Source code for pybrops.opt.algo.SubsetGeneticAlgorithm

Module implementing an NSGA-II genetic algorithm adapted for subset selection

# all public classes and functions available in this module
__all__ = [

# imports
from numbers import Integral
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union
import numpy
from numpy.random import Generator
from numpy.random import RandomState
from pybrops.core.error.error_type_numpy import check_is_Generator_or_RandomState
from pybrops.core.error.error_type_python import check_is_Integral
from pybrops.core.error.error_type_python import check_is_dict
from pybrops.core.error.error_value_python import check_is_gt
from pybrops.core.random.prng import global_prng
from pybrops.opt.algo.SubsetOptimizationAlgorithm import SubsetOptimizationAlgorithm
from pybrops.opt.algo.pymoo_addon import ReducedExchangeCrossover
from pybrops.opt.algo.pymoo_addon import ReducedExchangeMutation
from pybrops.opt.algo.pymoo_addon import SubsetRandomSampling
from pybrops.opt.prob.SubsetProblem import SubsetProblem
from pybrops.opt.prob.SubsetProblem import check_SubsetProblem_is_single_objective
from pybrops.opt.prob.SubsetProblem import check_is_SubsetProblem
from pybrops.opt.soln.SubsetSolution import SubsetSolution
from pybrops.opt.soln.SubsetSolution import SubsetSolution
from import GA
from pymoo.optimize import minimize
from pymoo.termination.max_gen import MaximumGenerationTermination

[docs] class SubsetGeneticAlgorithm( SubsetOptimizationAlgorithm, ): """ Class implementing an NSGA-II genetic algorithm adapted for subset selection optimization. The search space is discrete and nominal in nature. """ ########################## Special Object Methods ########################## def __init__( self, ngen: Integral = 250, pop_size: Integral = 100, rng: Union[Generator,RandomState] = global_prng, **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Constructor for NSGA-II subset optimization algorithm. Parameters ---------- ngen : int Number of generations to evolve population. mu : int Number of parental candidates to keep in population. lamb : int Number of progeny to generate. M : float Length of the chromosome genetic map, in Morgans. rng : numpy.random.Generator, numpy.random.RandomState, None Random number generator source. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. """ self.ngen = ngen self.pop_size = pop_size self.rng = rng ############################ Object Properties ############################# @property def ngen(self) -> Integral: """Number of generations.""" return self._ngen @ngen.setter def ngen(self, value: Integral) -> None: """Set number of generations.""" check_is_Integral(value, "ngen") # must be int check_is_gt(value, "ngen", 0) # int must be >0 self._ngen = value @property def pop_size(self) -> Integral: """Number of individuals in the main chromosome population.""" return self._pop_size @pop_size.setter def pop_size(self, value: Integral) -> None: """Set number of individuals in the main chromosome population.""" check_is_Integral(value, "mu") # must be int check_is_gt(value, "mu", 0) # int must be >0 self._pop_size = value @property def rng(self) -> Union[Generator,RandomState]: """Random number generator source.""" return self._rng @rng.setter def rng(self, value: Union[Generator,RandomState]) -> None: """Set random number generator source.""" if value is None: value = global_prng check_is_Generator_or_RandomState(value, "rng") self._rng = value ############################## Object Methods ##############################
[docs] def minimize( self, prob: SubsetProblem, miscout: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs: dict ) -> SubsetSolution: """ Optimize an objective function. Parameters ---------- prob : SubsetProblem A problem definition object on which to optimize. miscout : dict Miscellaneous output from the constrained optimizaiont algorithm. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments Returns ------- out : SubsetSolution An object containing the solution to the provided problem. """ # type checks check_is_SubsetProblem(prob, "prob") check_SubsetProblem_is_single_objective(prob, "prob") if miscout is not None: check_is_dict(miscout, "miscout") # construct the genetic algorithm with custom operators algo = GA( pop_size = self.pop_size, sampling = SubsetRandomSampling(setspace = prob.decn_space), crossover = ReducedExchangeCrossover(), mutation = ReducedExchangeMutation(setspace = prob.decn_space), ) # optimize the objective function res = minimize( problem = prob, algorithm = algo, termination = MaximumGenerationTermination(n_max_gen = self.ngen), copy_algorithm = False, copy_termination = False ) # extract information from the results object if prob.n_obj == 1: nsoln = 1 soln_decn = numpy.stack([res.X]) soln_obj = numpy.stack([res.F]) soln_ineqcv = numpy.stack([res.G]) soln_eqcv = numpy.stack([res.H]) else: nsoln = len(res.X) soln_decn = res.X soln_obj = res.F soln_ineqcv = res.G soln_eqcv = res.H # construct a solution soln = SubsetSolution( ndecn = prob.ndecn, decn_space = prob.decn_space, decn_space_lower = prob.decn_space_lower, decn_space_upper = prob.decn_space_upper, nobj = prob.nobj, obj_wt = prob.obj_wt, nineqcv = prob.nineqcv, ineqcv_wt = prob.ineqcv_wt, neqcv = prob.neqcv, eqcv_wt = prob.eqcv_wt, nsoln = nsoln, soln_decn = soln_decn, soln_obj = soln_obj, soln_ineqcv = soln_ineqcv, soln_eqcv = soln_eqcv ) return soln