
pybrops.opt.algo.pymoo_addon.dominates(obj1, cv1, obj2, cv2)[source]#

Test whether solution 1 dominates solution 2 using a modification for constraints. Preference is given for solutions with the least constraint violation.

  • obj1 (numpy.ndarray) – A vector of objective function evaluations for solution 1.

  • cv1 (float) – The constaint violation score for solution 1. A score of <= 0.0 is assumed to be no constraint violation.

  • obj2 (numpy.ndarray) – A vector of objective function evaluations for solution 2.

  • cv2 (float) – The constaint violation score for solution 2. A score of <= 0.0 is assumed to be no constraint violation.


out – Whether solution 1 dominates solution 2 (True), or whether solution 1 is non-dominated or dominated by solution 2 (False).

Return type:
