Source code for pybrops.popgen.gmat.PhasedGenotypeMatrix

Module defining basal matrix interfaces and associated error checking routines
for phased genotype matrices.

from abc import ABCMeta
from pybrops.core.mat.PhasedTaxaVariantMatrix import PhasedTaxaVariantMatrix
from pybrops.popgen.gmat.GenotypeMatrix import GenotypeMatrix

# NOTE: GenotypeMatrix MUST GO FIRST: causes method resolution error otherwise!
# NOTE: this is because
#       GenotypeMatrix extends TaxaVariantMatrix
#       PhasedTaxaVariantMatrix extends TaxaVariantMatrix
# I think a situation is caused where TaxaVariantMatrix is needed to be imported
# before itself due to its ranking in the MRO algorithm for multiple inheritance
[docs] class PhasedGenotypeMatrix( GenotypeMatrix, PhasedTaxaVariantMatrix, metaclass = ABCMeta, ): """ An abstract class for phased genoypte matrix objects. The purpose of this abstract class is to merge the following interfaces: 1) GenotypeMatrix 2) PhasedTaxaVariantMatrix """
########################## Special Object Methods ########################## ################################## Utilities ###################################
[docs] def check_is_PhasedGenotypeMatrix(v: object, vname: str) -> None: """ Check if object is of type ``PhasedGenotypeMatrix``. Otherwise raise ``TypeError``. Parameters ---------- v : object Any Python object to test. vname : str Name of variable to print in ``TypeError`` message. """ if not isinstance(v, PhasedGenotypeMatrix): raise TypeError("'%s' must be a PhasedGenotypeMatrix." % vname)
[docs] def check_PhasedGenotypeMatrix_has_vrnt_xoprob(v: PhasedGenotypeMatrix, vname: str) -> None: """ Check if a ``PhasedGenotypeMatrix`` has the ``vrnt_xoprob`` field that is non-None. Parameters ---------- v : PhasedGenotypeMatrix A phased genotype matrix. vname : str Name of the variable to print in ``ValueError`` message. """ if v.vrnt_xoprob is None: raise ValueError( "{0} '{0}' must have 'vrnt_xoprob' (variant xoprob) assigned".format( type(v).__name__, vname ) )
[docs] def check_PhasedGenotypeMatrix_has_vrnt_mask(v: PhasedGenotypeMatrix, vname: str) -> None: """ Check if a ``PhasedGenotypeMatrix`` has the ``vrnt_mask`` field that is non-None. Parameters ---------- v : PhasedGenotypeMatrix A phased genotype matrix. vname : str Name of the variable to print in ``ValueError`` message. """ if v.vrnt_mask is None: raise ValueError( "{0} '{0}' must have 'vrnt_mask' (variant mask) assigned".format( type(v).__name__, vname ) )