
class pybrops.popgen.gmap.DenseGeneticMappableMatrix.DenseGeneticMappableMatrix(mat, vrnt_chrgrp=None, vrnt_phypos=None, vrnt_name=None, vrnt_genpos=None, vrnt_xoprob=None, vrnt_hapgrp=None, vrnt_hapalt=None, vrnt_hapref=None, vrnt_mask=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: DenseVariantMatrix, GeneticMappableMatrix

Concrete class for dense variant matrices that can be interpolated using a GeneticMap.

Constructor for the concrete class DenseGeneticMappableMatrix

  • mat (numpy.ndarray) –

  • vrnt_chrgrp (numpy.ndarray, None) –

  • vrnt_phypos (numpy.ndarray, None) –

  • vrnt_name (numpy.ndarray, None) –

  • vrnt_genpos (numpy.ndarray, None) –

  • vrnt_xoprob (numpy.ndarray, None) –

  • vrnt_hapgrp (numpy.ndarray, None) –

  • vrnt_hapalt (numpy.ndarray, None) –

  • vrnt_hapref (numpy.ndarray, None) –

  • vrnt_mask (numpy.ndarray, None) –

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.



Add additional elements to the end of the Matrix along an axis.


Add additional elements to the end of the Matrix along the variant axis.


Append values to the matrix.


Append values to the Matrix along the variant axis.


Concatenate matrices together along an axis.


Concatenate list of Matrix together along the variant axis.


Make a shallow copy of the Matrix.


Make a deep copy of the Matrix.


Delete sub-arrays along an axis.


Delete sub-arrays along the variant axis.


Read DenseVariantMatrix from an HDF5 file.


Sort the DenseVariantMatrix along an axis, then populate grouping indices.


Sort the Matrix along the variant axis, then populate grouping indices for the variant axis.


Incorporate values along the given axis before the given indices.


Incorporate values along the variant axis before the given indices.


Insert values along the given axis before the given indices.


Insert values along the variant axis before the given indices.


Interpolate genetic map postions for variants using a GeneticMap


Interpolate genetic map positions AND crossover probabilities between sequential markers using a GeneticMap and a GeneticMapFunction.


Determine whether the Matrix has been sorted and grouped.


Determine whether the Matrix has been sorted and grouped along the variant axis.


Perform an indirect stable sort using a tuple of keys.


Perform an indirect stable sort using a sequence of keys along the variant axis.


Remove sub-arrays along an axis.


Remove sub-arrays along the variant axis.


Reorder the VariantMatrix.


Reorder elements of the Matrix along the variant axis using an array of indices.


Select certain values from the matrix.


Select certain values from the Matrix along the variant axis.


Reset metadata for corresponding axis: name, stix, spix, len.


Sort slements of the Matrix along the variant axis using a sequence of keys.


Write DenseVariantMatrix to an HDF5 file.


Ungroup the DenseVariantMatrix along an axis by removing grouping metadata.


Ungroup the DenseVariantMatrix along the variant axis by removing variant group metadata.



Pointer to raw numpy.ndarray object.


Number of dimensions of the raw numpy.ndarray.


Shape of the raw numpy.ndarray.


Number of variants.


Axis along which variants are stored.


Variant chromosome group label.


Variant chromosome group length.


Variant chromosome group names.


Variant chromosome group stop indices.


Variant chromosome group start indices.


Variant genetic position.


Variant haplotype sequence.


Variant haplotype group label.


Variant reference haplotype sequence.


Variant mask.


Variant name.


Variant physical position.


Variant crossover sequential probability.


Elementwise add matrices


value (object) – Object which to add.


out – An object resulting from the addition.

Return type:



Elementwise multiply matrices


value (object) – Object which to multiply.


out – An object resulting from the multiplication.

Return type:


adjoin(values, axis=-1, vrnt_chrgrp=None, vrnt_phypos=None, vrnt_name=None, vrnt_genpos=None, vrnt_xoprob=None, vrnt_hapgrp=None, vrnt_hapalt=None, vrnt_hapref=None, vrnt_mask=None, **kwargs)#

Add additional elements to the end of the Matrix along an axis.

