Mating Protocols#

Class Family Overview#

The MatingProtocol family of classes is used to simulate mating for a set of parents. All MatingProtocol classes take a set of genomes and array specifying a mating configuration and use this data to simulate recombination and produce a set of offspring genomes.

Summary of Mating Protocol Classes#

There are multiple pre-built mating protocol classes available in the pybrops.breed.prot.mate module in PyBrOpS. PyBrOpS provides implementations of self, two-way, three-way, and four-way crosses. The classes in this module are summarized below.

Summary of classes in the pybrops.breed.prot.mate module#

Class Name

Class Type

Class Description



Interface for all mating protocol child classes.



Class representing self-fertilization crosses.



Class representing two-way crosses.



Class representing two-way crosses followed by doubled haploidization.



Class representing three-way crosses.



Class representing three-way crosses followed by doubled haploidization.



Class representing four-way crosses.



Class representing four-way crosses followed by doubled haploidization.

Mating Protocol Properties#

Mating protocols share some common properties in addition to any implementation-specific properties they may have. These properties are summarized in the next subsection.

General properties#

Mating protocols are only required to share one general property in common: nparent. This property is summarized in the table below. Some mating protocols may have counters for automatic naming of progenies, but this is not a feature required by the MatingProtocol interface.

Summary of MatingProtocol general properties#




The number of parents required by the mating protocol.

Loading Class Modules#

Mating protocols may be imported as demonstrated in the code below.

# abstract interface classes
from pybrops.breed.prot.mate.MatingProtocol import MatingProtocol

# concrete implementation classes
from pybrops.breed.prot.mate.SelfCross import SelfCross
from pybrops.breed.prot.mate.TwoWayCross import TwoWayCross
from pybrops.breed.prot.mate.TwoWayDHCross import TwoWayDHCross
from pybrops.breed.prot.mate.ThreeWayCross import ThreeWayCross
from pybrops.breed.prot.mate.ThreeWayDHCross import ThreeWayDHCross
from pybrops.breed.prot.mate.FourWayCross import FourWayCross
from pybrops.breed.prot.mate.FourWayDHCross import FourWayDHCross

Creating Mating Protocols#

Creating mating protocol objects is straightforward. Most mating protocol implementations do not require any arguments for their construction, but they may optionally take counter arguments. Mating protocol object construction is illustrated below.

# initialize mating operators with line and family counters at zero
mate_self = SelfCross()
mate_2w   = TwoWayCross()
mate_2wdh = TwoWayDHCross()
mate_3w   = ThreeWayCross()
mate_3wdh = ThreeWayDHCross()
mate_4w   = FourWayCross()
mate_4wdh = FourWayDHCross()

# optionally initialize counters to non-zero values
mate_self = SelfCross(progeny_counter = 1000, family_counter = 100)
mate_2w   = TwoWayCross(progeny_counter = 1000, family_counter = 100)
mate_2wdh = TwoWayDHCross(progeny_counter = 1000, family_counter = 100)
mate_3w   = ThreeWayCross(progeny_counter = 1000, family_counter = 100)
mate_3wdh = ThreeWayDHCross(progeny_counter = 1000, family_counter = 100)
mate_4w   = FourWayCross(progeny_counter = 1000, family_counter = 100)
mate_4wdh = FourWayDHCross(progeny_counter = 1000, family_counter = 100)

# make mating operator for use in rest of example
mtprot = TwoWayDHCross()

Simulating Mating and Progeny Generation#

Matings between parents can be simulated using the mate method. This method accepts a set of genomes for parents, an array of indices of the parents, and some additional progeny number parameters. A demonstration of how to use the mate method is below.

# Construct random genomes

# shape parameters for random genomes
ntaxa = 100
nvrnt = 50
ngroup = 20
nchrom = 10
nphase = 2

# create random genotypes
mat = numpy.random.randint(0, 2, size = (nphase,ntaxa,nvrnt)).astype("int8")

# create taxa names
taxa = numpy.array(["taxon"+str(i+1).zfill(3) for i in range(ntaxa)], dtype = object)

# create taxa groups
taxa_grp = numpy.random.randint(1, ngroup+1, ntaxa)

# create marker variant chromsome assignments
vrnt_chrgrp = numpy.random.randint(1, nchrom+1, nvrnt)

# create marker physical positions
vrnt_phypos = numpy.random.choice(1000000, size = nvrnt, replace = False)

# create marker genetic positions
vrnt_genpos = numpy.random.uniform(0, 2, nvrnt)

# create random crossover probabilities
vrnt_xoprob = numpy.random.uniform(0, 0.5, nvrnt)
step = nvrnt // nchrom
vrnt_xoprob[0::step] = 0.5

# create marker variant names
vrnt_name = numpy.array(["SNP"+str(i+1).zfill(4) for i in range(nvrnt)], dtype = object)

# create a phased genotype matrix from scratch using NumPy arrays
pgmat = DensePhasedGenotypeMatrix(
    mat = mat,
    taxa = taxa,
    taxa_grp = taxa_grp,
    vrnt_chrgrp = vrnt_chrgrp,
    vrnt_phypos = vrnt_phypos,
    vrnt_name = vrnt_name,
    vrnt_genpos = vrnt_genpos,
    vrnt_xoprob = vrnt_xoprob,
    ploidy = nphase

# create a cross configuation matrix of shape (10,2)
xconfig = numpy.random.choice(ntaxa, (10,2), replace = False)

# create progeny
progeny = mtprot.mate(
    pgmat = pgmat,
    xconfig = xconfig,
    nmating = 1,
    nprogeny = 10,
    nself = 2