgrp_stix)
# make sure that number of haplotype blocks >= number of chromosomes
if nhaploblk < nchr:
raise ValueError(
"Number of haplotype blocks (nhaploblk = {0}) ".format(nhaploblk) +
"is less than the number of chromosomes (nchr = {1})".format(nchr)
# calculate genetic lengths of each chromosome in Morgans/cM/other
genlen = genpos[chrgrp_spix-1] - genpos[chrgrp_stix]
# calculate ideal number of markers per chromosome
nhaploblk_ideal = (nhaploblk / genlen.sum()) * genlen
# calculate number of chromosome markers, assuming at least one per chromosome
nhaploblk_chrom = numpy.ones(nchr, dtype = "int") # start with min of one
# greedily increment number of haplotype blocks assigned to chromosomes
for i in range(nhaploblk - nchr): # forces conformance to self.nhaploblk
diff = nhaploblk_chrom - nhaploblk_ideal # take actual - ideal
ix = diff.argmin() # get index of lowest difference
nhaploblk_chrom[ix] += 1 # increment at lowest index
return nhaploblk_chrom
def haplobin(
nhaploblk_chrom: numpy.ndarray,
genpos: numpy.ndarray,
chrgrp_stix: numpy.ndarray,
chrgrp_spix: numpy.ndarray
) -> numpy.ndarray:
Given the number of haplotype blocks to give to each chromosome across the
genome, assign bins for each marker
nhaploblk_chrom : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape ``(c,)`` containing the total number of haplotype blocks
to assign to each chromosome across the genome.
- ``c`` is the number of chromosomes.
genpos : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape ``(p,)`` containing genetic positions of markers across
the genome.
- ``p`` is the number of markers.
Input contraints:
- Must be sorted in ascending order.
- Must be grouped based on chromosome. The chromosome boundary start
and stop indices must be provided in ``chrgrp_stix`` and
``chrgrp_spix``, respectively.
chrgrp_stix : numpy.ndarray
Chromosome boundary start indices array of shape ``(c,)``.
- ``c`` is the number of chromosomes.
chrgrp_spix : numpy.ndarray
Chromosome boundary stop indices array of shape ``(c,)``.
- ``c`` is the number of chromosomes.
out : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape ``(p,)`` containing haplotype bin assignments for each
marker across the genome. Bins are assigned starting at ``0`` and
strictly increase as the index in the array increases due to constraints
placed on ``genpos``.
- ``p`` is the number of markers.
Example output::
# initialize output array
haplobin = numpy.empty( # create empty array
len(genpos), # same length as number of markers
dtype = "int" # integer array
# get number of chromosomes
nchr = len(chrgrp_stix)
k = 0 # haplotype block counter
for i in range(nchr): # for each chromosome
nhap = nhaploblk_chrom[i] # get number of haplotype blocks on chromosome
stix = chrgrp_stix[i] # get chromosome start index
spix = chrgrp_spix[i] # get chromosome stop index
hbound = numpy.linspace( # calculate haplotype boundaries
genpos[stix], # start genetic position on chromosome
genpos[spix-1], # stop genetic position on chromosome
nhap+1 # nhap + 1 for chromosome tips
for j in range(nhap): # for each haplotype block
chrmap = genpos[stix:spix] # get chromosome genetic positions
lmask = chrmap >= hbound[j] # select all >= lower haplotype block bound
umask = chrmap <= hbound[j+1] # select all <= upper haplotype block bound
mask = lmask & umask # select all: lower <= markers <= upper
haplobin[stix:spix][mask] = k # set haplotype bin to 'k'
k += 1 # increment bin count
return haplobin
def haplobin_bounds(
haplobin: numpy.ndarray
) -> tuple:
Calculate haplotype bin boundaries and lengths.
haplobin : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape ``(p,)`` containing haplotype bin assignments for each
marker across the genome. Bins are assigned starting at ``0`` and
strictly increase as the index in the array increases.
- ``p`` is the number of markers.
Example input::
out : tuple
A tuple of length 3 containing ``(hstix, hspix, hlen)``.
- ``hstix`` is a ``numpy.ndarray`` containing haplotype bin boundary
start indices.
- ``hspix`` is a ``numpy.ndarray`` containing haplotype bin boundary
stop indices.
- ``hlen`` is a ``numpy.ndarray`` containing haplotype bin lengths.
hstix = [0] # starting indices
hspix = [] # stopping indices
prev = haplobin[0] # get first group label
for i in range(1, len(haplobin)): # for each group label
if haplobin[i] != prev: # if the label is different
hspix.append(i) # add the stop index for prev
prev = haplobin[i] # get next label
hstix.append(i) # add the start index for next prev
hspix.append(len(haplobin)) # append last stop index
hstix = numpy.int_(hstix) # convert to ndarray
hspix = numpy.int_(hspix) # convert to ndarray
hlen = hspix - hstix # get lengths of each haplotype group
return hstix, hspix, hlen
def haplomat(
nhaploblk: int,
genomemat: numpy.ndarray,
genpos: numpy.ndarray,
chrgrp_stix: numpy.ndarray,
chrgrp_spix: numpy.ndarray,
chrgrp_len: numpy.ndarray,
u_a: numpy.ndarray,
) -> numpy.ndarray:
Calculate a haplotype matrix from a genome matrix and model.
nhaploblk : Integral
Number of haplotype blocks
genomemat : numpy.ndarray
A genome matrix of shape ``(m,n,p)``.
- ``m`` is the number of chromsome phases.
- ``n`` is the number of individuals.
- ``p`` is the number of markers.
genpos : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape ``(p,)`` containing genetic positions of markers across
the genome.
- ``p`` is the number of markers.
Input contraints:
- Must be sorted in ascending order.
- Must be grouped based on chromosome. The chromosome boundary start
and stop indices must be provided in ``chrgrp_stix`` and
``chrgrp_spix``, respectively.
chrgrp_stix : numpy.ndarray
Chromosome boundary start indices array of shape ``(c,)``.
- ``c`` is the number of chromosomes.
chrgrp_spix : numpy.ndarray
Chromosome boundary stop indices array of shape ``(c,)``.
- ``c`` is the number of chromosomes.
chrgrp_len : numpy.ndarray
Chromosome length array of shape ``(c,)``.
- ``c`` is the number of chromosomes.
u_a : numpy.ndarray
Array of shape ``(p,t)`` containing additive marker effect estimates.
- ``p`` is the number of markers.
- ``t`` is the number of traits.
out : numpy.ndarray
A haplotype effect matrix of shape ``(m,n,b,t)``.
- ``m`` is the number of chromsome phases.
- ``n`` is the number of individuals.
- ``b`` is the number of haplotype blocks.
- ``t`` is the number of traits.
if (chrgrp_stix is None) or (chrgrp_spix is None):
raise RuntimeError("markers are not sorted by chromosome position")
# get number of chromosomes
nchr = len(chrgrp_stix)
if nhaploblk < nchr:
raise RuntimeError("number of haplotype blocks is less than the number of chromosomes")
# calculate number of marker blocks to assign to each chromosome
nblk = nhaploblk_chrom(nhaploblk, genpos, chrgrp_stix, chrgrp_spix)
# ensure there are enough markers per chromosome
if numpy.any(nblk > chrgrp_len):
raise RuntimeError(
"number of haplotype blocks assigned to a chromosome greater than number of available markers"
# calculate haplotype bins
hbin = haplobin(nblk, genpos, chrgrp_stix, chrgrp_spix)
# define shape
s = (genomemat.shape[0], genomemat.shape[1], nhaploblk, u_a.shape[1]) # (m,n,b,t)
# allocate haplotype matrix
hmat = numpy.empty(s, dtype = u_a.dtype) # (m,n,b,t)
# get boundary indices
hstix, hspix, hlen = haplobin_bounds(hbin)
# OPTIMIZE: perhaps eliminate one loop using dot function
# fill haplotype matrix
for i in range(hmat.shape[3]): # for each trait
for j,(st,sp) in enumerate(zip(hstix,hspix)): # for each haplotype block
hmat[:,:,j,i] = genomemat[:,:,st:sp].dot(u_a[st:sp,i]) # take dot product and fill
return hmat