Source code for pybrops.model.wgebvmat.WeightedGenomicEstimatedBreedingValueMatrix

Module defining interfaces and error checking routines for weighted genomic 
estimated breeding value matrices.

__all__ = [

from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod
from pybrops.model.gmod.AdditiveLinearGenomicModel import AdditiveLinearGenomicModel
from pybrops.popgen.bvmat.BreedingValueMatrix import BreedingValueMatrix
from pybrops.popgen.gmat.GenotypeMatrix import GenotypeMatrix

[docs] class WeightedGenomicEstimatedBreedingValueMatrix( BreedingValueMatrix, metaclass = ABCMeta, ): """ An abstract class for storing weighted genomic estimated breeding value matrices. The purpose of this abstract interface is to provide functionality for: 1) Estimation of wGEBVs from a genomic model. """ ########################## Special Object Methods ########################## ############################ Object Properties ############################# ############################## Object Methods ############################## ############################## Class Methods ###############################
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def from_algmod( cls, algmod: AdditiveLinearGenomicModel, gmat: GenotypeMatrix, **kwargs: dict ) -> 'WeightedGenomicEstimatedBreedingValueMatrix': """ Estimate Weighted Genomic Estimated Breeding Values (wGEBVs) from an ``AdditiveLinearGenomicModel``. Parameters ---------- algmod : AdditiveLinearGenomicModel An ``AdditiveLinearGenomicModel`` with which to estimate wGEBVs. gmat : GenotypeMatrix Genotypes for which to estimate wGEBVs. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : WeightedGenomicEstimatedBreedingValueMatrix A ``WeightedGenomicEstimatedBreedingValueMatrix`` object containing wGEBVs. """ raise NotImplementedError("class method is abstract")
############################## Static Methods ############################## ################################## Utilities ###################################
[docs] def check_is_WeightedGenomicEstimatedBreedingValueMatrix(v: object, vname: str) -> None: """ Check if an object is of type ``WeightedGenomicEstimatedBreedingValueMatrix``. Otherwise raise ``TypeError``. Parameters ---------- v : object Any Python object to test. vname : str Name of variable to print in ``TypeError`` message. """ if not isinstance(v, WeightedGenomicEstimatedBreedingValueMatrix): raise TypeError("variable ``{0}`` must be of type ``{1}`` but received type ``{2}``".format( vname, WeightedGenomicEstimatedBreedingValueMatrix.__name__, type(v).__name__ ) )