
class pybrops.breed.op.mate.MatingOperator.MatingOperator[source]#

Bases: object

Abstract class defining interfaces for the mating of an entire breeding program.

The purpose of this abstract class is to provide functionality for:
  1. Mating of an entire breeding program.



Mate individuals selected as parents in a breeding program.

abstract mate(mcfg, genome, geno, pheno, bval, gmod, t_cur, t_max, miscout, **kwargs)[source]#

Mate individuals selected as parents in a breeding program.

  • mcfg (dict) – Dictionary of mating configurations for the breeding program.

  • genome (dict) – Dictionary of genomes for the breeding program.

  • geno (dict) – Dictionary of genotypes for the breeding program.

  • pheno (dict) – Dictionary of phenotypes for the breeding program.

  • bval (dict) – Dictionary of breeding values for the breeding program.

  • gmod (dict) – Dictionary of genomic models for the breeding program.

  • t_cur (int) – Current time in the breeding program.

  • t_max (int) – Deadline time for the breeding program.

  • miscout (dict, None) – Pointer to a dictionary for miscellaneous user defined output. If dict, write to dict (may overwrite previously defined fields). If None, user defined output is not calculated or stored.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


out – A tuple of length 5: (genome, geno, pheno, bval, gmod)


  • genome is a dict of genomes for the breeding program.

  • geno is a dict of genotypes for the breeding program.

  • pheno is a dict of phenotypes for the breeding program.

  • bval is a dict of breeding values for the breeding program.

  • gmod is a dict of genomic models for the breeding program.

Return type:
