Genomic Models#

Class Family Overview#

The GenomicModel family of classes allow for the representation of any type of genomic model. The purpose of this family of classes to provide functionality for fitting genomic prediction models and estimating breeding values. GenomicModel classes also provide functionality for estimating population genetic, and genic variances, allele value metrics, and upper and lower selection limits.

Summary of Genomic Model Classes#

The central GenomicModel interface defines all basic genomic models operations. The GenomicModel interface is intended to be extremely broad as there are many modeling methods by which genetic values may be estimated and modeled. Deriving from this interface are two broad categories: linear genomic models and non-linear genomic models. Linear and non-linear genomic model behaviors are defined by the LinearGenomicModel and NonlinearGenomicModel interfaces, respectively. As their names suggest, the former defines genomic models which are linear in nature, while the latter defines models which are non-linear in nature. The NonlinearGenomicModel interface may be useful for defining machine learning models.

Deriving from the LinearGenomicModel interface are several subtypes of linear genomic models. Derivatives include additive genomic models, additive-dominance genomic models, and additive-dominance-epistasis genomic models. Additive genomic models are models where genomic marker effects are assumed to be strictly additive in nature. The behavior or additive genomic models is defined by the AddititiveLinearGenomicModel interface. Additive-dominance genomic models are models where genomic markers exhibit additive and dominance effects. The behavior of these types of models is defined by the AdditiveDominanceLinearGenomicModel. Finally, additive-dominance-epistasis genomic models are models where genomic markers exhibit additive, dominance, and epistatic effects. The behavior of these types of models is defined by the AdditiveDominanceEpistaticLinearGenomicModel.

Below is a summary of the genomic model abstract interfaces present in PyBrOpS.

Summary of abstract classes in the pybrops.model.gmod module#

Class Name

Class Type

Class Description



Interface for all genomic models.



Interface for non-linear genomic models.



Interface for linear genomic models.



Interface for genomic models which calculate breeding values from coancestry relationships.



Interface for genomic models which assume strictly additive allelic effects.



Interface for genomic models which assume additive and dominance allelic effects.



Interface for genomic models which assume additive, dominance, and epistatic allelic effects.

PyBrOpS implements several generic linear genomic model classes since these model types are common. Below is a summary of implemented genomic model classes in PyBrOpS.

Summary of concrete classes in the pybrops.model.gmod module#



Class representing a generic linear genomic model.



Class representing a generic additive linear genomic model.

Genomic Model Properties#

Genomic models share several properties in common. These properties can be categorized into three groups: general properties, model properties, and trait properties. These property groupings are summarized in the following three subsections.

In addition to base GenomicModel properties, derivatives of the GenomicModel interface may define extra properties as in the case of the LinearGenomicModel family of classes. The subsections following the GenomicModel subsections detail properties which have been added to classes in the LinearGenomicModel class family.

Genomic Models: General properties#

All genomic models share a set of general, basic properties. These properties are the name of the model and any hyperparameters that the model may have. General genomic model properties are summarized below.

Summary of GenomicModel general properties#




Name assigned to the genomic model


Model hyperparameters (e.g. for fitting)

Genomic Models: Model properties#

All genomic models also share a set of model properties pertaining to the dimensionality of the model. These include the number of explanatory variables that the model uses as predictors and the number of parameters of the model. These model properties are intensionally very basic because of the broad diversity of modeling techniques which may be used to model genotypic values.

Summary of GenomicModel model properties#




Number of explanatory variables required by the model


Number of model parameters

Genomic Models: Trait properties#

Genomic models also contain the names of traits for which the model predicts. Trait related properties are summarized in the table below.

Summary of GenomicModel trait properties#




Number of traits for which the model predicts


Names of traits for which the model predicts

Linear Genomic Models: Additional model properties#

For LinearGenomicModel s, additional fixed and random effect model properties are added on top of the properties in the base GenomicModel class. These additional properties pertain to the number of explanatory variables, number of model parameters, and regression coefficients for the linear mixed model. Below summarizes the additional model properties.

Summary of LinearGenomicModel additional model properties#




Number of fixed effect explanatory variables required by the model


Number of fixed effect parameters


Coefficients for fixed effects


Number of random effect explanatory variables required by the model


Number of random effect parameters


Coefficients for random effects

Additive Linear Genomic Models: Additional model properties#

For AdditiveLinearGenomicModel s, the random effects properties of the LinearGenomicModel class are subdivided into miscellaneous random effects and additive genomic marker effects. The AdditiveLinearGenomicModel interface adds additional properties to access these random effect subdivisions. Below summarizes model properties which are added.

Summary of AdditiveLinearGenomicModel additional model properties#




Number of miscellaneous random effect explanatory variables required by the model


Number of miscellaneous random effect parameters


Coefficients for miscellaneous random effects


Number of additive genomic marker explanatory variables required by the model


Number of additive genomic marker parameters


Coefficients for additive genomic marker effects

Additive Dominance Linear Genomic Models: Additional model properties#

For the AdditiveDominanceLinearGenomicModel class family, an additional set of dominance random effect properties is added on top of the base AdditiveLinearGenomicModel class. Below summarizes the dominance model properties which are added.

Summary of AdditiveDominanceLinearGenomicModel additional model properties#




Number of dominance genomic marker explanatory variables required by the model


Number of dominance genomic marker parameters


Coefficients for dominance genomic marker effects

Additive Dominance Epistatic Linear Genomic Models: Model coefficient properties#

For the AdditiveDominanceEpistaticLinearGenomicModel class family, an additional set of epistatic random effect properties is added on top of the base AdditiveDominanceLinearGenomicModel class. Below summarizes the epistatic model properties which are added.

Summary of AdditiveDominanceEpistaticLinearGenomicModel model coefficient properties#




Number of epistatic genomic marker explanatory variables required by the model


Number of epistatic genomic marker parameters


Coefficients for epistatic genomic marker effects

Loading Genomic Model Modules#

Genomic model classes can be loaded from the pybrops.model.gmod module using the import statements in the code below.

# import GenomicModel classes (abstract interface classes)
from pybrops.model.gmod.GenomicModel import GenomicModel
from pybrops.model.gmod.NonlinearGenomicModel import NonlinearGenomicModel
from pybrops.model.gmod.LinearGenomicModel import LinearGenomicModel
from pybrops.model.gmod.CoancestryLinearGenomicModel import CoancestryLinearGenomicModel
from pybrops.model.gmod.AdditiveLinearGenomicModel import AdditiveLinearGenomicModel
from pybrops.model.gmod.AdditiveDominanceLinearGenomicModel import AdditiveDominanceLinearGenomicModel
from pybrops.model.gmod.AdditiveDominanceEpistaticLinearGenomicModel import AdditiveDominanceEpistaticLinearGenomicModel

# import dense genomic models (concrete implementation classes)
from pybrops.model.gmod.DenseLinearGenomicModel import DenseLinearGenomicModel
from pybrops.model.gmod.DenseAdditiveLinearGenomicModel import DenseAdditiveLinearGenomicModel

Creating Genomic Models#

Genomic models can be created using multiple methods. All genomic models can be created from raw NumPy arrays using the class constructor or loaded from HDF5 files. In addition, LinearGenomicModel classes can be loaded from Pandas DataFrames or from CSV files. The sections below demonstrate how to load a DenseAdditiveLinearGenomicModel using all four of the aforementioned creation mechanisms.

Creating genomic models from raw NumPy arrays#

The code example below demonstrates how to create a dense additive linear genomic model from raw NumPy arrays using the class constructor. Most genomic model class constructors accept NumPy arrays for their arguments since this is the lowest common denominator. This said, the genomic model interface defined by PyBrOpS does not require that a class adhere to this norm. A genomic model constructor is implementation dependent, allowing for freedom in cases where construction from NumPy arrays is impractical or undesirable.

# model parameters
nfixed = 1      # number of fixed effects
ntrait = 2      # number of traits
nmisc = 0       # number of miscellaneous random effects
nadditive = 50  # number of additive marker effects

# create dummy values
beta = numpy.random.random((nfixed,ntrait))
u_misc = numpy.random.random((nmisc,ntrait))
u_a = numpy.random.random((nadditive,ntrait))
trait = numpy.array(
    ["Trait"+str(i+1).zfill(2) for i in range(ntrait)],
    dtype = object

# create additive linear genomic model
algmod = DenseAdditiveLinearGenomicModel(
    beta = beta,
    u_misc = u_misc,
    u_a = u_a,
    trait = trait,
    model_name = "example",
    params = None

Loading linear genomic models from dictionaries of Pandas DataFrames#

LinearGenomicModel s can be loaded from dictionaries of Pandas DataFrames. Below demonstrates how the from_pandas_dict can be used to load a model from multiple Pandas DataFrames.

nfixed = 1      # number of fixed effects
ntrait = 2      # number of traits
nmisc = 0       # number of miscellaneous random effects
nadditive = 50  # number of additive marker effects

# create dummy values
beta = numpy.random.random((nfixed,ntrait))
u_misc = numpy.random.random((nmisc,ntrait))
u_a = numpy.random.random((nadditive,ntrait))
trait = numpy.array(["Trait"+str(i+1) for i in range(ntrait)], dtype=object)

# create dictionary with dataframes
# need required fields of "beta", "u_misc", "u_a" for this class
df_dict = {
    "beta": pandas.DataFrame(beta, columns = trait),
    "u_misc": pandas.DataFrame(u_misc, columns = trait),
    "u_a": pandas.DataFrame(u_a, columns = trait)

# construct model from dictionary of pandas dataframes
mod = DenseAdditiveLinearGenomicModel.from_pandas_dict(df_dict)

Loading linear genomic models from dictionaries of CSV file names#

CSV files may be used to load linear genomic models in a similar manner to loading from Pandas DataFrames. The code below demonstrates how to load a linear genomic model from multiple CSV files containing different sets of marker coefficients.

# create dictionary with filenames
# need required fields of "beta", "u_misc", "u_a" for this class
dic = {
    "beta": "beta.csv",
    "u_misc": "u_misc.csv",
    "u_a": "u_a.csv",

# construct model from dictionary of pandas dataframes
mod = DenseAdditiveLinearGenomicModel.from_csv_dict(dic)

Loading genomic models HDF5 files#

All genomic models may be saved and reloaded from HDF5 files. The code below demonstrates how to read a GenomicModel from an HDF5 file.

# load from HDF5 file
mod = DenseAdditiveLinearGenomicModel.from_hdf5("gmod.h5")

Copying Genomic Models#

Genomic models may be copied using either shallow copying or deep copying. The subsections below demonstrate both copying methods.

Shallow copying#

In shallow copying, references for a GenomicModel s internal data are copied to a new object. Copying may be accomplished using the copy method or the base Python function copy.copy.

# copy a genomic model
tmp = copy.copy(algmod)
tmp = algmod.copy()

Deep copying#

In deep copying, a GenomicModel’s internal data is recursively copied to a new object. Deep copying may be accomplished using the deepcopy method or the base Python function copy.deepcopy.

# deep copy a genomic model
tmp = copy.deepcopy(algmod)
tmp = algmod.deepcopy()

Model prediction methods#

Phenotypic predictions can be made with GenomicModel objects using the predict_numpy and predict methods. The former method accepts raw NumPy arrays, while the latter method accepts raw NumPy arrays and other object classes such as GenotypeMatrix classes. The code below demonstrates the use of these methods.

# create random genotypes to test
X = numpy.ones((ntaxa,1))
Z = numpy.random.randint(0, ploidy+1, size = (ntaxa,nvrnt)).astype("int8")

# predict genotypic values using numpy arrays
out = algmod.predict_numpy(X, Z)

# predict genotypic values using objects
out = algmod.predict(cvobj = X, gtobj = gmat)

Score model prediction accuracy#

The prediction accuracy of a GenomicModel can be assessed using the predict_numpy and predict methods. The former method accepts raw NumPy arrays, while the latter method accepts raw NumPy arrays and other object classes such as GenotypeMatrix classes. The code below demonstrates the use of these methods.

# create some dummy matrices for input
X = numpy.ones((ntaxa,1))
B = algmod.beta
Z = gmat.mat
U = algmod.u_a
Y = X@B + Z@U
e = numpy.random.normal(size = Y.shape)
Y += e

# score predictions using numpy arrays
out = algmod.score_numpy(Y, X, Z)

# score predictions using objects
out = algmod.score(ptobj = Y, cvobj = X, gtobj = gmat)

Predicting genomic estimated breeding values#

Genomic estimated breeding values (GEBVs) can be estimated by a GenomicModel object using the gebv_numpy and gebv methods. The former method accepts raw NumPy arrays, while the latter method accepts raw NumPy arrays and GenotypeMatrix classes. The code below demonstrates the use of these methods.

# predict GEBVs using numpy arrays
out = algmod.gebv_numpy(Z)

# predict GEBVs using objects
out = algmod.gebv(gmat)

Predicting genomic estimated genotypic values#

Genomic estimated genotypic values (GEGVs) can be estimated by a GenomicModel object using the gegv_numpy and gegv methods. The former method accepts raw NumPy arrays, while the latter method accepts raw NumPy arrays and GenotypeMatrix classes. The code below demonstrates the use of these methods.

# predict GEGVs using numpy arrays
out = algmod.gegv_numpy(Z)

# predict GEGVs using objects
out = algmod.gegv(gmat)

Calculating population genetic variance terms#

Genomic models may be used to calculate various population genetic variance statistics. These statistics include genetic variance, additive genetic variance, additive genic variance, and the Bulmer effect for a population. The subsections detail the calculation of these metrics.

Predicting genetic variance#

Population genetic variance can be calculated using the var_G_numpy and var_G methods. The code below demonstrates their use.

# predict Var(G) using numpy arrays
out = algmod.var_G_numpy(Z)

# predict Var(G) using objects
out = algmod.var_G(gmat)

Predicting additive genetic variance#

Population additive genetic variance can be calculated using the var_A_numpy and var_A methods. The code below demonstrates their use.

# predict Var(A) using numpy arrays
out = algmod.var_A_numpy(Z)

# predict Var(A) using objects
out = algmod.var_A(gmat)

Predicting additive genic variance#

Population additive genic variance (the genetic variance assuming complete linkage equilibrium) can be calculated using the var_a_numpy and var_a methods. The code below demonstrates their use.

# predict Var(a) using numpy arrays
out = algmod.var_a_numpy(
    p = gmat.afreq(),
    ploidy = gmat.ploidy

# predict Var(a) using objects
out = algmod.var_a(gmat)

Predicting the Bulmer effect#

The Bulmer effect for a population can be calculated using the bulmer_numpy and bulmer methods. The code below demonstrates their use.

# predict Bulmer effect using numpy arrays
out = algmod.bulmer_numpy(
    p = gmat.afreq(),
    ploidy = gmat.ploidy

# predict Bulmer effect using objects
out = algmod.bulmer(gmat)

Calculating population selection limits#

Population selection limits are an important measure of how much valuable genetic variation can be extracted from a given population. GenomicModel classes provide both upper and lower selection limit calculations which are detailed below.

Upper selection limit#

Upper selection limits (USLs) can be calculated using the usl_numpy and usl methods. The upper selection limit represents the maximum breeding value achieved by the fixation of all favorable alleles in a given population. The code below demonstrates how to calculate the USL.

# upper selection limit using numpy arrays
out = algmod.usl_numpy(
    p = gmat.afreq(),
    ploidy = gmat.ploidy

# upper selection limit using objects
out = algmod.usl(gtobj = gmat)

Lower selection limit#

Lower selection limits (USLs) can be calculated using the lsl_numpy and lsl methods. The lower selection limit represents the minimum breeding value achieved by the fixation of all deleterious alleles in a given population. The code below demonstrates how to calculate the LSL.

# lower selection limit using numpy arrays
out = algmod.lsl_numpy(
    p = gmat.afreq(),
    ploidy = gmat.ploidy

# lower selection limit using objects
out = algmod.lsl(gtobj = gmat)

Calculating favorable allele metrics#

Metrics on the favorable alleles within a population may be of importance when conducting breeding simulations. The favorable allele count across each locus for a population can be calculated using the facount method. The favorable allele frequency across each locus for a population can be calculated using the fafreq method. A mask of the favorable allele availability across each locus for a population can be calculated using the faavail method. Finally, a mask of the favorable allele fixation across each locus for a population can be calculated using the fafixed method. The code below demonstrates the use of these four methods.

# calculate favorable allele counts
out = algmod.facount(gmat)

# calculate favorable allele frequencies
out = algmod.fafreq(gmat)

# calculate favorable allele availability at loci in a population
out = algmod.faavail(gmat)

# calculate favorable allele fixation at loci in a population
out = algmod.fafixed(gmat)

Calculating deleterious allele metrics#

Metrics on the deleterious alleles within a population may be of importance when conducting breeding simulations. The deleterious allele count across each locus for a population can be calculated using the facount method. The deleterious allele frequency across each locus for a population can be calculated using the fafreq method. A mask of the deleterious allele availability across each locus for a population can be calculated using the faavail method. Finally, a mask of the deleterious allele fixation across each locus for a population can be calculated using the fafixed method. The code below demonstrates the use of these four methods.

# calculate deleterious allele counts
out = algmod.dacount(gmat)

# calculate deleterious allele frequencies
out = algmod.dafreq(gmat)

# calculate deleterious allele availability at loci in a population
out = algmod.daavail(gmat)

# calculate deleterious allele fixation at loci in a population
out = algmod.dafixed(gmat)

Exporting Genomic Models#

GenomicModel objects can be exported for later use or import into another program. All GenomicModel objects can be saved as an HDF5 file. LinearGenomicModel objects may also be exported to Pandas DataFrames and CSV files.

Exporting to dictionaries of Pandas DataFrames#

LinearGenomicModel objects can be exported to a dictionary of Pandas DataFrames using the to_pandas_dict method. The code below demonstrates the use of this function.

# export all trait columns
out = algmod.to_pandas_dict()

Exporting to CSV files#

LinearGenomicModel objects can be also be exported to a set of CSV files using the to_csv_dict method. The code below demonstrates the use of this function.

# create dictionary with filenames
# need required fields of "beta", "u_misc", "u_a" for this class
dic = {
    "beta": "beta.csv",
    "u_misc": "u_misc.csv",
    "u_a": "u_a.csv",

# export all trait columns to csv files

Exporting to HDF5#

Finally, all GenomicModel objects can be saved to an HDF5 file for later reloading into PyBrOpS. The code below demonstrates how to export a GenomicModel to an HDF5 file.

# writing a genomic model to a file