
class pybrops.model.vmat.DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix.DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix(mat, taxa=None, taxa_grp=None, trait=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: DenseAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix

A concrete class for dense additive genetic variance matrices calculated for three-way DH progenies.

The purpose of this concrete class is to implement functionality for:
  1. Genetic variance estimation for three-way DH progenies.

  2. I/O for three-way DH progeny variance matrices.

Constructor for the concrete class DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix.

  • mat (numpy.ndarray) – Array used to construct the object.

  • taxa (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa names.

  • taxa_grp (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa groupings.

  • trait (numpy.ndarray) – Trait names.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.



Add additional elements to the end of the Matrix along an axis.


Add additional elements to the end of the Matrix along an axis.


Add additional elements to the end of the Matrix along the trait axis.


Append values to the matrix.


Append values to the Matrix along the taxa axis.


Append values to the Matrix along the trait axis.


Concatenate matrices together along an axis.


Concatenate list of Matrix together along the taxa axis.


Concatenate list of Matrix together along the trait axis.


Make a shallow copy of the Matrix.


Make a deep copy of the Matrix.


Delete sub-arrays along an axis.


Delete sub-arrays along the taxa axis.


Delete sub-arrays along the trait axis.


Calculate a symmetrical tensor of progeny variances for each possible 3-way cross between inbred individuals.


Read an object from a CSV file.


Calculate a symmetrical tensor of progeny variances for each possible 3-way cross between inbred individuals.


Read DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix from an HDF5 file.


Read a DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix from a pandas.DataFrame.


Sort the DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix along an axis, then populate grouping indices.


Sort the Matrix along the taxa axis, then populate grouping indices for the taxa axis.


Incorporate values along the given axis before the given indices.


Incorporate values along the taxa axis before the given indices.


Incorporate values along the trait axis before the given indices.


Insert values along the given axis before the given indices.


Insert values along the taxa axis before the given indices.


Insert values along the trait axis before the given indices.


Determine whether the Matrix has been sorted and grouped.


Determine whether the Matrix has been sorted and grouped along the taxa axis.


Determine whether the axis lengths for the square axes are identical.


Determine whether the taxa axes lengths for the square axes are identical.


Perform an indirect stable sort using a tuple of keys.


Perform an indirect stable sort using a sequence of keys along the taxa axis.


Perform an indirect stable sort using a sequence of keys along the trait axis.


Remove sub-arrays along an axis.


Remove sub-arrays along the taxa axis.


Remove sub-arrays along the trait axis.


Reorder the VariantMatrix.


Reorder elements of the Matrix along the taxa axis using an array of indices.


Reorder elements of the Matrix along the trait axis using an array of indices.


Select certain values from the matrix.


Select certain values from the Matrix along the taxa axis.


Select certain values from the Matrix along the trait axis.


Reset metadata for corresponding axis: name, stix, spix, len.


Sort slements of the Matrix along the taxa axis using a sequence of keys.


Sort slements of the Matrix along the trait axis using a sequence of keys.


Write a DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix to a CSV file.


Write DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix to an HDF5 file.


Export a DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix to a pandas.DataFrame.


Ungroup the DenseSquareTaxaMatrix along an axis by removing grouping metadata.


Ungroup the DenseTaxaMatrix along the taxa axis by removing taxa group metadata.



Get a tuple of the expected parental genome contributions.


Axis along which female parents are stored.


Axis along which male parents are stored.


Pointer to raw numpy.ndarray object.


Number of dimensions of the raw numpy.ndarray.


Shape of the raw numpy.ndarray.


Number of female parents.


Number of male parents.


Number of recurrent parents.


Number of axes that are square.


Number of taxa axes that are square.


Number of taxa


Number of traits.


Axis along which recurrent parents are stored.


Get axis indices for axes that are square


Axis lengths for axes that are square.


Axis indices for taxa axes that are square.


Axis lengths for axes that are square.


Taxa label array


First square axis along which taxa are stored


Taxa group label.


Taxa group length.


Taxa group name.


Taxa group stop index.


Taxa group start index.


Trait label.


Axis along which traits are stored.


Elementwise add matrices


value (object) – Object which to add.


out – An object resulting from the addition.

Return type:



Elementwise multiply matrices


value (object) – Object which to multiply.


out – An object resulting from the multiplication.

