
Class Family Overview#

The purpose of the Logbook family of classes is to calculate and store simulation metrics. Simulation records may be examined and/or saved after the simulation is complete.

Summary of Logbook Classes#

Logbook classes can be found in the pybropos.breed.op.log module.

Summary of classes in the pybrops.breed.op.log module#

Class Name

Class Type

Class Description



Interface for all logbook classes.

Logbook Properties#

Logbook objects have two properties: a data property storing simulation records and a rep property storing the simulation replicate number.

Summary of Logbook properties#




The record data stored in the logbook.


The replicate number for the given simulation. Useful for simulations with multiple replicates.

Loading Class Modules#

Logbooks can be imported as demonstrated in the code below.

# import the Logbook class (an abstract interface class)
from pybrops.breed.op.log.Logbook import Logbook

Defining Logbooks#

Logbooks must be defined by the user since the number of metrics one could collect is extensive. To create a custom logbook class, extend the Logbook base abstract class and override its abstract properties and methods. Below is an example of how to define a custom logbook class. For the purpose of this example, method code is left empty.

class MyLogbook(Logbook):
    ################ Special Object Methods ################
    def __init__(self, *args: tuple, **kwargs: dict) -> None:
        Constructor for custom Logbook

        args : tuple
            Any user defined arguments.

        kwargs : dict
            Any user defined keyword arguments.
        # user defined code
        self.data = {}
        self.rep = 1
    ################## Object Properties ###################
    def data(self) -> dict:
        """Logbook data."""
        return self._data
    def data(self, value: dict) -> None:
        """Set logbook data."""
        self._data = value
    def rep(self) -> int:
        """Replicate number."""
        return self._rep
    def rep(self, value: int) -> None:
        """Set replicate number."""
        self._rep = value
    #################### Object Methods ####################
    def log_initialize(
            genome: dict,
            geno: dict,
            pheno: dict,
            bval: dict,
            gmod: dict,
            t_cur: int,
            t_max: int,
            **kwargs: dict
        ) -> None:
        Record information directly after 'InitializationOperator.initialize'
        is called.

        genome : dict
            Dictionary of genomes for the breeding program.
        geno : dict
            Dictionary of genotypes for the breeding program.
        pheno : dict
            Dictionary of phenotypes for the breeding program.
        bval : dict
            Dictionary of breeding values for the breeding program.
        gmod : dict
            Dictionary of genomic models for the breeding program.
        t_cur : int
            Current time in the breeding program.
        t_max : int
            Deadline time for the breeding program.
        kwargs : dict
            Additional keyword arguments.
        # user defined code
    def log_pselect(
            mcfg: dict,
            genome: dict,
            geno: dict,
            pheno: dict,
            bval: dict,
            gmod: dict,
            t_cur: int,
            t_max: int,
            **kwargs: dict
        ) -> None:
        Record information directly after 'ParentSelectionOperator.pselect'
        is called.

        mcfg : dict
            Dictionary of mating configurations for the breeding program.
        genome : dict
            Dictionary of genomes for the breeding program.
        geno : dict
            Dictionary of genotypes for the breeding program.
        pheno : dict
            Dictionary of phenotypes for the breeding program.
        bval : dict
            Dictionary of breeding values for the breeding program.
        gmod : dict
            Dictionary of genomic models for the breeding program.
        t_cur : int
            Current time in the breeding program.
        t_max : int
            Deadline time for the breeding program.
        kwargs : dict
            Additional keyword arguments.
        # user defined code
    def log_mate(
            genome: dict,
            geno: dict,
            pheno: dict,
            bval: dict,
            gmod: dict,
            t_cur: int,
            t_max: int,
            **kwargs: dict
        ) -> None:
        # user defined code
        Record information directly after 'MatingOperator.mate' is called.

