Source code for pybrops.popgen.bvmat.DenseBreedingValueMatrix

Module implementing matrix routines and associated error checking routines
for dense breeding value matrices.

__all__ = [

import copy
from numbers import Integral
from numbers import Real
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Union
import numpy
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
import h5py
import pandas
from pybrops.core.error.error_type_pandas import check_is_pandas_DataFrame
from pybrops.core.error.error_type_python import check_is_array_like
from pybrops.core.error.error_type_python import check_is_bool
from pybrops.core.error.error_type_python import check_is_str
from pybrops.core.error.error_type_python import check_is_str_or_Integral
from pybrops.core.error.error_type_python import check_is_str_or_Sequence
from pybrops.core.error.error_type_numpy import check_is_ndarray
from pybrops.core.error.error_value_h5py import check_h5py_File_has_group
from pybrops.core.error.error_value_h5py import check_h5py_File_is_readable
from pybrops.core.error.error_value_h5py import check_h5py_File_is_writable
from pybrops.core.error.error_value_numpy import check_ndarray_all_gteq
from pybrops.core.error.error_value_numpy import check_ndarray_axis_len
from pybrops.core.error.error_value_numpy import check_ndarray_ndim
from pybrops.core.error.error_io_python import check_file_exists
from pybrops.core.error.error_value_python import check_is_gteq
from pybrops.core.error.error_value_python import check_len
from pybrops.core.error.error_value_python import check_str_value
from pybrops.core.mat.DenseTaxaTraitMatrix import DenseTaxaTraitMatrix
from pybrops.core.util.h5py import h5py_File_read_ndarray
from pybrops.core.util.h5py import h5py_File_read_ndarray_utf8
from pybrops.core.util.h5py import h5py_File_write_dict
from pybrops.popgen.bvmat.BreedingValueMatrix import BreedingValueMatrix

[docs] class DenseBreedingValueMatrix( DenseTaxaTraitMatrix, BreedingValueMatrix, ): """ The DenseBreedingValueMatrix class uses a dense matrix to represent a Multivariate Breeding Value. Notes ----- All elements within a BreedingValueMatrix are mean-centered and scaled to unit variance for each trait. .. math:: BV = \\frac{X - \\mu}{\\sigma} Where: - :math:`BV` is the breeding value. - :math:`X` is the phenotype value. - :math:`\\mu` is the mean (location) for :math:`X`. - :math:`\\sigma` is the standard deviation (scale) for :math:`X`. Phenotype values can be reconstituted using: .. math:: X = \\sigma BV + \\mu """ ########################## Special Object Methods ########################## def __init__( self, mat: numpy.ndarray, location: Union[numpy.ndarray,Real] = 0.0, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray,Real] = 1.0, taxa: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, taxa_grp: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, trait: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ BreedingValueMatrix constructor Parameters ---------- mat : numpy.ndarray An array of breeding values of shape ``(n,t)``. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the means and standard deviations of this array along the ``taxa`` axis are 0 and 1, respectively, if the breeding values are with respect to the individuals in the breeding value matrix. location : numpy.ndarray, Real A ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(t,)`` containing breeding value locations. If given a ``Real``, create a ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(t,)`` filled with the provided value. scale : numpy.ndarray, Real A ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(t,)`` containing breeding value scales. If given a ``Real``, create a ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(t,)`` filled with the provided value. taxa : numpy.ndarray, None A ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(n,)`` containing taxa names. If ``None``, do not store any taxa name information. taxa_grp : numpy.ndarray, None A ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(n,)`` containing taxa groupings. If ``None``, do not store any taxa group information. trait : numpy.ndarray, None A ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(t,)`` containing trait names. If ``None``, do not store any trait name information. kwargs : dict Used for cooperative inheritance. Dictionary passing unused arguments to the parent class constructor. """ super(DenseBreedingValueMatrix, self).__init__( mat = mat, taxa = taxa, taxa_grp = taxa_grp, trait = trait, **kwargs ) # set location and scale parameters self.location = location self.scale = scale #################### Matrix copying #################### def __copy__( self ) -> 'DenseBreedingValueMatrix': """ Make a shallow copy of the the matrix. Returns ------- out : DenseBreedingValueMatrix A copy of the matrix. """ # create new object out = self.__class__( mat = copy.copy(self.mat), location = copy.copy(self.location), scale = copy.copy(self.scale), taxa = copy.copy(self.taxa), taxa_grp = copy.copy(self.taxa_grp), trait = copy.copy(self.trait) ) # copy taxa metadata out.taxa_grp_name = copy.copy(self.taxa_grp_name) out.taxa_grp_stix = copy.copy(self.taxa_grp_stix) out.taxa_grp_spix = copy.copy(self.taxa_grp_spix) out.taxa_grp_len = copy.copy(self.taxa_grp_len) return out def __deepcopy__( self, memo: dict ) -> 'DenseBreedingValueMatrix': """ Make a deep copy of the matrix. Parameters ---------- memo : dict A dictionary of objects already copied during the current copying pass. Returns ------- out : DenseBreedingValueMatrix A deep copy of the matrix. """ # create new object out = self.__class__( mat = copy.deepcopy(self.mat, memo), location = copy.deepcopy(self.location), scale = copy.deepcopy(self.scale), taxa = copy.deepcopy(self.taxa, memo), taxa_grp = copy.deepcopy(self.taxa_grp, memo), trait = copy.deepcopy(self.trait, memo) ) # copy taxa metadata out.taxa_grp_name = copy.deepcopy(self.taxa_grp_name, memo) out.taxa_grp_stix = copy.deepcopy(self.taxa_grp_stix, memo) out.taxa_grp_spix = copy.deepcopy(self.taxa_grp_spix, memo) out.taxa_grp_len = copy.deepcopy(self.taxa_grp_len, memo) return out ########### Miscellaneous special functions ############ def __repr__( self ) -> str: """ Return repr(self). Returns ------- out : str A representation of the object. """ return "<{0} of shape (ntaxa = {1}, ntrait = {2}) at {3}>".format( type(self).__name__, self.ntaxa, self.ntrait, hex(id(self)), ) ############################ Object Properties ############################# ################# Breeding Value Data ################## @DenseTaxaTraitMatrix.mat.setter def mat(self, value: numpy.ndarray) -> None: """Set raw matrix""" check_is_ndarray(value, "mat") check_ndarray_ndim(value, "mat", 2) self._mat = value @property def location(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """Mean of the phenotype values used to calculate breeding values.""" return self._location @location.setter def location(self, value: Union[numpy.ndarray,Real]) -> None: """Set the mean of the phenotype values used to calculate breeding values""" if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray): check_ndarray_ndim(value, "location", 1) check_ndarray_axis_len(value, "location", 0, self.ntrait) elif isinstance(value, Real): value = numpy.repeat(value, self.ntrait) else: raise TypeError("variable 'location' must be of type 'numpy.ndarray' or 'Real'") self._location = value @property def scale(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """Standard deviation of the phenotype values used to calculate breeding values.""" return self._scale @scale.setter def scale(self, value: Union[numpy.ndarray,Real]) -> None: """Set the standard deviation of the phenotype values used to calculate breeding values""" if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray): check_ndarray_ndim(value, "scale", 1) check_ndarray_axis_len(value, "scale", 0, self.ntrait) check_ndarray_all_gteq(value, "scale", 0) elif isinstance(value, Real): check_is_gteq(value, "scale", 0) value = numpy.repeat(value, self.ntrait) else: raise TypeError("variable 'scale' must be of type 'numpy.ndarray' or 'Real'") self._scale = value ############################## Object Methods ############################## #################### Matrix copying ####################
[docs] def copy( self ) -> 'DenseBreedingValueMatrix': """ Make a shallow copy of the Matrix. Returns ------- out : DenseMatrix A shallow copy of the original DenseMatrix. """ return copy.copy(self)
[docs] def deepcopy( self, memo: Optional[dict] = None ) -> 'DenseBreedingValueMatrix': """ Make a deep copy of the Matrix. Parameters ---------- memo : dict Dictionary of memo metadata. Returns ------- out : DenseMatrix A deep copy of the original DenseMatrix. """ return copy.deepcopy(self, memo)
######### Matrix element copy-on-manipulation ##########
[docs] def adjoin_taxa( self, values: Union[BreedingValueMatrix,numpy.ndarray], taxa: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, taxa_grp: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DenseBreedingValueMatrix': """ Add additional elements to the end of the TaxaMatrix along the taxa axis. Copy-on-manipulation routine. Parameters ---------- values : BreedingValueMatrix, numpy.ndarray Values to be appended to append to the Matrix. If numpy.ndarray, assumed to be unscaled. taxa : numpy.ndarray Taxa names to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseBreedingValueMatrix that has a non-None taxa field, providing this argument overwrites the field. taxa_grp : numpy.ndarray Taxa groups to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseBreedingValueMatrix that has a non-None taxa_grp field, providing this argument overwrites the field. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : DenseBreedingValueMatrix A copy of the TaxaMatrix with values appended to the taxa axis Note that adjoin does not occur in-place: a new Matrix is allocated and filled. """ # extract mat values if isinstance(values, self.__class__): if taxa is None: taxa = values.taxa if taxa_grp is None: taxa_grp = values.taxa_grp # unscale values values = values.unscale() elif not isinstance(values, numpy.ndarray): raise ValueError("cannot adjoin: 'values' must be of type {0} or numpy.ndarray".format(self.__class__)) # perform error checks before allocating memory if values.ndim != self.mat_ndim: raise ValueError("cannot adjoin: 'values' must have ndim == {0}".format(self.mat_ndim)) for i,(j,k) in enumerate(zip(values.shape, self.mat_shape)): if (i != self.taxa_axis) and (j != k): raise ValueError("cannot adjoin: axis lengths incompatible for axis {0}".format(i)) if (self._taxa is not None) and (taxa is None): taxa = numpy.empty(values.shape[self.taxa_axis], dtype = "object") # fill with None if (self._taxa_grp is not None) and (taxa_grp is None): raise TypeError("cannot adjoin: 'taxa_grp' argument is required") # adjoin values values = numpy.append(self.unscale(), values, axis = self.taxa_axis) if self._taxa is not None: taxa = numpy.append(self.taxa, taxa, axis = 0) if self._taxa_grp is not None: taxa_grp = numpy.append(self.taxa_grp, taxa_grp, axis = 0) # construct output from numpy out = self.__class__.from_numpy( mat = values, taxa = taxa, taxa_grp = taxa_grp, trait = self.trait, **kwargs ) return out
[docs] def delete_taxa( self, obj: Union[int,slice,Sequence], **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DenseBreedingValueMatrix': """ Delete sub-arrays along the taxa axis. Parameters ---------- obj : int, slice, or Sequence of ints Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : DenseBreedingValueMatrix A DenseBreedingValueMatrix with deleted elements. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new DenseBreedingValueMatrix is allocated and filled. """ # get values mat = self.unscale() taxa = self.taxa taxa_grp = self.taxa_grp trait = self.trait # delete values mat = numpy.delete(mat, obj, axis = self.taxa_axis) if taxa is not None: taxa = numpy.delete(taxa, obj, axis = 0) if taxa_grp is not None: taxa_grp = numpy.delete(taxa_grp, obj, axis = 0) out = self.__class__.from_numpy( mat = mat, taxa = taxa, taxa_grp = taxa_grp, trait = trait, **kwargs ) return out
[docs] def insert_taxa( self, obj: Union[int,slice,Sequence], values: Union[BreedingValueMatrix,numpy.ndarray], taxa: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, taxa_grp: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DenseBreedingValueMatrix': """ Insert values along the taxa axis before the given indices. Parameters ---------- obj: int, slice, or Sequence of ints Object that defines the index or indices before which values is inserted. values : BreedingValueMatrix, numpy.ndarray Values to insert into the matrix. taxa : numpy.ndarray Taxa names to insert into the Matrix. taxa_grp : numpy.ndarray Taxa groups to insert into the Matrix. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : DenseBreedingValueMatrix A DenseBreedingValueMatrix with values inserted. Note that insert does not occur in-place: a new DenseBreedingValueMatrix is allocated and filled. """ # extract mat values if isinstance(values, self.__class__): if taxa is None: taxa = values.taxa if taxa_grp is None: taxa_grp = values.taxa_grp values = values.unscale() elif not isinstance(values, numpy.ndarray): raise ValueError("'values' must be of type {0} or numpy.ndarray".format(self.__class__)) # perform error checks before allocating memory if values.ndim != self.mat_ndim: raise ValueError("cannot insert: 'values' must have ndim == {0}".format(self.mat_ndim)) for i,(j,k) in enumerate(zip(values.shape, self.mat_shape)): if (i != self.taxa_axis) and (j != k): raise ValueError("cannot insert: axis lengths incompatible for axis {0}".format(i)) if (self._taxa is not None) and (taxa is None): taxa = numpy.empty(values.shape[self.taxa_axis], dtype = "object") # fill with None if (self._taxa_grp is not None) and (taxa_grp is None): raise TypeError("cannot insert: 'taxa_grp' argument is required") # insert values values = numpy.insert(self.unscale(), obj, values, axis = self.taxa_axis) if self._taxa is not None: taxa = numpy.insert(self._taxa, obj, taxa, axis = 0) if self._taxa_grp is not None: taxa_grp = numpy.insert(self._taxa_grp, obj, taxa_grp, axis = 0) # create output out = self.__class__.from_numpy( mat = values, taxa = taxa, taxa_grp = taxa_grp, trait = self.trait, **kwargs ) return out
[docs] def select_taxa( self, indices: ArrayLike, **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DenseBreedingValueMatrix': """ Select certain values from the Matrix along the taxa axis. Selection re-centers and re-scales breeding values to mean zero and unit variance. Parameters ---------- indices : array_like (Nj, ...) The indices of the values to select. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- out : Matrix The output Matrix with values selected. Note that select does not occur in-place: a new Matrix is allocated and filled. """ # check for array_like check_is_array_like(indices, "indices") # get unscaled values mat = self.unscale() # get taxa, taxa group, trait labels taxa = self.taxa taxa_grp = self.taxa_grp trait = self.trait # select values mat = numpy.take(mat, indices, axis = self.taxa_axis) if taxa is not None: taxa = numpy.take(taxa, indices, axis = 0) if taxa_grp is not None: taxa_grp = numpy.take(taxa_grp, indices, axis = 0) # construct output from numpy, which conducts centering, scaling, etc. out = self.__class__.from_numpy( mat = mat, taxa = taxa, taxa_grp = taxa_grp, trait = trait, **kwargs ) return out
############## Matrix summary statistics ###############
[docs] def targmax(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Return indices of the maximum values for each trait column (along the taxa axis). Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray An index array of shape ``(t,)`` containing indices of maximum values along the taxa axis. Where: - ``t`` is the number of traits. """ out = self._mat.argmax(axis = self.taxa_axis) # get argument maximum return out
[docs] def targmin(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Return indices of the minimum values for each trait column (along the taxa axis). Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray An index array of shape ``(t,)`` containing indices of minimum values along the taxa axis. Where: - ``t`` is the number of traits. """ out = self._mat.argmin(axis = self.taxa_axis) # get argument minimum return out
[docs] def tmax(self, unscale: bool = False) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Return the maximum for each trait column (along the taxa axis). Parameters ---------- unscale : bool, default = False Whether to transform results to their unscaled values. Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray An array of shape ``(t,)`` containing maximum values along the taxa axis. Where: - ``t`` is the number of traits. """ out = self._mat.max(axis = self.taxa_axis) # get maximum if unscale: out *= self._scale out += self._location return out
[docs] def tmean(self, unscale: bool = False) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Return the mean for each trait column (along the taxa axis). Parameters ---------- unscale : bool, default = False Whether to transform results to their unscaled values. Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray An array of shape ``(t,)`` containing maximum values along the taxa axis. Where: - ``t`` is the number of traits. """ out = self._location if unscale else self._mat.mean(axis = self.taxa_axis) # get mean return out
[docs] def tmin(self, unscale: bool = False) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Return the minimum for each trait column (along the taxa axis). Parameters ---------- unscale : bool, default = False Whether to transform results to their unscaled values. Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray An index array of shape ``(t,)`` containing minimum values along the taxa axis. Where: - ``t`` is the number of traits. """ out = self._mat.min(axis = self.taxa_axis) # get minimum if unscale: out *= self._scale out += self._location return out
[docs] def trange(self, unscale: bool = False) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Return the range for each trait column (along the taxa axis). Parameters ---------- unscale : bool, default = False Whether to transform results to their unscaled values. Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray An array of shape ``(t,)`` containing range values along the taxa axis. Where: - ``t`` is the number of traits. """ out = numpy.ptp(self._mat, axis = self.taxa_axis) # get range if unscale: out *= self._scale return out
[docs] def tstd(self, unscale: bool = False) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Return the standard deviation for each trait column (along the taxa axis). Parameters ---------- unscale : bool, default = False whether to transform results to their unscaled values. Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray An array of shape ``(t,)`` containing standard deviation values along the taxa axis. Where: - ``t`` is the number of traits. """ out = self._scale if unscale else self._mat.std(axis = self.taxa_axis) # get standard deviation return out
[docs] def tvar(self, unscale: bool = False) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Return the variance for each trait column (along the taxa axis). Parameters ---------- unscale : bool, default = False whether to transform results to their unscaled values. Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray An array of shape ``(t,)`` containing variance values along the taxa axis. Where: - ``t`` is the number of traits. """ out = self._scale**2 if unscale else self._mat.var(axis = self.taxa_axis) # get variance return out
[docs] def unscale(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Transform values within the BreedingValueMatrix back to their unscaled and de-centered values Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray An array of shape ``(n,t)`` containing unscaled and de-centered values. Where: - ``n`` is the number of taxa. - ``t`` is the number of traits. """ return (self._scale * self._mat) + self._location
################### Matrix File I/O ####################
[docs] def to_pandas( self, taxa_col: Optional[str] = "taxa", taxa_grp_col: Optional[str] = "taxa_grp", trait_cols: Optional[Union[str,Sequence]] = "all", unscale: bool = False, **kwargs: dict ) -> pandas.DataFrame: """ Export a DenseBreedingValueMatrix to a pandas.DataFrame. Parameters ---------- taxa_col : str, None, default = "taxa" Name of the column to which to write taxa names. If ``str``, the column is given the name in ``taxa_col``. If ``None``, the column is not exported. taxa_grp_col : str, None, default = "taxa_grp" Name of the column to which to write taxa group names. If ``str``, the column is given the name in ``taxa_grp_col``. If ``None``, the column is not exported. trait_cols : Sequence, str, None, default = "trait" Names of the trait columns to which to write breeding values. If ``Sequence``, column names are given by the strings in the ``trait_cols`` Sequence. If ``str``, must be equal to ``"all"``. Use all trait names given in the ``trait`` property. If ``None``, use numeric trait column names. unscale : bool, default = False whether to transform breeding values to their unscaled values. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments to use for dictating export to a pandas.DataFrame. Returns ------- out : pandas.DataFrame An output dataframe. """ # type checks if taxa_col is not None: check_is_str(taxa_col, "taxa_col") if taxa_grp_col is not None: check_is_str(taxa_grp_col, "taxa_grp_col") if trait_cols is not None: if isinstance(trait_cols, str): check_str_value(trait_cols, "trait_cols", "all") elif isinstance(trait_cols, Sequence): check_len(trait_cols, "trait_cols", self.ntrait) else: check_is_str_or_Sequence(trait_cols, "trait_cols") check_is_bool(unscale, "unscale") # construct dictionary for labels and data data_dict = {} # process taxa_col if taxa_col is not None: data_dict[taxa_col] = self.taxa # process taxa_grp_col if taxa_grp_col is not None: data_dict[taxa_grp_col] = self.taxa_grp # process trait_cols if trait_cols is None: trait_cols = numpy.arange(self.ntrait) elif isinstance(trait_cols, str): trait_cols = numpy.arange(self.ntrait) if self.trait is None else self.trait # extract breeding values bv = self.unscale() if unscale else self.mat for i,trait in zip(range(self.ntrait),trait_cols): data_dict[trait] = bv[:,i] # create dataframe out = pandas.DataFrame(data_dict) return out
[docs] def to_csv( self, filename: str, taxa_col: Optional[str] = "taxa", taxa_grp_col: Optional[str] = "taxa_grp", trait_cols: Optional[Union[str,Sequence]] = "all", unscale: bool = False, sep: str = ',', header: bool = True, index: bool = False, **kwargs: dict ) -> None: """ Write a DenseBreedingValueMatrix to a CSV file. Parameters ---------- filename : str CSV file name to which to write. taxa_col : str, None, default = "taxa" Name of the column to which to write taxa names. If ``str``, the column is given the name in ``taxa_col``. If ``None``, the column is not exported. taxa_grp_col : str, None, default = "taxa_grp" Name of the column to which to write taxa group names. If ``str``, the column is given the name in ``taxa_grp_col``. If ``None``, the column is not exported. trait_cols : Sequence, str, None, default = "all" Names of the trait columns to which to write breeding values. If ``Sequence``, column names are given by the strings in the ``trait_cols`` Sequence. If ``str``, must be equal to ``"all"``. Use trait names given in the ``trait`` property. If ``None``, use numeric trait column names. unscale : bool, default = False whether to transform breeding values to their unscaled values. sep : str, default = "," Separator to use in the exported CSV file. header : bool, default = True Whether to save header names. index : bool, default = False Whether to save a row index in the exported CSV file. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments to use for dictating export to a CSV. """ # convert DenseBreedingValueMatrix to pandas.DataFrame df = self.to_pandas( taxa_col = taxa_col, taxa_grp_col = taxa_grp_col, trait_cols = trait_cols, unscale = unscale, ) # export using pandas df.to_csv( path_or_buf = filename, sep = sep, header = header, index = index, **kwargs )
[docs] def to_hdf5( self, filename: Union[str,Path,h5py.File], groupname: Optional[str] = None, overwrite: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Write ``DenseBreedingValueMatrix`` to an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- filename : str, Path, h5py.File If ``str``, an HDF5 file name to which to write. File is closed after writing. If ``h5py.File``, an opened HDF5 file to which to write. File is not closed after writing. groupname : str, None If ``str``, an HDF5 group name under which ``DenseBreedingValueMatrix`` data is stored. If ``None``, ``DenseBreedingValueMatrix`` is written to the base HDF5 group. overwrite : bool Whether to overwrite values in an HDF5 file if a field already exists. """ ######################################################## ############ process ``filename`` argument ############# # HDF5 file object h5file = None # if we have a string or Path, open HDF5 file in append (``r+``) mode if isinstance(filename, (str,Path)): h5file = h5py.File(filename, "a") # elif we have an h5py.File, make sure mode is writable, and copy pointer elif isinstance(filename, h5py.File): check_h5py_File_is_writable(filename) h5file = filename # else raise TypeError else: raise TypeError( "``filename`` must be of type ``str``, ``Path``, or ``h5py.File`` but received type ``{0}``".format( type(filename).__name__ ) ) ######################################################## ############ process ``groupname`` argument ############ # if we have a string if isinstance(groupname, str): # if last character in string is not '/', add '/' to end of string if groupname[-1] != '/': groupname += '/' # else if ``groupname`` is None, set ``groupname`` to empty string elif groupname is None: groupname = "" # else raise error else: raise TypeError( "``groupname`` must be of type ``str`` or ``None`` but received type ``{0}``".format( type(groupname).__name__ ) ) ######################################################## #### write data to HDF5 file and (optionally) close #### # data dictionary data = { "mat" : self.mat, "location" : self.location, "scale" : self.scale, "taxa" : self.taxa, "taxa_grp" : self.taxa_grp, "trait" : self.trait, # metadata "taxa_grp_name" : self.taxa_grp_name, "taxa_grp_stix" : self.taxa_grp_stix, "taxa_grp_spix" : self.taxa_grp_spix, "taxa_grp_len" : self.taxa_grp_len, } # save data h5py_File_write_dict(h5file, groupname, data, overwrite) # close the file, only if the provided filename was a string or Path and not a h5py.File. if isinstance(filename, (str,Path)): h5file.close()
############################## Class Methods ############################### ################### Matrix File I/O ####################