Return type:


adjoin(values, axis=-1, taxa=None, taxa_grp=None, trait=None, **kwargs)#

Add additional elements to the end of the Matrix along an axis.

  • values (Matrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values are appended to append to the Matrix.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which values are adjoined.

  • taxa (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa names to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix that has a non-None taxa field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • taxa_grp (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa groups to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix that has a non-None taxa_grp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • trait (numpy.ndarray, None) – Trait names to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix that has a non-None taxa_grp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A copy of DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix with values appended to axis. Note that adjoin does not occur in-place: a new DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


adjoin_taxa(values, taxa=None, taxa_grp=None, **kwargs)#

Add additional elements to the end of the Matrix along an axis.

  • values (Matrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values are appended to append to the Matrix.

  • taxa (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa names to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseSquareTaxaMatrix that has a non-None taxa field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • taxa_grp (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa groups to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseSquareTaxaMatrix that has a non-None taxa_grp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A copy of DenseSquareTaxaMatrix with values appended to axis. Note that adjoin does not occur in-place: a new DenseSquareTaxaMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


adjoin_trait(values, trait=None, **kwargs)#

Add additional elements to the end of the Matrix along the trait axis.

  • values (DenseTraitMatrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values to be adjoined to the Matrix.

  • trait (numpy.ndarray) – Trait names to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseTraitMatrix that has a non-None trait field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A copy of mat with values adjoined to axis. Note that adjoin does not occur in-place: a new Matrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


append(values, axis=-1, taxa=None, taxa_grp=None, trait=None, **kwargs)#

Append values to the matrix.

  • values (DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values are appended to append to the matrix. Must be of type int8. Must be of shape (m, n, p)

  • axis (int) – The axis along which values are appended.

  • taxa (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa names to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix that has a non-None taxa field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • taxa_grp (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa groups to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix that has a non-None taxa_grp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • trait (numpy.ndarray, None) – Trait names to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix that has a non-None taxa_grp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


append_taxa(values, taxa=None, taxa_grp=None, **kwargs)#

Append values to the Matrix along the taxa axis.

  • values (Matrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values are appended to append to the matrix.

  • taxa (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa names to append to the Matrix.

  • taxa_grp (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa groups to append to the Matrix.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


append_trait(values, trait=None, **kwargs)#

Append values to the Matrix along the trait axis.

  • values (Matrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values are appended to append to the matrix.

  • trait (numpy.ndarray) – Trait names to append to the Matrix.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


classmethod concat(mats, axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Concatenate matrices together along an axis.

  • mats (Sequence of matrices) – List of Matrix to concatenate. The matrices must have the same shape, except in the dimension corresponding to axis.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which the arrays will be joined.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments


out – The concatenated DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


classmethod concat_taxa(mats, **kwargs)#

Concatenate list of Matrix together along the taxa axis.

  • mats (Sequence of Matrix) – List of Matrix to concatenate. The matrices must have the same shape, except in the dimension corresponding to axis.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments


out – The concatenated DenseSquareTaxaMatrix. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new DenseSquareTaxaMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


classmethod concat_trait(mats, **kwargs)#

Concatenate list of Matrix together along the trait axis.

  • mats (Sequence of DenseTraitMatrix) – List of DenseTraitMatrix to concatenate. The matrices must have the same shape, except in the dimension corresponding to axis.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments


out – The concatenated DenseTraitMatrix. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new DenseTraitMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:



Make a shallow copy of the Matrix.


out – A shallow copy of the original DenseGeneticVarianceMatrix.

Return type:



Make a deep copy of the Matrix.


memo (dict) – Dictionary of memo metadata.


out – A deep copy of the original DenseGeneticVarianceMatrix.

Return type:


delete(obj, axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Delete sub-arrays along an axis.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which to delete the subarray defined by obj.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix with deleted elements. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


delete_taxa(obj, **kwargs)#

Delete sub-arrays along the taxa axis.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A DenseSquareTaxaMatrix with deleted elements. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new DenseSquareTaxaMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


delete_trait(obj, **kwargs)#

Delete sub-arrays along the trait axis.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A Matrix with deleted elements. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new Matrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


property epgc: tuple#

Get a tuple of the expected parental genome contributions.

property female_axis: Integral#

Axis along which female parents are stored.

classmethod from_algmod(algmod, pgmat, nmating, nprogeny, nself, gmapfn, mem=1024)[source]#

Calculate a symmetrical tensor of progeny variances for each possible 3-way cross between inbred individuals. Calculations are derived from Lehermeier et al. (2019).

