Genotype Matrices#

Class Family Overview#

Perhaps the most important family of classes in PyBrOpS is the GenotypeMatrix object family. The purpose of this family of classes is to store and represent genotypic data. GenotypeMatrix classes can be used in the estimation of genomic prediction models, the estimation of breeding values, the calculation of genomic relationship matrices, and to make selection decisions. Within PyBrOpS it is possible to read genotypic data from VCF files to create GenotypeMatrix objects, allowing for real-world data to be used in breeding program simulations.

Summary of Genotype Matrix Classes#

Genotype matrix classes in PyBrOpS are found in the pybrops.popgen.gmat module. Contained in this module are several GenotypeMatrix class type definitions which are summarized in the table below.

Summary of genotype matrix classes in the pybrops.popgen.gmat module#

Class Name

Class Type

Class Description



Interface for all genotype matrix child classes.



Class representing dense, genotype matrices.

Loading Class Modules#

Genotype matrix classes can be imported as follows:

# import the GenotypeMatrix class (an abstract interface class)
from pybrops.popgen.gmat.GenotypeMatrix import GenotypeMatrix

# import the DenseGenotypeMatrix class (a concrete implemented class)
from pybrops.popgen.gmat.DenseGenotypeMatrix import DenseGenotypeMatrix

Creating Genotype Matrices#

Genotype matrices can be created using several methods. Genotype matrices may be constructed from raw NumPy arrays, by reading data from VCF files, or by reading data from an HDF5 file containing a saved genotype matrix.

Creating genotype matrices from NumPy arrays#

Genotype matrices can be created from raw NumPy arrays. The example below illustrates creating a DenseGenotypeMatrix. The only requirement to construct a DenseGenotypeMatrix is a (n,p) numerical matrix containing genotypic codings. Here, n is the number of taxa and p is the number of marker variants. The matrix must be coded in the {0,1,2} (number of alternative alleles) format and must have an int8 data type.

Additional optional metadata may be stored along with a DenseGenotypeMatrix including taxa names (taxa), taxa groups (taxa_grp), marker variant chromosome assignments (vrnt_chrgrp), marker variant chromosome physical positions (vrnt_phypos), marker variant names (vrnt_name), marker variant genetic map positions (vrnt_genpos), sequential recombination probabilities between markers (vrnt_xoprob), marker variant haplotype group assignments (vrnt_hapgrp), reference haplotype (vrnt_hapref), alternative haplotype (vrnt_hapalt), a variant mask (vrnt_mask), and finally the ploidy of the genotypes (ploid).

# create random genotypes
mat = numpy.random.randint(0, ploidy+1, size = (ntaxa,nvrnt)).astype("int8")

# create taxa names
taxa = numpy.array(
    ["taxon"+str(i+1).zfill(3) for i in range(ntaxa)],
    dtype = object

# create taxa groups
taxa_grp = numpy.random.randint(1, ngroup+1, ntaxa)

# create marker variant chromsome assignments
vrnt_chrgrp = numpy.random.randint(1, nchrom+1, nvrnt)

# create marker physical positions
vrnt_phypos = numpy.random.choice(1000000, size = nvrnt, replace = False)

# create marker variant names
vrnt_name = numpy.array(
    ["SNP"+str(i+1).zfill(4) for i in range(nvrnt)],
    dtype = object

# create a genotype matrix from scratch using NumPy arrays
gmat = DenseGenotypeMatrix(
    mat = mat,
    taxa = taxa,
    taxa_grp = taxa_grp,
    vrnt_chrgrp = vrnt_chrgrp,
    vrnt_phypos = vrnt_phypos,
    vrnt_name = vrnt_name,
    vrnt_genpos = None,
    vrnt_xoprob = None,
    vrnt_hapgrp = None,
    vrnt_hapalt = None,
    vrnt_hapref = None,
    vrnt_mask = None,
    ploidy = ploidy

Loading genotype matrices from VCF files#

VCF files can be loaded into Python scopes as genotype matrices using the from_vcf method.

# read a genotype matrix from file
gmat = DenseGenotypeMatrix.from_vcf("widiv_2000SNPs.vcf.gz")

Loading genotype matrices from HDF5 files#

Genotype matrices in PyBrOpS can be exported to HDF5 files via the to_hdf5 method. These files can later be read into PyBrOpS via the from_hdf5 method. The example below illustrates loading a DenseGenotypeMatrix into memory from an HDF5 file:

# read a genotype matrix from HDF5 file
gmat = DenseGenotypeMatrix.from_hdf5("widiv_2000SNPs.h5")

Genotype Matrix Properties#

GenotypeMatrix objects share a set of common object properties which can be grouped into three groups: general properties, taxa properties, and marker variant properties.

General properties#

General properties of a genotype matrix primarily relate to the shape and format of the genotype matrix itself. These properties are summarized in the table below.

Summary of GenotypeMatrix general properties#




Pointer to the raw genotype matrix pointer


The number of dimensions for the genotype matrix


Genotype matrix shape


Genotype matrix format


The ploidy of the taxa represented by the genotype matrix


The number of chromosome phases represented by the genotype matrix

Taxa properties#

Genotype matrices can store basic information on the taxa represented by the matrix. These data include taxa names and any grouping labels. Grouping labels may be used to indicate a family of individuals. Taxa and taxa grouping data can be accessed using the object properties summarized in the table below.

Summary of GenotypeMatrix taxa properties#




The number of taxa represented by the genotype matrix


The names of the taxa


The matrix axis along which taxa are stored


Taxa group label


The names of the taxa groups


The start indices (inclusive) for each taxa group, post sorting and grouping


The stop indices (exclusive) for each taxa group, post sorting and grouping


The length of each taxa group, post sorting and grouping

Marker variant properties#

Genotype matrices can also store basic information about the genetic markers which are represented by the matrix. Key information about a marker variant’s name, chromosome assignment, physical and genetic positions, and sequential crossover probabilities can be stored. The table below summarizes marker variant properties in genotype matrices.

Summary of GenotypeMatrix marker variant properties#




The number of genotype variants represented by the genotype matrix


The names of the marker variants


The axis along which marker variants are stored


The chromosome to which a marker variant belongs


The physical position of a marker variant


The genetic position of a marker variant


The crossover probability between the previous marker


The reference haplotype for the marker variant


The alternative haplotype for the marker variant


The haplotype grouping for the marker variant


A mask associated with the marker variants


The names of the chromosomes


The start indices (inclusive) for each chromosome, post sorting and grouping


The stop indices (exclusive) for each chromosome, post sorting and grouping


The length of each chromosome, post sorting and grouping

Copying Genotype Matrices#

Genotype matrices can be copied. There are two methods that can be used to copy a genotype matrix: shallow copying and deep copying.

Shallow copying#

In shallow copying, only references to a GenotypeMatrix’s data are copied to a new genotype matrix. Copying is only one level deep so any changes to the data in the original object will be reflected in the copied object.

# copy a genotype matrix
tmp = copy.copy(gmat)
tmp = gmat.copy()

Deep copying#

In deep copying, a GenotypeMatrix’s data is recursively copied to the deepest level. Changes to data values in the original genotype matrix will not affect the data values in the copy.

# deep copy a genotype matrix
tmp = copy.deepcopy(gmat)
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()

Copy-On Element Manipulation#

Genotype matrices have several methods which create a modified copy of the original matrix, leaving the original genotype matrix unaltered.

Adjoin elements#

The adjoin family of methods allows for a genotype matrix to be adjoined to another genotype matrix, creating a new matrix in the process. Use of the adjoin method family is demonstrated in the code below.

# create a new genotype matrix to demonstrate
new = gmat.deepcopy()

# adjoin genotype matrices along the taxa axis
tmp = gmat.adjoin(new, axis = gmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gmat.adjoin_taxa(new)

# adjoin genotype matrices along the variant axis
tmp = gmat.adjoin(new, axis = gmat.vrnt_axis)
tmp = gmat.adjoin_vrnt(new)

Delete elements#

The delete family of methods allows for rows (taxa) and columns (marker variants) of the genotype matrix to be removed in a copy of the original. Use of the delete method family is demonstrated in the code below.

# delete taxa examples

# delete first taxon using an integer
tmp = gmat.delete(0, axis = gmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gmat.delete_taxa(0)

# delete first five taxa using a slice
tmp = gmat.delete(slice(0,5), axis = gmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gmat.delete_taxa(slice(0,5))

# delete first five taxa using a Sequence
tmp = gmat.delete([0,1,2,3,4], axis = gmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gmat.delete_taxa([0,1,2,3,4])

# delete marker variants examples

# delete first marker variant using an integer
tmp = gmat.delete(0, axis = gmat.vrnt_axis)
tmp = gmat.delete_vrnt(0)

# delete first five marker variants using a slice
tmp = gmat.delete(slice(0,5), axis = gmat.vrnt_axis)
tmp = gmat.delete_vrnt(slice(0,5))

# delete first five marker variants using a Sequence
tmp = gmat.delete([0,1,2,3,4], axis = gmat.vrnt_axis)
tmp = gmat.delete_vrnt([0,1,2,3,4])

Insert elements#

The insert family of methods allows for rows (taxa) and columns (marker variants) of the genotype matrix to be inserted into a copy of the original matrix. Use of the insert method family is demonstrated in the code below.

# create a new genotype matrix to demonstrate
new = gmat.deepcopy()

# insert genotype matrix along the taxa axis before index 0
tmp = gmat.insert(0, new, axis = gmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gmat.insert_taxa(0, new)

# insert genotype matrix along the variant axis before index 0
tmp = gmat.insert(0, new, axis = gmat.vrnt_axis)
tmp = gmat.insert_vrnt(0, new)

Select elements#

The select family of methods allows for rows (taxa) and columns (marker variants) of the genotype matrix to be extracted to a copy of the original matrix. The select family is the inverse of the delete family. Use of the select method family is demonstrated in the code below.

# select first five taxa using a Sequence
tmp =[0,1,2,3,4], axis = gmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gmat.select_taxa([0,1,2,3,4])

# select first five marker variants using a Sequence
tmp =[0,1,2,3,4], axis = gmat.vrnt_axis)
tmp = gmat.select_vrnt([0,1,2,3,4])

In-Place Element Manipulation#

Genotype matrices have several methods which create a modify a matrix in-place.

Append elements#

The append family of methods allows for new rows (taxa) and columns (marker variants) to be appended to the genotype matrix. The code segment below demonstrates their use.

# append genotype matrices along the taxa axis
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                   # copy original
tmp.append(gmat, axis = tmp.taxa_axis)  # append original to copy

tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                   # copy original
tmp.append_taxa(gmat)                   # append original to copy

# append genotype matrices along the variant axis
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                   # copy original
tmp.append(gmat, axis = tmp.vrnt_axis)  # append original to copy

tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                   # copy original
tmp.append_vrnt(gmat)                   # append original to copy

Remove elements#

The remove family of methods allows for rows (taxa) and columns (marker variants) to be removed from a genotype matrix. A demonstration of their use can be seen below.

# remove taxa examples

# remove first taxon using an integer
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove(0, axis = gmat.taxa_axis)            # remove from copy

tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove_taxa(0)                              # remove from copy

# remove first five taxa using a slice
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove(slice(0,5), axis = gmat.taxa_axis)   # remove from copy

tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove_taxa(slice(0,5))                     # remove from copy

# remove first five taxa using a Sequence
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove([0,1,2,3,4], axis = gmat.taxa_axis)  # remove from copy

tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove_taxa([0,1,2,3,4])                    # remove from copy

# remove marker variants examples

# remove first marker variant using an integer
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove(0, axis = gmat.vrnt_axis)            # remove from copy

tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove_vrnt(0)                              # remove from copy

# remove first five marker variants using a slice
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove(slice(0,5), axis = gmat.vrnt_axis)   # remove from copy

tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove_vrnt(slice(0,5))                     # remove from copy

# remove first five marker variants using a Sequence
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove([0,1,2,3,4], axis = gmat.vrnt_axis)  # remove from copy

tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove_vrnt([0,1,2,3,4])                    # remove from copy

Incorporate elements#

The incorp family of methods allows for new rows (taxa) and columns (marker variants) to be inserted at specific locations a genotype matrix. Use of the incorp family is demonstrated in the code segment below below.

# incorp genotype matrix along the taxa axis before index 0
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.incorp(0, gmat, axis = gmat.taxa_axis)      # incorporate into copy

tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.incorp_taxa(0, gmat)                        # incorporate into copy

# incorp genotype matrix along the variant axis before index 0
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.incorp(0, gmat, axis = gmat.vrnt_axis)      # incorporate into copy

tmp = gmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.incorp_vrnt(0, gmat)                        # incorporate into copy

Concatenate elements#

The concat family of methods allows for multiple genotype matrices to be concatenated to each other. The code segment below demonstrates their use.

# concatenate along the taxa axis
tmp = gmat.concat([gmat, gmat], axis = gmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gmat.concat_taxa([gmat, gmat])

# concatenate along the variant axis
tmp = gmat.concat([gmat, gmat], axis = gmat.vrnt_axis)
tmp = gmat.concat_vrnt([gmat, gmat])

Grouping and Sorting#

Genotype matrices in PyBrOpS have several sorting and grouping focused methods. Sorting methods can be used to sort taxa alphanumerically and marker variants according to their chromosome positions. Grouping methods sort taxa and marker variants, and calculate metadata to allow for indexing of taxa groups and chromosomes groups.

Reordering elements#

Taxa and marker variants in a genotype matrix can be reordered using the reorder family of methods.

# taxa reordering example

# create reordering indices
indices = numpy.arange(gmat.ntaxa)
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()

# reorder values along the taxa axis
tmp.reorder(indices, axis = tmp.taxa_axis)

# marker variant reordering example

# create reordering indices
indices = numpy.arange(gmat.nvrnt)
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()

# reorder values along the marker variant axis
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()
tmp.reorder(indices, axis = tmp.vrnt_axis)

Lexsorting elements#

An indirect sort for the taxa and marker variants axes can be performed using the lexsort family of methods.

# taxa lexsort example

# create lexsort keys for taxa
key1 = numpy.random.randint(0, 10, gmat.ntaxa)
key2 = numpy.arange(gmat.ntaxa)

# lexsort along the taxa axis
gmat.lexsort((key2,key1), axis = gmat.taxa_axis)

# marker variant lexsort example

# create lexsort keys for marker variants
key1 = numpy.random.randint(0, 10, gmat.nvrnt)
key2 = numpy.arange(gmat.nvrnt)

# lexsort along the marker variant axis
gmat.lexsort((key2,key1), axis = gmat.vrnt_axis)

Sorting elements#

Sorting along taxa and marker variant axes can be done using the sort family of methods.

# make copy
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()

# taxa sorting example

# sort along taxa axis
tmp.sort(axis = tmp.taxa_axis)

# marker variant sorting example

# sort along marker variant axis
tmp.sort(axis = tmp.vrnt_axis)

Grouping elements#

Grouping along taxa and marker variant axes can be done using the group family of methods.

# make copy
tmp = gmat.deepcopy()

# taxa grouping example

# sort along taxa axis = tmp.taxa_axis)

# determine whether grouping has occurred along the taxa axis
tmp.is_grouped(axis = tmp.taxa_axis)

# marker variant grouping example

# sort along vrnt axis = tmp.vrnt_axis)

# determine whether grouping has occurred along the vrnt axis
tmp.is_grouped(axis = tmp.vrnt_axis)

Summary Statistics#

Various summary statistics can be calculated from genotype matrices. PyBrOpS offers several common routines which are summarized in the sections below.

Population allele counts#

Allele counts of the dominant allele (the allele coded as 1) at each locus may be calculated using the acount method. The code below demonstrates this method’s use.

# count the number of major alleles across all taxa
out = gmat.acount()
out = gmat.acount(dtype = "int32")

Population allele frequencies#

Allele frequencies of the dominant allele (the allele coded as 1) at each locus may be calculated using the afreq method. The code below demonstrates this method’s use.

# calculate the allele frequency across all taxa
out = gmat.afreq()
out = gmat.afreq(dtype = "float32")

Population allele polymorphism presence#

The presense of allele polymorphisms at each locus can be determined using the apoly method. The code below demonstrates this method’s use.

# calculate whether a locus is polymorphic across all taxa
out = gmat.apoly()
out = gmat.apoly(dtype = int)

Population genotype counts#

Genotype counts at each locus may be calculated using the gtcount method. This method counts the number of homozygous recessive, heterozygous, and homozygous dominant individuals. The code below demonstrates this method’s use.

# count the number of genotypes across all taxa
out = gmat.gtcount()
out = gmat.gtcount(dtype = "int32")

Population genotype frequencies#

Genotype frequencies at each locus may be calculated using the gtfreq method. The code below demonstrates this method’s use.

# calculate the genotype frequency across all taxa
out = gmat.gtfreq()
out = gmat.gtfreq(dtype = "float32")

Population minor allele frequencies#

The minor allele frequency at each locus may be calculated using the maf method. The code below demonstrates the use of this method.

# calculate the minor allele frequency across all taxa
out = gmat.maf()
out = gmat.maf(dtype = "float32")

Population mean expected heterozygosity#

The mean expected heterozygosity of the genotype matrix as a whole may be calculated using the meh method. Use of the meh method can be seen in the code below.

# calculate the mean expected heterozygosity for the population
out = gmat.meh()
out = gmat.meh(dtype = "float32")

Taxa allele counts#

Allele counts of the dominant allele within each individual taxon may be calculated using the tacount method. A demonstration of this method’s use is below.

# count the number of major alleles individually within taxa
out = gmat.tacount()
out = gmat.tacount(dtype = "int32")

Taxa allele frequencies#

Allele frequencies of the dominant allele within each individual taxon may be calculated using the tafreq method. The tafreq method can be used like so.

# calculate the allele frequency individually within taxa
out = gmat.tafreq()
out = gmat.tafreq(dtype = "float32")

Saving Genotype Matrices#

Genotype matrices can be exported and saved to disk. Currently, only one export format is available: HDF5.

Exporting to HDF5#

Genotype matrices can be exported to the HDF5 format. The code below demonstrates how to export a genotype matrix to an HDF5 file.

# write a breeding value matrix to an HDF5 file