[docs] @classmethod def from_numpy( cls, mat: numpy.ndarray, taxa: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, taxa_grp: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, trait: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None, **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DenseBreedingValueMatrix': """ Construct a DenseBreedingValueMatrix from a numpy.ndarray. Calculates mean-centering and scaling to unit variance. Parameters ---------- mat : numpy.ndarray A ``float64`` matrix of shape ``(n,t)``. Where: - ``n`` is the number of taxa. - ``t`` is the number of traits. taxa : numpy.ndarray An array of taxa names. taxa_grp : numpy.ndarray An array of taxa groups. trait : numpy.ndarray An array of trait names. Returns ------- out : DenseBreedingValueMatrix Output breeding value matrix. """ # check inputs check_ndarray_ndim(mat, "mat", 2) # calculate location parameters # (n,t) -> (t,) location = numpy.nanmean(mat, axis = 0) # calculate scale parameters # (n,t) -> (t,) scale = numpy.nanstd(mat, axis = 0) # if scale == 0.0, set to 1.0 (do not scale) scale[scale == 0.0] = 1.0 # mean center and scale values # scalar / (1,t) -> (1,t) # (1,t) * ( (n,t) - (1,t) ) -> (n,t) # multiply since multiplication is faster than division for floating points mat = (1.0 / scale[None,:]) * (mat - location[None,:]) # construct output out = cls( mat = mat, location = location, scale = scale, taxa = taxa, taxa_grp = taxa_grp, trait = trait, **kwargs ) return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_pandas( cls, df: pandas.DataFrame, location: Union[numpy.ndarray,Real] = 0.0, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray,Real] = 1.0, taxa_col: Optional[Union[str,Integral]] = "taxa", taxa_grp_col: Optional[Union[str,Integral]] = "taxa_grp", trait_cols: Optional[Union[str,Sequence]] = "infer", **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DenseBreedingValueMatrix': """ Read a DenseBreedingValueMatrix from a pandas.DataFrame. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Pandas dataframe from which to read. location : numpy.ndarray, Real, default = 0.0 A ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(t,)`` containing breeding value locations. If given a ``Real``, create a ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(t,)`` filled with the provided value. scale : numpy.ndarray, Real, default = 1.0 A ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(t,)`` containing breeding value scales. If given a ``Real``, create a ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(t,)`` filled with the provided value. taxa_col : str, Integral, None, default = "taxa" Name of the column from which to read taxa names. If of type ``str``, taxa names are read from the column named defined by ``taxa_col``. If of type ``Integral``, taxa names are read from the column number defined by ``taxa_col``. If ``None``, taxa names are not imported. taxa_grp_col : str, None, default = "taxa_grp" Name of the column to which to read taxa group names. If of type ``str``, taxa group names are read from the column named defined by ``taxa_col``. If of type ``Integral``, taxa group names are read from the column number defined by ``taxa_col``. If ``None``, taxa group names are not imported. trait_cols : Sequence, str, None, default = "trait" Names of the trait columns to which to read breeding values. If ``Sequence``, column names are given by the strings or integers in the ``trait_cols`` Sequence. If ``str``, must be equal to ``"infer"``. Use remaining columns in the input dataframe to load trait breeding values. If ``None``, do not load any trait breeding values. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments to use for dictating importing from a pandas.DataFrame. Returns ------- out : DenseBreedingValueMatrix A DenseBreedingValueMatrix read from a pandas.DataFrame. """ # type checks check_is_pandas_DataFrame(df, "df") if taxa_col is not None: check_is_str_or_Integral(taxa_col, "taxa_col") if taxa_grp_col is not None: check_is_str_or_Integral(taxa_grp_col, "taxa_grp_col") if trait_cols is not None: if isinstance(trait_cols, str): check_str_value(trait_cols, "trait_cols", "infer") elif isinstance(trait_cols, Sequence): pass else: check_is_str_or_Sequence(trait_cols, "trait_cols") ### extract data from dataframe colmask = numpy.full(len(df.columns), True, dtype = bool) # extract taxa data taxa = None if taxa_col is not None: taxaix = df.columns.get_loc(taxa_col) if isinstance(taxa_col, str) else taxa_col taxa = df.iloc[:,taxaix].to_numpy(dtype = object) colmask[taxaix] = False # extract taxa group data taxa_grp = None if taxa_grp_col is not None: taxagrpix = df.columns.get_loc(taxa_grp_col) if isinstance(taxa_grp_col, str) else taxa_grp_col taxa_grp = df.iloc[:,taxagrpix].to_numpy(dtype = int) colmask[taxagrpix] = False # for non-string Sequence, re-construct column mask if isinstance(trait_cols, Sequence) and not isinstance(trait_cols, str): colmask[:] = False for trait_col in trait_cols: traitcolix = df.columns.get_loc(trait_col) if isinstance(trait_col, str) else trait_col colmask[traitcolix] = True # extract trait and matrix data trait = df.columns[colmask].to_numpy(dtype = object) mat = df.iloc[:,colmask].to_numpy(dtype = float) # construct output from numpy out = cls.from_numpy( mat = mat, taxa = taxa, taxa_grp = taxa_grp, trait = trait, **kwargs ) return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_csv( cls, filename: str, location: Union[numpy.ndarray,Real] = 0.0, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray,Real] = 1.0, taxa_col: Optional[Union[str,Integral]] = "taxa", taxa_grp_col: Optional[Union[str,Integral]] = "taxa_grp", trait_cols: Optional[Union[str,Sequence]] = "infer", sep: str = ',', header: int = 0, **kwargs: dict ) -> 'DenseBreedingValueMatrix': """ Read a DenseBreedingValueMatrix from a CSV file. Parameters ---------- filename : str CSV file name from which to read. sep : str, default = ',' CSV delimiter to use. header : int, list of int, default=0 Row number(s) to use as the column names, and the start of the data. location : numpy.ndarray, Real, default = 0.0 A ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(t,)`` containing breeding value locations. If given a ``Real``, create a ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(t,)`` filled with the provided value. scale : numpy.ndarray, Real, default = 1.0 A ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(t,)`` containing breeding value scales. If given a ``Real``, create a ``numpy.ndarray`` of shape ``(t,)`` filled with the provided value. taxa_col : str, Integral, None, default = "taxa" Name of the column from which to read taxa names. If of type ``str``, taxa names are read from the column named defined by ``taxa_col``. If of type ``Integral``, taxa names are read from the column number defined by ``taxa_col``. If ``None``, taxa names are not imported. taxa_grp_col : str, None, default = "taxa_grp" Name of the column from which to read taxa group names. If of type ``str``, taxa group names are read from the column named defined by ``taxa_col``. If of type ``Integral``, taxa group names are read from the column number defined by ``taxa_col``. If ``None``, taxa group names are not imported. trait_cols : Sequence, str, None, default = "trait" Names of the trait columns to which to read breeding values. If ``Sequence``, column names are given by the strings or integers in the ``trait_cols`` Sequence. If ``str``, must be equal to ``"infer"``. Use remaining columns in the input dataframe to load trait breeding values. If ``None``, do not load any trait breeding values. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments to use for dictating importing from a CSV. Returns ------- out : DenseBreedingValueMatrix A DenseBreedingValueMatrix read from a CSV file. """ # read file using pandas df = pandas.read_csv( filepath_or_buffer = filename, sep = sep, header = header, **kwargs ) # construct genetic map from pandas.DataFrame out = cls.from_pandas( df = df, location = location, scale = scale, taxa_col = taxa_col, taxa_grp_col = taxa_grp_col, trait_cols = trait_cols, **kwargs ) return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5( cls, filename: Union[str,Path,h5py.File], groupname: Optional[str] = None ) -> 'DenseBreedingValueMatrix': """ Read ``DenseBreedingValueMatrix`` from an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- filename : str, Path, h5py.File If ``str`` or ``Path``, an HDF5 file name from which to read. File is closed after reading. If ``h5py.File``, an opened HDF5 file from which to read. File is not closed after reading. groupname : str, None If ``str``, an HDF5 group name under which ``DenseBreedingValueMatrix`` data is stored. If ``None``, ``DenseBreedingValueMatrix`` is read from base HDF5 group. Returns ------- gmat : DenseBreedingValueMatrix A ``DenseBreedingValueMatrix`` read from file. """ ######################################################## ############ process ``filename`` argument ############# # HDF5 file object h5file = None # if we have a string or Path, open HDF5 file in read (``r``) mode if isinstance(filename, (str,Path)): check_file_exists(filename) h5file = h5py.File(filename, "r") # elif we have an ``h5py.File``, make sure mode is in at least ``r`` mode, and copy pointer elif isinstance(filename, h5py.File): check_h5py_File_is_readable(filename) h5file = filename # else raise TypeError else: raise TypeError( "``filename`` must be of type ``str``, ``Path``, or ``h5py.File`` but received type ``{0}``".format( type(filename).__name__ ) ) ######################################################## ############ process ``groupname`` argument ############ # if we have a string if isinstance(groupname, str): # FIXME: errors if groupname == "" or "/" # if the group does not exist in the file, close and raise error check_h5py_File_has_group(h5file, groupname) # if last character in string is not '/', add '/' to end of string if groupname[-1] != '/': groupname += '/' # else if ``groupname`` is None, set ``groupname`` to empty string elif groupname is None: groupname = "" # else raise error else: raise TypeError( "``groupname`` must be of type ``str`` or ``None`` but received type ``{0}``".format( type(groupname).__name__ ) ) ######################################################## ######## check that we have all required fields ######## # all required arguments required_fields = ["mat", "location", "scale"] # for each required field, check if the field exists in the HDF5 file. for field in required_fields: check_h5py_File_has_group(h5file, groupname + field) ######################################################## ### read data from HDF5 file and (optionally) close #### # output dictionary data = { "mat" : None, "location" : None, "scale" : None, "taxa" : None, "taxa_grp" : None, "trait" : None, # metadata "taxa_grp_name" : None, "taxa_grp_stix" : None, "taxa_grp_spix" : None, "taxa_grp_len" : None, } ################################## ### read mandatory data fields ### # read mat array (ndarray dtype = any) data["mat"] = h5py_File_read_ndarray(h5file, groupname + "mat") # read location array (ndarray dtype = any) data["location"] = h5py_File_read_ndarray(h5file, groupname + "location") # read scale array (ndarray dtype = any) data["scale"] = h5py_File_read_ndarray(h5file, groupname + "scale") ################################# ### read optional data fields ### # read taxa array (ndarray dtype = unicode / object) if groupname + "taxa" in h5file: data["taxa"] = h5py_File_read_ndarray_utf8(h5file, groupname + "taxa") # read taxa_grp array (ndarray dtype = any) if groupname + "taxa_grp" in h5file: data["taxa_grp"] = h5py_File_read_ndarray(h5file, groupname + "taxa_grp") # read trait array (ndarray dtype = unicode / object) if groupname + "trait" in h5file: data["trait"] = h5py_File_read_ndarray_utf8(h5file, groupname + "trait") ##################################### ### read optional metadata fields ### # read taxa_grp_name array (ndarray dtype = any) if groupname + "taxa_grp_name" in h5file: data["taxa_grp_name"] = h5py_File_read_ndarray(h5file, groupname + "taxa_grp_name") # read taxa_grp_stix array (ndarray dtype = any) if groupname + "taxa_grp_stix" in h5file: data["taxa_grp_stix"] = h5py_File_read_ndarray(h5file, groupname + "taxa_grp_stix") # read taxa_grp_spix array (ndarray dtype = any) if groupname + "taxa_grp_spix" in h5file: data["taxa_grp_spix"] = h5py_File_read_ndarray(h5file, groupname + "taxa_grp_spix") # read taxa_grp_len array (ndarray dtype = any) if groupname + "taxa_grp_len" in h5file: data["taxa_grp_len"] = h5py_File_read_ndarray(h5file, groupname + "taxa_grp_len") ###################### ### close the file ### # close the file, only if the provided fieldname was a string or Path an not an h5py.File. if isinstance(filename, (str,Path)): h5file.close() ######################################################## ################### Object creation #################### # create object from read data out = cls( mat = data["mat"], location = data["location"], scale = data["scale"], taxa = data["taxa"], taxa_grp = data["taxa_grp"], trait = data["trait"], ) # copy metadata out.taxa_grp_name = data["taxa_grp_name"] out.taxa_grp_stix = data["taxa_grp_stix"] out.taxa_grp_spix = data["taxa_grp_spix"] out.taxa_grp_len = data["taxa_grp_len"] return out ######################################################## ############ process ``groupname`` argument ############ # if we have a string if isinstance(groupname, str): # if last character in string is not '/', add '/' to end of string if groupname[-1] != '/': groupname += '/' # else if ``groupname`` is None, set ``groupname`` to empty string elif groupname is None: groupname = "" # else raise error else: raise TypeError( "``groupname`` must be of type ``str`` or ``None`` but received type ``{0}``".format( type(groupname).__name__ ) ) ######################################################## ############ process ``filename`` argument ############# # HDF5 file object h5file = None # if we have a string or Path, open HDF5 file in append (``r``) mode if isinstance(filename, (str,Path)): check_file_exists(filename) h5file = h5py.File(filename, "r") # elif we have an h5py.File, make sure mode is in at least ``r`` mode, and copy pointer elif isinstance(filename, h5py.File): check_h5py_File_is_readable(filename) h5file = filename # else raise TypeError else: raise TypeError( "``filename`` must be of type ``str``, ``Path``, or ``h5py.File`` but received type ``{0}``".format( type(filename).__name__ ) ) ######################################################## ######## check that we have all required fields ######## # all required arguments required_fields = ["mat", "location", "scale"] # all required arguments for field in required_fields: # for each required field fieldname = groupname + field # concatenate base groupname and field check_h5py_File_has_group(h5file, fieldname) # check that group exists ######################################################### read data data_dict = { # output dictionary "mat": None, "location": None, "scale": None, "taxa": None, "taxa_grp": None, "trait": None } for field in data_dict.keys(): # for each field fieldname = groupname + field # concatenate base groupname and field if fieldname in h5file: # if the field exists in the HDF5 file data_dict[field] = h5file[fieldname][:] # read array ######################################################### read conclusion h5file.close() # close file data_dict["taxa"] = numpy.array( # convert taxa strings from byte to utf-8 [s.decode("utf-8") for s in data_dict["taxa"]], dtype = object ) data_dict["trait"] = numpy.array( # convert trait string from byte to utf-8 [s.decode("utf-8") for s in data_dict["trait"]], dtype = object ) ######################################################### create object gmat = cls(**data_dict) # create object from read data return gmat
################################## Utilities ###################################
[docs] def check_is_DenseBreedingValueMatrix(v: object, vname: str) -> None: """ Check if object is of type DenseBreedingValueMatrix. Otherwise raise TypeError. Parameters ---------- v : object Any Python object to test. vname : str Name of variable to print in TypeError message. """ if not isinstance(v, DenseBreedingValueMatrix): raise TypeError("variable '{0}' must be a DenseBreedingValueMatrix".format(vname))