
class pybrops.breed.prot.sel.cfg.SimpleSelectionConfiguration.SimpleSelectionConfiguration(ncross, nparent, nmating, nprogeny, pgmat, xconfig, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: SelectionConfiguration

A simple selection configuration class containing the basic necessities for a SelectionConfiguration object.

Constructor for DenseSelectionConfiguration.

  • ncross (Integral) – Number of cross configurations to consider. Example: ncross = 10, nparent = 2 specifies 10 two-way crosses.

  • nparent (Integral) – The number of parents in a given cross configuration. Example: ncross = 10, nparent = 2 specifies 10 two-way crosses.

  • nmating (Integral, numpy.ndarray) – The number of times an individual cross configuration is executed. This becomes important in four-way crosses with heterozygous parents where initial F1 hybrids are unique and can affect the dihybrid composition.

  • nprogeny (Integral, numpy.ndarray) – The number of progeny to derive from a mating event.

  • pgmat (PhasedGenotypeMatrix) – A genome matrix containing parental candidates

  • xconfig (numpy.ndarray) – A mating configuration matrix of shape (ncross,nparent). This matrix contains indices corresponding to parents in pgmat and specifies the manner in which individuals are to be mated.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.




Number of cross configurations to consider.


Number of times an individual cross configuration is executed.


Number of parents in a given cross configuration.


Number of progeny to derive from a mating event.


Genome matrix for the parental candidates.



property ncross: Integral#

Number of cross configurations to consider.

property nmating: ndarray#

Number of times an individual cross configuration is executed.

property nparent: Integral#

Number of parents in a given cross configuration.

property nprogeny: ndarray#

Number of progeny to derive from a mating event.

property pgmat: PhasedGenotypeMatrix#

Genome matrix for the parental candidates.

property xconfig: ndarray#