  • values (Matrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values are appended to append to the Matrix.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which values are adjoined.

  • vrnt_chrgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome groups to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_chrgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_phypos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome physical positions to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_phypos field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_name (numpy.ndarray) – Variant names to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_name field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_genpos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome genetic positions to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_genpos field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_xoprob (numpy.ndarray) – Sequential variant crossover probabilities to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_xoprob field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant haplotype labels to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapalt (numpy.ndarray) – Variant alternative haplotype labels to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapref (numpy.ndarray) – Variant reference haplotype labels to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_mask (numpy.ndarray) – Variant mask to adjoin to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_mask field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A copy of mat with values appended to axis. Note that adjoin does not occur in-place: a new DenseVariantMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


adjoin_vrnt(values, vrnt_chrgrp=None, vrnt_phypos=None, vrnt_name=None, vrnt_genpos=None, vrnt_xoprob=None, vrnt_hapgrp=None, vrnt_hapalt=None, vrnt_hapref=None, vrnt_mask=None, **kwargs)#

Add additional elements to the end of the Matrix along the variant axis.

  • values (Matrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values are appended to adjoin to the Matrix.

  • vrnt_chrgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome groups to adjoin to the Matrix.

  • vrnt_phypos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome physical positions to adjoin to the Matrix.

  • vrnt_name (numpy.ndarray) – Variant names to adjoin to the Matrix.

  • vrnt_genpos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome genetic positions to adjoin to the Matrix.

  • vrnt_xoprob (numpy.ndarray) – Sequential variant crossover probabilities to adjoin to the Matrix.

  • vrnt_hapgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant haplotype labels to adjoin to the Matrix.

  • vrnt_hapalt (numpy.ndarray) – Variant haplotype alternative sequence.

  • vrnt_hapref (numpy.ndarray) – Variant haplotype reference sequence.

  • vrnt_mask (numpy.ndarray) – Variant mask to adjoin to the Matrix.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A copy of DenseVariantMatrix with values appended to axis. Note that adjoin does not occur in-place: a new DenseVariantMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


append(values, axis=-1, vrnt_chrgrp=None, vrnt_phypos=None, vrnt_name=None, vrnt_genpos=None, vrnt_xoprob=None, vrnt_hapgrp=None, vrnt_hapalt=None, vrnt_hapref=None, vrnt_mask=None, **kwargs)#

Append values to the matrix.

  • values (DenseVariantMatrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values are appended to append to the matrix. Must be of type int8. Must be of shape (m, n, p)

  • axis (int) – The axis along which values are appended.

  • vrnt_chrgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome groups to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_chrgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_phypos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome physical positions to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_phypos field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_name (numpy.ndarray) – Variant names to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_name field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_genpos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome genetic positions to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_genpos field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_xoprob (numpy.ndarray) – Sequential variant crossover probabilities to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_xoprob field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant haplotype labels to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapalt (numpy.ndarray) – Variant alternative haplotype labels to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapref (numpy.ndarray) – Variant reference haplotype labels to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_mask (numpy.ndarray) – Variant mask to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_mask field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


append_vrnt(values, vrnt_chrgrp=None, vrnt_phypos=None, vrnt_name=None, vrnt_genpos=None, vrnt_xoprob=None, vrnt_hapgrp=None, vrnt_hapalt=None, vrnt_hapref=None, vrnt_mask=None, **kwargs)#

Append values to the Matrix along the variant axis.

  • values (Matrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values are appended to append to the matrix.

  • vrnt_chrgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome groups to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_chrgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_phypos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome physical positions to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_phypos field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_name (numpy.ndarray) – Variant names to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_name field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_genpos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome genetic positions to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_genpos field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_xoprob (numpy.ndarray) – Sequential variant crossover probabilities to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_xoprob field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant haplotype labels to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapalt (numpy.ndarray) – Variant alternative haplotype labels to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapref (numpy.ndarray) – Variant reference haplotype labels to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_mask (numpy.ndarray) – Variant mask to append to the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_mask field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


classmethod concat(mats, axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Concatenate matrices together along an axis.

  • mats (Sequence of matrices) – List of Matrix to concatenate. The matrices must have the same shape, except in the dimension corresponding to axis.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which the arrays will be joined.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments


out – The concatenated matrix. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new Matrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


classmethod concat_vrnt(mats, **kwargs)#

Concatenate list of Matrix together along the variant axis.

  • mats (Sequence of Matrix) – List of Matrix to concatenate. The matrices must have the same shape, except in the dimension corresponding to axis.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments


out – The concatenated DenseVariantMatrix. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new DenseVariantMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:



Make a shallow copy of the Matrix.


out – A shallow copy of the original DenseMatrix.

Return type:



Make a deep copy of the Matrix.


memo (dict) – Dictionary of memo metadata.


out – A deep copy of the original DenseMatrix.

Return type:


delete(obj, axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Delete sub-arrays along an axis.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which to delete the subarray defined by obj.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A DenseVariantMatrix with deleted elements. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new DenseVariantMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


delete_vrnt(obj, **kwargs)#

Delete sub-arrays along the variant axis.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A Matrix with deleted elements. Note that concat does not occur in-place: a new Matrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


classmethod from_hdf5(filename, groupname=None)#

Read DenseVariantMatrix from an HDF5 file.

  • filename (str, Path, h5py.File) – If str or Path, an HDF5 file name from which to read. File is closed after reading. If h5py.File, an opened HDF5 file from which to read. File is not closed after reading.

  • groupname (str, None) – If str, an HDF5 group name under which DenseVariantMatrix data is stored. If None, DenseVariantMatrix is read from base HDF5 group.


out – A dense matrix read from file.

Return type:


group(axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Sort the DenseVariantMatrix along an axis, then populate grouping indices.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which values are grouped.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:



Sort the Matrix along the variant axis, then populate grouping indices for the variant axis.


kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


incorp(obj, values, axis=-1, vrnt_chrgrp=None, vrnt_phypos=None, vrnt_name=None, vrnt_genpos=None, vrnt_xoprob=None, vrnt_hapgrp=None, vrnt_hapalt=None, vrnt_hapref=None, vrnt_mask=None, **kwargs)#

Incorporate values along the given axis before the given indices.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Object that defines the index or indices before which values is incorporated.

  • values (array_like) – Values to incorporate into the matrix.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which values are incorporated.

  • vrnt_chrgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome groups to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_chrgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_phypos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome physical positions to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_phypos field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_name (numpy.ndarray) – Variant names to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_name field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_genpos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome genetic positions to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_genpos field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_xoprob (numpy.ndarray) – Sequential variant crossover probabilities to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_xoprob field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant haplotype labels to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapalt (numpy.ndarray) – Variant alternative haplotype labels to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapref (numpy.ndarray) – Variant reference haplotype labels to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_mask (numpy.ndarray) – Variant mask to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_mask field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


incorp_vrnt(obj, values, vrnt_chrgrp=None, vrnt_phypos=None, vrnt_name=None, vrnt_genpos=None, vrnt_xoprob=None, vrnt_hapgrp=None, vrnt_hapalt=None, vrnt_hapref=None, vrnt_mask=None, **kwargs)#

Incorporate values along the variant axis before the given indices.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Object that defines the index or indices before which values is incorporated.

  • values (Matrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values to incorporate into the matrix.

  • vrnt_chrgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome groups to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_chrgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_phypos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome physical positions to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_phypos field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_name (numpy.ndarray) – Variant names to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_name field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_genpos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome genetic positions to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_genpos field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_xoprob (numpy.ndarray) – Sequential variant crossover probabilities to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_xoprob field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant haplotype labels to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapalt (numpy.ndarray) – Variant alternative haplotype labels to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapref (numpy.ndarray) – Variant reference haplotype labels to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_mask (numpy.ndarray) – Variant mask to incorporate into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_mask field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


insert(obj, values, axis=-1, vrnt_chrgrp=None, vrnt_phypos=None, vrnt_name=None, vrnt_genpos=None, vrnt_xoprob=None, vrnt_hapgrp=None, vrnt_hapalt=None, vrnt_hapref=None, vrnt_mask=None, **kwargs)#

Insert values along the given axis before the given indices.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Object that defines the index or indices before which values is inserted.

  • values (DenseVariantMatrix, numpy.ndarray) – Values to insert into the matrix.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which values are inserted.

  • vrnt_chrgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome groups to insert into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_chrgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_phypos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome physical positions to insert into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_phypos field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_name (numpy.ndarray) – Variant names to insert into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_name field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_genpos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome genetic positions to insert into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_genpos field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_xoprob (numpy.ndarray) – Sequential variant crossover probabilities to insert into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_xoprob field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant haplotype labels to insert into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapalt (numpy.ndarray) – Variant alternative haplotype labels to insert into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_hapref (numpy.ndarray) – Variant reference haplotype labels to insert into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_hapgrp field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • vrnt_mask (numpy.ndarray) – Variant mask to insert into the Matrix. If values is a DenseVariantMatrix that has a non-None vrnt_mask field, providing this argument overwrites the field.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A Matrix with values inserted. Note that insert does not occur in-place: a new Matrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


insert_vrnt(obj, values, vrnt_chrgrp=None, vrnt_phypos=None, vrnt_name=None, vrnt_genpos=None, vrnt_xoprob=None, vrnt_hapgrp=None, vrnt_hapalt=None, vrnt_hapref=None, vrnt_mask=None, **kwargs)#

Insert values along the variant axis before the given indices.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Object that defines the index or indices before which values is inserted.

  • values (array_like) – Values to insert into the matrix.

  • vrnt_chrgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome groups to insert into the Matrix.

  • vrnt_phypos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome physical positions to insert into the Matrix.

  • vrnt_name (numpy.ndarray) – Variant names to insert into the Matrix.

  • vrnt_genpos (numpy.ndarray) – Variant chromosome genetic positions to insert into the Matrix.

  • vrnt_xoprob (numpy.ndarray) – Sequential variant crossover probabilities to insert into the Matrix.

  • vrnt_hapgrp (numpy.ndarray) – Variant haplotype labels to insert into the Matrix.

  • vrnt_hapalt (numpy.ndarray) –

  • vrnt_hapref (numpy.ndarray) –

  • vrnt_mask (numpy.ndarray) – Variant mask to insert into the Matrix.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A DenseVariantMatrix with values inserted. Note that insert does not occur in-place: a new DenseVariantMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


interp_genpos(gmap, **kwargs)[source]#

Interpolate genetic map postions for variants using a GeneticMap


gmap (GeneticMap) – A genetic map from which to interopolate genetic map postions for loci within the VariantMatrix.

Return type:


interp_xoprob(gmap, gmapfn, **kwargs)[source]#

Interpolate genetic map positions AND crossover probabilities between sequential markers using a GeneticMap and a GeneticMapFunction.

  • gmap (GeneticMap) – A genetic map from which to interopolate genetic map postions for loci within the VariantMatrix.

  • gmapfn (GeneticMapFunction) – A genetic map function from which to interpolate crossover probabilities for loci within the VariantMatrix.

Return type:


is_grouped(axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Determine whether the Matrix has been sorted and grouped.

  • axis (int) – Axis along which to determine if is grouped.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


grouped – True or False indicating whether the GeneticMap has been sorted and grouped.

Return type:



Determine whether the Matrix has been sorted and grouped along the variant axis.


kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


grouped – True or False indicating whether the Matrix has been sorted and grouped.

Return type:


lexsort(keys=None, axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Perform an indirect stable sort using a tuple of keys.

  • keys (tuple, None) – A tuple of columns to be sorted. The last column is the primary sort key. If None, sort using vrnt_chrgrp as primary key, and vrnt_phypos as secondary key.

  • axis (int) – The axis of the Matrix over which to sort values.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


indices – Array of indices that sort the keys.

Return type:


lexsort_vrnt(keys=None, **kwargs)#

Perform an indirect stable sort using a sequence of keys along the variant axis.

  • keys (A (k, N) array or tuple containing k (N,)-shaped sequences) – The k different columns to be sorted. The last column (or row if keys is a 2D array) is the primary sort key.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


indices – Array of indices that sort the keys along the specified axis.

Return type:

A (N,) ndarray of ints

property mat: ndarray#

Pointer to raw numpy.ndarray object.

property mat_ndim: int#

Number of dimensions of the raw numpy.ndarray.

property mat_shape: tuple#

Shape of the raw numpy.ndarray.

property nvrnt: int#

Number of variants.

remove(obj, axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Remove sub-arrays along an axis.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which to remove the subarray defined by obj.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


remove_vrnt(obj, **kwargs)#

Remove sub-arrays along the variant axis.

  • obj (int, slice, or Sequence of ints) – Indicate indices of sub-arrays to remove along the specified axis.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


reorder(indices, axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Reorder the VariantMatrix.

  • indices (numpy.ndarray) – Indices of where to place elements.

  • axis (int) – The axis over which to reorder values.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


reorder_vrnt(indices, **kwargs)#

Reorder elements of the Matrix along the variant axis using an array of indices. Note this modifies the Matrix in-place.

  • indices (A (N,) ndarray of ints) – Array of indices that reorder the matrix along the specified axis.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


select(indices, axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Select certain values from the matrix.

  • indices (array_like (Nj, ...)) – The indices of the values to select.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which values are selected.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – The output DenseVariantMatrix with values selected. Note that select does not occur in-place: a new DenseVariantMatrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


select_vrnt(indices, **kwargs)#

Select certain values from the Matrix along the variant axis.

  • indices (array_like (Nj, ...)) – The indices of the values to select.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – The output Matrix with values selected. Note that select does not occur in-place: a new Matrix is allocated and filled.

Return type:


sort(keys, axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Reset metadata for corresponding axis: name, stix, spix, len. Sort the VariantMatrix using a tuple of keys.

  • keys (tuple, None) – A tuple of columns to be sorted. The last column is the primary sort key. If None, sort using vrnt_chrgrp as primary key, and vrnt_phypos as secondary key.

  • axis (int) – The axis over which to sort values.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


sort_vrnt(keys=None, **kwargs)#

Sort slements of the Matrix along the variant axis using a sequence of keys. Note this modifies the Matrix in-place.

  • keys (A (k, N) array or tuple containing k (N,)-shaped sequences) – The k different columns to be sorted. The last column (or row if keys is a 2D array) is the primary sort key.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


to_hdf5(filename, groupname=None, overwrite=True)#

Write DenseVariantMatrix to an HDF5 file.

  • filename (str, Path, h5py.File) – If str, an HDF5 file name to which to write. File is closed after writing. If h5py.File, an opened HDF5 file to which to write. File is not closed after writing.

  • groupname (str, None) – If str, an HDF5 group name under which the DenseMatrix data is stored. If None, the DenseMatrix is written to the base HDF5 group.

  • overwrite (bool) – Whether to overwrite values in an HDF5 file if a field already exists.

Return type:


ungroup(axis=-1, **kwargs)#

Ungroup the DenseVariantMatrix along an axis by removing grouping metadata.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which values should be ungrouped.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:



Ungroup the DenseVariantMatrix along the variant axis by removing variant group metadata.


kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.

Return type:


property vrnt_axis: int#

Axis along which variants are stored.

property vrnt_chrgrp: ndarray | None#

Variant chromosome group label.

property vrnt_chrgrp_len: ndarray | None#

Variant chromosome group length.

property vrnt_chrgrp_name: ndarray | None#

Variant chromosome group names.

property vrnt_chrgrp_spix: ndarray | None#

Variant chromosome group stop indices.

property vrnt_chrgrp_stix: ndarray | None#

Variant chromosome group start indices.

property vrnt_genpos: ndarray | None#

Variant genetic position.

property vrnt_hapalt: ndarray | None#

Variant haplotype sequence.

property vrnt_hapgrp: ndarray | None#

Variant haplotype group label.

property vrnt_hapref: ndarray | None#

Variant reference haplotype sequence.

property vrnt_mask: ndarray | None#

Variant mask.

property vrnt_name: ndarray | None#

Variant name.

property vrnt_phypos: ndarray | None#

Variant physical position.

property vrnt_xoprob: ndarray | None#

Variant crossover sequential probability.