        genome : dict
            Dictionary of genomes for the breeding program.
        geno : dict
            Dictionary of genotypes for the breeding program.
        pheno : dict
            Dictionary of phenotypes for the breeding program.
        bval : dict
            Dictionary of breeding values for the breeding program.
        gmod : dict
            Dictionary of genomic models for the breeding program.
        t_cur : int
            Current time in the breeding program.
        t_max : int
            Deadline time for the breeding program.
        kwargs : dict
            Additional keyword arguments.
    def log_evaluate(
            genome: dict,
            geno: dict,
            pheno: dict,
            bval: dict,
            gmod: dict,
            t_cur: int,
            t_max: int,
            **kwargs: dict
        ) -> None:
        Record information directly after 'EvaluationOperator.evaluate' is

        genome : dict
            Dictionary of genomes for the breeding program.
        geno : dict
            Dictionary of genotypes for the breeding program.
        pheno : dict
            Dictionary of phenotypes for the breeding program.
        bval : dict
            Dictionary of breeding values for the breeding program.
        gmod : dict
            Dictionary of genomic models for the breeding program.
        t_cur : int
            Current time in the breeding program.
        t_max : int
            Deadline time for the breeding program.
        kwargs : dict
            Additional keyword arguments.
        # user defined code
    def log_sselect(
            genome: dict,
            geno: dict,
            pheno: dict,
            bval: dict,
            gmod: dict,
            t_cur: int,
            t_max: int,
            **kwargs: dict
        ) -> None:
        Record information directly after 'SurvivorSelectionOperator.sselect'
        is called.

        genome : dict
            Dictionary of genomes for the breeding program.
        geno : dict
            Dictionary of genotypes for the breeding program.
        pheno : dict
            Dictionary of phenotypes for the breeding program.
        bval : dict
            Dictionary of breeding values for the breeding program.
        gmod : dict
            Dictionary of genomic models for the breeding program.
        t_cur : int
            Current time in the breeding program.
        t_max : int
            Deadline time for the breeding program.
        kwargs : dict
            Additional keyword arguments.
        # user defined code
    def reset(self) -> None:
        Reset Logbook internals.
        self.data = {}
        self.rep = 1
    def write(self, filename: str) -> None:
        Write Logbook to file

        filename : str
            File name to which to write file.
        # user defined code

Creating Logbooks#

To create a Logbook object, use the corresponding class’s constructor. There are no restrictions on how a Logbook constructor must operate, so object construction is entirely implementation dependent. Below demonstrates the construction of the Logbook class defined above.

# create a new logbook
lbook = MyLogbook()

Logging States in a Breeding Program#

Logbooks have several methods to record data. These recording methods correspond to steps in the universal breeding algorithm.

Logging after breeding program initialization#

The log_initialize method can be used to record simulation statistics directly following the initialization step in the universal breeding algorithm. The code below demonstrates its use.

# gather data after breeding program initialization
    genome = {},
    geno = {},
    pheno = {},
    bval = {},
    gmod = {},
    t_cur = 0,
    t_max = 0,

Logging after breeding program parent selection#

The log_pselect method can be used to record simulation statistics directly following the parent selection step in the universal breeding algorithm. The code below demonstrates its use.

# gather data after breeding program parent selection
    mcfg = {},
    genome = {},
    geno = {},
    pheno = {},
    bval = {},
    gmod = {},
    t_cur = 0,
    t_max = 0,

Logging after breeding program mating#

The log_mate method can be used to record simulation statistics directly following the mating step in the universal breeding algorithm. The code below demonstrates its use.

# gather data after breeding program mating
    genome = {},
    geno = {},
    pheno = {},
    bval = {},
    gmod = {},
    t_cur = 0,
    t_max = 0,

Logging after breeding program evaluation#

The log_evaluate method can be used to record simulation statistics directly following the evaluation step in the universal breeding algorithm. The code below demonstrates its use.

# gather data after breeding program evaluation
    genome = {},
    geno = {},
    pheno = {},
    bval = {},
    gmod = {},
    t_cur = 0,
    t_max = 0,

Logging after breeding program survivor selection#

The log_sselect method can be used to record simulation statistics directly following the survivor selection step in the universal breeding algorithm. The code below demonstrates its use.

# gather data after breeding program survivor selection
    genome = {},
    geno = {},
    pheno = {},
    bval = {},
    gmod = {},
    t_cur = 0,
    t_max = 0,

Resetting a Logbook#

Logbooks can be reset and their data erased using the reset method, demonstrated below.

# reset logbook internals

Writing a Logbook to a File#

Logbook data can be exported to a file using the write method, demonstrated below.

# write logbook to file