  • algmod (AdditiveLinearGenomicModel) – AdditiveLinearGenomicModel with which to estimate genetic variances.

  • pgmat (PhasedGenotypeMatrix) – Input genomes to use to estimate genetic variances.

  • nmating (Integral) – Number of cross patterns to simulate for genetic variance estimation.

  • nprogeny (Integral) – Number of progeny to simulate per cross to estimate genetic variance.

  • nself (Integral, Real) –

    Number of selfing generations post-cross pattern before ‘nprogeny’ individuals are simulated.



    nself = 0

    Derive gametes from F1

    nself = 1

    Derive gametes from F2

    nself = 2

    Derive gametes from F3



    nself = inf

    Derive gametes from SSD

  • gmapfn (GeneticMapFunction) – GeneticMapFunction to use to estimate covariance induced by recombination.

  • mem (Integral, default = 1024) –

    Memory chunk size to use during matrix operations. If None, then memory chunk size is not limited.

    WARNING: Setting mem = None might result in memory allocation errors! For reference, mem = 1024 refers to a matrix of size 1024x1024, which needs about 8.5 MB of storage. Matrices of course need a quadratic amount of memory: \(O(n^2)\).


out – A matrix of additive genetic variance estimations.

Return type:


classmethod from_csv(filename, recurrent_col='recurrent', recurrent_grp_col='recurrent_grp', female_col='female', female_grp_col='female_grp', male_col='male', male_grp_col='male_grp', trait_col='trait', variance_col='variance', sep=',', header=0, **kwargs)[source]#

Read an object from a CSV file.

  • filename (str) – CSV file name from which to read.

  • recurrent_col (str, Integral, default = "recurrent") – Name or index of the column from which to read recurrent taxa names.

  • recurrent_grp_col (str, Integral, None, default = "recurrent") – Name or index of the column from which to read recurrent taxa groups.

  • female_col (str, Integral, default = "female") – Name or index of the column from which to read female taxa names.

  • female_grp_col (str, Integral, None, default = "female") – Name or index of the column from which to read female taxa groups.

  • male_col (str, Integral, None, default = "male") – Name or index of the column from which to read male taxa names.

  • male_grp_col (str, Integral, None, default = "male") – Name or index of the column from which to read male taxa names.

  • trait_col (str, Integral, default = "trait") – Name or index of the column from which to read trait taxa names.

  • variance_col (str, Integral, default = "variance") – Name or index of the column from which to read variance taxa names.

  • sep (str, default = ",") – Separator to use in the CSV file.

  • header (int, default = 0) – Row index of the header.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments to use for dictating importing from a CSV.


out – An object read from a CSV file.

Return type:


classmethod from_gmod(gmod, pgmat, nmating, nprogeny, nself, gmapfn, **kwargs)[source]#

Calculate a symmetrical tensor of progeny variances for each possible 3-way cross between inbred individuals.

  • gmod (GenomicModel) – Genomic Model with which to estimate genetic variances.

  • pgmat (PhasedGenotypeMatrix) – Input genomes to use to estimate genetic variances.

  • nmating (Integral) – Number of cross patterns to simulate for genetic variance estimation.

  • nprogeny (Integral) – Number of progeny to simulate per cross to estimate genetic variance.

  • nself (Integral, Real) –

    Number of selfing generations post-cross pattern before ‘nprogeny’ individuals are simulated.



    nself = 0

    Derive gametes from F1

    nself = 1

    Derive gametes from F2

    nself = 2

    Derive gametes from F3



    nself = inf

    Derive gametes from SSD

  • gmapfn (GeneticMapFunction) – GeneticMapFunction to use to estimate covariance induced by recombination.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A matrix of additive genetic variance estimations.

Return type:


classmethod from_hdf5(filename, groupname=None)[source]#

Read DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix from an HDF5 file.

  • filename (str, Path, h5py.File) – If str or Path, an HDF5 file name from which to read. File is closed after reading. If h5py.File, an opened HDF5 file from which to read. File is not closed after reading.

  • groupname (str, None) – If str, an HDF5 group name under which DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix data is stored. If None, DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix is read from base HDF5 group.


out – A DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix read from file.

Return type:


classmethod from_pandas(df, recurrent_col='recurrent', recurrent_grp_col='recurrent_grp', female_col='female', female_grp_col='female_grp', male_col='male', male_grp_col='male_grp', trait_col='trait', variance_col='variance', **kwargs)[source]#

Read a DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix from a pandas.DataFrame.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – Pandas dataframe from which to read.

  • recurrent_col (str, Integral, default = "recurrent") – Name or index of the column from which to read recurrent taxa names.

  • recurrent_grp_col (str, Integral, None, default = "recurrent") – Name or index of the column from which to read recurrent taxa groups.

  • female_col (str, Integral, default = "female") – Name or index of the column from which to read female taxa names.

  • female_grp_col (str, Integral, None, default = "female") – Name or index of the column from which to read female taxa groups.

  • male_col (str, Integral, None, default = "male") – Name or index of the column from which to read male taxa names.

  • male_grp_col (str, Integral, None, default = "male") – Name or index of the column from which to read male taxa names.

  • trait_col (str, Integral, default = "trait") – Name or index of the column from which to read trait taxa names.

  • variance_col (str, Integral, default = "variance") – Name or index of the column from which to read variance taxa names.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments to use for dictating importing from a pandas.DataFrame.


out – A DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix read from a pandas.DataFrame.

Return type:


group(axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Sort the DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix along an axis, then populate grouping indices.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which values are grouped.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:



Sort the Matrix along the taxa axis, then populate grouping indices for the taxa axis.


kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


incorp(obj, values, axis=-1, taxa=None, taxa_grp=None, trait=None, **kwargs)#

Incorporate values along the given axis before the given indices.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Object that defines the index or indices before which values is incorporated.

  • values (array_like) – Values to incorporate into the matrix.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which values are incorporated.

  • taxa (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa names to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix that has a non-None taxa field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • taxa_grp (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa groups to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix that has a non-None taxa_grp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • trait (numpy.ndarray, None) – Trait names to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix that has a non-None taxa_grp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


incorp_taxa(obj, values, taxa=None, taxa_grp=None, **kwargs)#

Incorporate values along the taxa axis before the given indices.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Object that defines the index or indices before which values is incorporated.

  • values (Matrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values to incorporate into the matrix.

  • taxa (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa names to incorporate into the Matrix.

  • taxa_grp (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa groups to incorporate into the Matrix.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


incorp_trait(obj, values, trait=None, **kwargs)#

Incorporate values along the trait axis before the given indices.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Object that defines the index or indices before which values is incorporated.

  • values (Matrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values to incorporate into the matrix.

  • trait (numpy.ndarray) – Trait names to incorporate into the Matrix.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


insert(obj, values, axis=-1, taxa=None, taxa_grp=None, trait=None, **kwargs)#

Insert values along the given axis before the given indices.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Object that defines the index or indices before which values is inserted.

  • values (Matrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values to insert into the matrix.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which values are inserted.

  • taxa (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa names to insert into the Matrix. If values is a DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix that has a non-None taxa field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • taxa_grp (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa groups to insert into the Matrix. If values is a DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix that has a non-None taxa_grp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • trait (numpy.ndarray, None) – Trait names to insert into the Matrix. If values is a DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix that has a non-None taxa_grp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix with values inserted. Note that insert does not occur in-place: a new DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


insert_taxa(obj, values, taxa=None, taxa_grp=None, **kwargs)#

Insert values along the taxa axis before the given indices.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Object that defines the index or indices before which values is inserted.

  • values (Matrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values to insert into the matrix.

  • taxa (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa names to insert into the Matrix.

  • taxa_grp (numpy.ndarray) – Taxa groups to insert into the Matrix.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A DenseSquareTaxaMatrix with values inserted. Note that insert does not occur in-place: a new DenseSquareTaxaMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


insert_trait(obj, values, trait=None, **kwargs)#

Insert values along the trait axis before the given indices.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Object that defines the index or indices before which values is inserted.

  • values (Matrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values to insert into the matrix.

  • trait (numpy.ndarray) – Trait names to insert into the Matrix.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A Matrix with values inserted. Note that insert does not occur in-place: a new Matrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


is_grouped(axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Determine whether the Matrix has been sorted and grouped.

  • axis (int) – Axis to test for grouping.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


grouped – True or False indicating whether the GeneticMap has been sorted and grouped.

Return type:



Determine whether the Matrix has been sorted and grouped along the taxa axis.


kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


grouped – True or False indicating whether the Matrix has been sorted and grouped.

Return type:



Determine whether the axis lengths for the square axes are identical.


outTrue if all square axes are the same length. False if not all square axes are the same length.

Return type:



Determine whether the taxa axes lengths for the square axes are identical.


outTrue if all square taxa axes are the same length. False if not all square taxa axes are the same length.

Return type:


lexsort(keys, axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Perform an indirect stable sort using a tuple of keys.

  • keys (tuple, None) – A tuple of columns to be sorted. The last column is the primary sort key.

  • axis (int) – The axis of the Matrix over which to sort values.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


indices – Array of indices that sort the keys.

Return type:


lexsort_taxa(keys=None, **kwargs)#

Perform an indirect stable sort using a sequence of keys along the taxa axis.

  • keys (A (k, N) array or tuple containing k (N,)-shaped sequences) – The k different columns to be sorted. The last column (or row if keys is a 2D array) is the primary sort key.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


indices – Array of indices that sort the keys along the specified axis.

Return type:

A (N,) ndarray of ints

lexsort_trait(keys=None, **kwargs)#

Perform an indirect stable sort using a sequence of keys along the trait axis.

  • keys (A (k, N) array or tuple containing k (N,)-shaped sequences) – The k different columns to be sorted. The last column (or row if keys is a 2D array) is the primary sort key.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


indices – Array of indices that sort the keys along the specified axis.

Return type:

A (N,) ndarray of ints

property male_axis: Integral#

Axis along which male parents are stored.

property mat: ndarray#

Pointer to raw numpy.ndarray object.

property mat_ndim: int#

Number of dimensions of the raw numpy.ndarray.

property mat_shape: tuple#

Shape of the raw numpy.ndarray.

property nfemale: Integral#

Number of female parents.

property nmale: Integral#

Number of male parents.

property nrecurrent: Integral#

Number of recurrent parents.

property nsquare: int#

Number of axes that are square.

property nsquare_taxa: int#

Number of taxa axes that are square.

property ntaxa: int#

Number of taxa

property ntrait: int#

Number of traits.

property recurrent_axis: Integral#

Axis along which recurrent parents are stored.

remove(obj, axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Remove sub-arrays along an axis.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which to remove the subarray defined by obj.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


remove_taxa(obj, **kwargs)#

Remove sub-arrays along the taxa axis.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


remove_trait(obj, **kwargs)#

Remove sub-arrays along the trait axis.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


reorder(indices, axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Reorder the VariantMatrix.

  • indices (numpy.ndarray) – Indices of where to place elements.

  • axis (int) – The axis over which to reorder values.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


reorder_taxa(indices, **kwargs)#

Reorder elements of the Matrix along the taxa axis using an array of indices. Note this modifies the Matrix in-place.

  • indices (A (N,) ndarray of ints) – Array of indices that reorder the matrix along the specified axis.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


reorder_trait(indices, **kwargs)#

Reorder elements of the Matrix along the trait axis using an array of indices. Note this modifies the Matrix in-place.

  • indices (A (N,) ndarray of ints) – Array of indices that reorder the matrix along the specified axis.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


select(indices, axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Select certain values from the matrix.

  • indices (array_like (Nj, ...)) – The indices of the values to select.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which values are selected.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – The output DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix with values selected. Note that select does not occur in-place: a new DenseSquareTaxaTraitMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


select_taxa(indices, **kwargs)#

Select certain values from the Matrix along the taxa axis.

  • indices (array_like (Nj, ...)) – The indices of the values to select.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – The output DenseSquareTaxaMatrix with values selected. Note that select does not occur in-place: a new DenseSquareTaxaMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


select_trait(indices, **kwargs)#

Select certain values from the Matrix along the trait axis.

  • indices (array_like (Nj, ...)) – The indices of the values to select.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – The output Matrix with values selected. Note that select does not occur in-place: a new Matrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


sort(keys=None, axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Reset metadata for corresponding axis: name, stix, spix, len. Sort the VariantMatrix using a tuple of keys.

  • keys (tuple, None) – A tuple of columns to be sorted. The last column is the primary sort key.

  • axis (int) – The axis over which to sort values.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


sort_taxa(keys=None, **kwargs)#

Sort slements of the Matrix along the taxa axis using a sequence of keys. Note this modifies the Matrix in-place.

  • keys (A (k, N) array or tuple containing k (N,)-shaped sequences) – The k different columns to be sorted. The last column (or row if keys is a 2D array) is the primary sort key.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


sort_trait(keys=None, **kwargs)#

Sort slements of the Matrix along the trait axis using a sequence of keys. Note this modifies the Matrix in-place.

  • keys (A (k, N) array or tuple containing k (N,)-shaped sequences) – The k different columns to be sorted. The last column (or row if keys is a 2D array) is the primary sort key.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


property square_axes: tuple#

Get axis indices for axes that are square

property square_axes_len: tuple#

Axis lengths for axes that are square.

property square_taxa_axes: tuple#

Axis indices for taxa axes that are square.

property square_taxa_axes_len: tuple#

Axis lengths for axes that are square.

property taxa: ndarray | None#

Taxa label array

property taxa_axis: int#

First square axis along which taxa are stored

property taxa_grp: ndarray | None#

Taxa group label.

property taxa_grp_len: ndarray | None#

Taxa group length.

property taxa_grp_name: ndarray | None#

Taxa group name.

property taxa_grp_spix: ndarray | None#

Taxa group stop index.

property taxa_grp_stix: ndarray | None#

Taxa group start index.

to_csv(filename, recurrent_col='recurrent', recurrent_grp_col='recurrent_grp', female_col='female', female_grp_col='female_grp', male_col='male', male_grp_col='male_grp', trait_col='trait', variance_col='variance', sep=',', header=True, index=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Write a DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix to a CSV file.

  • filename (str) – CSV file name to which to write.

  • recurrent_col (str, default = "recurrent") – Name of the column to which to write recurrent taxa names.

  • recurrent_grp_col (str, None, default = "recurrent_grp") – Name of the column to which to write recurrent taxa groups.

  • female_col (str, default = "female") – Name of the column to which to write female taxa names.

  • female_grp_col (str, None, default = "female_grp") – Name of the column to which to write female taxa groups.

  • male_col (str, default = "male") – Name of the column to which to write male taxa names.

  • male_grp_col (str, None, default = "male_grp") – Name of the column to which to write male taxa groups.

  • trait_col (str, default = "trait") – Name of the column to which to write trait taxa names.

  • variance_col (str, default = "variance") – Name of the column to which to write variance taxa names.

  • sep (str, default = ",") – Separator to use in the exported CSV file.

  • header (bool, default = True) – Whether to save header names.

  • index (bool, default = False) – Whether to save a row index in the exported CSV file.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments to use for dictating export to a CSV.

Return type:


to_hdf5(filename, groupname=None, overwrite=True)[source]#

Write DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix to an HDF5 file.

  • filename (str, Path, h5py.File) – HDF5 file name or HDF5 file stream to which to write.

  • groupname (str, None) – If str, an HDF5 group name under which the DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix data is stored. If None, the DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix is written to the base HDF5 group.

  • overwrite (bool) – Whether to overwrite data fields if they are present in the HDF5 file.

Return type:


to_pandas(recurrent_col='recurrent', recurrent_grp_col='recurrent_grp', female_col='female', female_grp_col='female_grp', male_col='male', male_grp_col='male_grp', trait_col='trait', variance_col='variance', **kwargs)[source]#

Export a DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix to a pandas.DataFrame.

  • female_col (str, default = "female") – Name of the column to which to write female taxa names.

  • female_grp_col (str, None, default = "female_grp") – Name of the column to which to write female taxa groups.

  • male_col (str, default = "male") – Name of the column to which to write male taxa names.

  • male_grp_col (str, None, default = "male_grp") – Name of the column to which to write male taxa groups.

  • recurrent_col (str, default = "recurrent") – Name of the column to which to write recurrent taxa names.

  • recurrent_grp_col (str, None, default = "recurrent_grp") – Name of the column to which to write recurrent taxa groups.

  • trait_col (str, default = "trait") – Name of the column to which to write trait taxa names.

  • variance_col (str, default = "variance") – Name of the column to which to write variance taxa names.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments to use for dictating export to a pandas.DataFrame.


out – An output dataframe.

Return type:


property trait: ndarray | None#

Trait label.

property trait_axis: int#

Axis along which traits are stored.

ungroup(axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Ungroup the DenseSquareTaxaMatrix along an axis by removing grouping metadata.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which values should be ungrouped.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:



Ungroup the DenseTaxaMatrix along the taxa axis by removing taxa group metadata.


kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:
