Variance Matrices#

Class Family Overview#

The GeneticVarianceMatrix and GenicVarianceMatrix families of classes allow for representation of the expected progeny trait variances from a cross between individuals. The purpose of these families of classes is to calculate expected progeny trait variances assuming linkage for the GeneticVarianceMatrix family of classe and no linkage for the GenicVarianceMatrix family of classes. Both families of variance matrices utilize genomic models to calculate variances and are designed to be agnostic of GenomicModel type. For additive linear genomic models, there exist deterministic equations to calculate progeny variance for two-, three-, and four-way crosses. GeneticVarianceMatrix and GenicVarianceMatrix families which assume an additive linear genomic model have interfaces of AdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix and AdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix, respectfully.

Deriving from the AdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix interface are several implemented classes which are useful. They are summarized below:

Summary of Variance Matrix Classes#

Genetic and genic variance matrices are found in the pybrops.model.vmat module. The two subsections below summarize the genetic and genic variance matrices

Genetic variance matrix classes#

Genetic variance matrices, which represent the expected progeny trait variances assuming linkage disequilibrium, are summarized in the table below.

Summary of genetic variance classes in the pybrops.model.vmat module#

Class Name

Class Type

Class Description



Interface for all genetic variance matrix child classes.



Interface for all additive genetic variance matrix child classes.



Semi-implemented class for deriving new dense genetic variance matrix child classes.



Semi-implemented class for deriving new dense additive genetic variance matrix child classes.



Class representing genetic variance matrices calculated from two-way crosses.



Class representing genetic variance matrices calculated from three-way crosses.



Class representing genetic variance matrices calculated from four-way crosses.



Class representing genetic variance matrices calculated from dihybrid crosses.

Genic variance matrix classes#

Genic variance matrices, which represent the expected progeny trait variances assuming linkage equilibrium, are summarized in the table below.

Summary of genic variance classes in the pybrops.model.vmat module#

Class Name

Class Type

Class Description



Interface for all genic variance matrix child classes.



Interface for all additive genic variance matrix child classes.



Semi-implemented class for deriving new dense genic variance matrix child classes.



Semi-implemented class for deriving new dense additive genic variance matrix child classes.



Class representing genic variance matrices calculated from two-way crosses.



Class representing genic variance matrices calculated from three-way crosses.



Class representing genic variance matrices calculated from four-way crosses.



Class representing genic variance matrices calculated from dihybrid crosses.

Variance Matrix Properties#

Both genetic and genic variance matrix classes share a common set of properties. These properties can be grouped into four categories: general properties, taxa properties, trait properties, and square properties. The following four subsections summarize these property categories.

General properties#

Genetic and genic variance matrices share several shape properties that are common to all Matrix classes. In addition, genetic and genic variance matrices have an epgc property which is used to indicate the expected parental genomic contribution of each parent corresponding to each parental axis. The table below summarizes variance matrix general properties.

Summary of GeneticVarianceMatrix and GenicVarianceMatrix general properties#




The raw genetic or genic variance matrix pointer


The number of dimensions for the genetic or genic variance matrix


The genetic or genic variance matrix shape


The expected parental genomic contribution corresponding to each parental axis.

Taxa properties#

Genetic and genic variance matrices have several taxa related properties including taxa names, taxa group identities, and sorting metadata, which can be used for quick group access and sorting. The table below summarizes variance matrix taxa properties.

Summary of GeneticVarianceMatrix and GenicVarianceMatrix taxa properties#




The number of taxa represented by the genetic or genic variance matrix


The names of the taxa


The matrix axis along which taxa are stored


An optional taxa group label


If taxa are sorted by group: get the names of the groups


If taxa are sorted by group: get the start indices (inclusive) for each group


If taxa are sorted by group: get the stop indices (exclusive) for each group


If taxa are sorted by group: get the length of each group

Trait properties#

Genetic and genic variance matrices have several trait related properties of which the most important is the trait names.

Summary of GeneticVarianceMatrix and GenicVarianceMatrix trait properties#




The number of traits represented by the genetic or genic variance matrix


The names of the traits


The matrix axis along which traits are stored

Square matrix properties#

Since genetic and genic matrices are square by nature, they also have several properties which extract data regarding their squareness. These properties are summarized below.

Summary of GeneticVarianceMatrix and GenicVarianceMatrix square matrix properties#




The number of square axes for the genetic or genic variance matrix


The axes indices for the square axes for the genetic or genic variance matrix


The lengths of the square axes for the genetic or genic variance matrix

Loading Variance Matrix Modules#

Loading genetic variance matrix modules#

Importing genetic variance matrix classes can be accomplished using the following import statements:

# import abstract interface classes
from pybrops.model.vmat.GeneticVarianceMatrix import GeneticVarianceMatrix
from pybrops.model.vmat.AdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix import AdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix

# import semi-abstract classes
from pybrops.model.vmat.DenseGeneticVarianceMatrix import DenseGeneticVarianceMatrix
from pybrops.model.vmat.DenseAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix import DenseAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix

# import concrete implemented classes
from pybrops.model.vmat.DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix import DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix
from pybrops.model.vmat.DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix import DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix
from pybrops.model.vmat.DenseFourWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix import DenseFourWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix
from pybrops.model.vmat.DenseDihybridDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix import DenseDihybridDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix

Loading genic variance matrix modules#

Importing genic variance matrix classes can be accomplished using the following import statements:

# import abstract interface classes
from pybrops.model.vmat.GenicVarianceMatrix import GenicVarianceMatrix
from pybrops.model.vmat.AdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix import AdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix

# import semi-abstract classes
from pybrops.model.vmat.DenseGenicVarianceMatrix import DenseGenicVarianceMatrix
from pybrops.model.vmat.DenseAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix import DenseAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix

# import concrete implemented classes
from pybrops.model.vmat.DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix import DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix
from pybrops.model.vmat.DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix import DenseThreeWayDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix
from pybrops.model.vmat.DenseFourWayDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix import DenseFourWayDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix
from pybrops.model.vmat.DenseDihybridDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix import DenseDihybridDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix

Creating Variance Matrices#

Genetic and genic variance matrices can be created using several method including from raw NumPy arrays, from genotype matrices and genomic models, from Pandas DataFrames, from CSV files, and from HDF5 files. The following subsections detail the creation or loading of genetic or genic variance matrices from their corresponding sources.

Creating variance matrices from NumPy arrays#

Using the constructor of a GeneticVarianceMatrix or GenicVarianceMatrix class, one can create genetic and genic variance matrices, respectively, from NumPy arrays. The example below demonstrates the creation of a DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix and DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix` objects from raw NumPy arrays.

# shape parameters for random genotypes
ntaxa = 100
ntrait = 2
ngroup = 20

# create random variance values
mat = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, size = (ntaxa,ntaxa,ntrait))

# create taxa names
taxa = numpy.array(["taxon"+str(i+1).zfill(3) for i in range(ntaxa)], dtype = object)

# create taxa groups
taxa_grp = numpy.random.randint(1, ngroup+1, ntaxa)

# create trait names
trait = numpy.array(["trait"+str(i+1).zfill(2) for i in range(ntrait)], dtype = object)

# create genetic variance matrix
vmat = DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix(
    mat = mat,
    taxa = taxa,
    taxa_grp = taxa_grp,
    trait = trait

# create genic variance matrix
gvmat = DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix(
    mat = mat,
    taxa = taxa,
    taxa_grp = taxa_grp,
    trait = trait

Calculating variance matrices from genomic models#

Genetic and genic variance matrices may also be calculated from a combination of PhasedGenotypeMatrix and GenomicModel objects. This can be accomplished using the from_gmod or from_algmod class methods. The code below demonstrates how to use this method to accomplish this task.

# create a dummy genomic model
# model parameters
nfixed = 1      # number of fixed effects
ntrait = 2      # number of traits
nmisc = 0       # number of miscellaneous random effects
nadditive = 50  # number of additive marker effects

# create dummy values
beta = numpy.random.random((nfixed,ntrait))
u_misc = numpy.random.random((nmisc,ntrait))
u_a = numpy.random.random((nadditive,ntrait))
trait = numpy.array(["Trait"+str(i+1).zfill(2) for i in range(ntrait)], dtype = object)

# create additive linear genomic model
algmod = DenseAdditiveLinearGenomicModel(
    beta = beta,
    u_misc = u_misc,
    u_a = u_a,
    trait = trait,
    model_name = "example",
    params = None

# shape parameters for random genotypes
ntaxa = 100
nvrnt = nadditive
ngroup = 20
nchrom = 10
ploidy = 2

# create random genotypes
mat = numpy.random.randint(0, 2, size = (ploidy,ntaxa,nvrnt)).astype("int8")

# create taxa names
taxa = numpy.array(["Taxon"+str(i+1).zfill(3) for i in range(ntaxa)], dtype = object)

# create taxa groups
taxa_grp = numpy.random.randint(1, ngroup+1, ntaxa)

# create marker variant chromsome assignments
vrnt_chrgrp = numpy.random.randint(1, nchrom+1, nvrnt)

# create marker physical positions
vrnt_phypos = numpy.random.choice(1000000, size = nvrnt, replace = False)

# create marker genetic positions
vrnt_genpos = numpy.random.random(nvrnt)

# create marker variant names
vrnt_name = numpy.array(["SNP"+str(i+1).zfill(4) for i in range(nvrnt)], dtype = object)

# create a genotype matrix from scratch using NumPy arrays
pgmat = DensePhasedGenotypeMatrix(
    mat = mat,
    taxa = taxa,
    taxa_grp = taxa_grp,
    vrnt_chrgrp = vrnt_chrgrp,
    vrnt_phypos = vrnt_phypos,
    vrnt_genpos = vrnt_genpos,
    vrnt_name = vrnt_name,
    ploidy = ploidy

# calculate genetic variance matrix from GenomicModel
vmat = DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix.from_gmod(
    gmod = algmod,
    pgmat = pgmat,
    nmating = 1,
    nprogeny = 10,
    nself = 0,
    gmapfn = HaldaneMapFunction()

# calculate genetic variance matrix from AdditiveLinearGenomicModel
vmat = DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix.from_algmod(
    algmod = algmod,
    pgmat = pgmat,
    nmating = 1,
    nprogeny = 10,
    nself = 0,
    gmapfn = HaldaneMapFunction()

# calculate genic variance matrix from GenomicModel
gvmat = DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix.from_gmod(
    gmod = algmod,
    pgmat = pgmat,
    nprogeny = 10

# calculate genic variance matrix from AdditiveLinearGenomicModel
gvmat = DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix.from_algmod(
    algmod = algmod,
    pgmat = pgmat,
    nprogeny = 10

Creating variance matrices from Pandas DataFrames#

Genetic and genic variance matrices may be read from Pandas DataFrames. The from_pandas class method may be used to read a GeneticVarianceMatrix or GenicVarianceMatrix from a Pandas DataFrame. The code example below demonstrates this method’s usage.

# create dummy pandas dataframe
df = pandas.DataFrame({
    "Female": ["A","A","B","B",],
    "Female Group": [0,0,1,1,],
    "Male": ["A","B","A","B",],
    "Male Group": [0,0,1,1,],
    "Trait": ["Yield","Yield","Yield","Yield",],
    "Variance": [0.2,0.3,0.5,0.7],

# construct genetic variance matrix from pandas dataframe
tmp_vmat = DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix.from_pandas(
    df = df,
    female_col = "Female",
    female_grp_col = "Female Group",
    male_col = "Male",
    male_grp_col = "Male Group",
    trait_col = "Trait",
    variance_col = "Variance",

# construct genic variance matrix from pandas dataframe
tmp_gvmat = DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix.from_pandas(
    df = df,
    female_col = "Female",
    female_grp_col = "Female Group",
    male_col = "Male",
    male_grp_col = "Male Group",
    trait_col = "Trait",
    variance_col = "Variance",

Loading variance matrices from CSV files#

Genetic and genic variance matrices may also be read from CSV files in a manner similar to Pandas DataFrames. The from_csv class method may be used to load genetic or genic variance matrices from CSV files. The following code block demonstrates the usage of this method.

# create dummy pandas dataframe and export as CSV
df = pandas.DataFrame({
    "Female": ["A","A","B","B",],
    "Female Group": [0,0,1,1,],
    "Male": ["A","B","A","B",],
    "Male Group": [0,0,1,1,],
    "Trait": ["Yield","Yield","Yield","Yield",],
    "Variance": [0.2,0.3,0.5,0.7],
df.to_csv("saved_df.csv", index = False)

# construct genetic variance matrix from csv
tmp_vmat = DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix.from_csv(
    filename = "saved_df.csv",
    female_col = "Female",
    female_grp_col = "Female Group",
    male_col = "Male",
    male_grp_col = "Male Group",
    trait_col = "Trait",
    variance_col = "Variance",

# construct genic variance matrix from csv
tmp_gvmat = DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix.from_csv(
    filename = "saved_df.csv",
    female_col = "Female",
    female_grp_col = "Female Group",
    male_col = "Male",
    male_grp_col = "Male Group",
    trait_col = "Trait",
    variance_col = "Variance",

Loading variance matrices from HDF5 files#

As with all classes in the Matrix family, GeneticVarianceMatrix or GenicVarianceMatrix objects may be imported and exported to an HDF5 format. To read saved genetic or genic variance matrices from an HDF5 file, use the from_hdf5 class method. The code below demonstrates the use of this method.

# read genetic variance matrix from HDF5 file
vmat = DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGeneticVarianceMatrix.from_hdf5("saved_vmat.h5")
gvmat = DenseTwoWayDHAdditiveGenicVarianceMatrix.from_hdf5("saved_gvmat.h5")

Copying Variance Matrices#

Genetic and genic variance matrices may be copied using two methods: shallow copying and deep copying.

Shallow copying#

In shallow copying, references to a GeneticVarianceMatrix or GenicVarianceMatrix’s data are copied to a new genetic or genic variance matrix object. Copying is only one level deep which means that changes to the original object may affect data values in the copied object. The code below illustrates the use of the copy method bound to GeneticVarianceMatrix or GenicVarianceMatrix objects and the base Python function copy.copy which can both be used to shallow copy a genetic or genic variance matrix object.

# copy a genetic variance matrix
tmp = copy.copy(vmat)
tmp = vmat.copy()

# copy a genic variance matrix
tmp = copy.copy(gvmat)
tmp = gvmat.copy()

Deep copying#

In deep copying, data in a GeneticVarianceMatrix or GenicVarianceMatrix is recursively copied to a new genetic or genic variance matrix object. Copying occurs down to the deepest levels so that changes to the original object will not affect data values in the copied object. The code below illustrates the use of the deepcopy method bound to GeneticVarianceMatrix or GenicVarianceMatrix objects and the base Python function copy.deepcopy which can both be used to deep copy a genetic or genic variance matrix object.

# deep copy a genetic variance matrix
tmp = copy.deepcopy(vmat)
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()

# deep copy a genic variance matrix
tmp = copy.deepcopy(gvmat)
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()

Copy-On Element Manipulation#

Genetic or genic variance matrices have several methods by which modifed copies of the original matrix can be made. These are called copy-on element manipulation methods. Matrices may have taxa and trait axes adjoined, deleted, inserted, or selected. The following sections demonstrate the use of these method families.

Adjoining elements#

The adjoin family of methods allows for taxa and trait axes of a genetic or genic variance matrix to be adjoined together, creating a new matrix in the process. Use of the adjoin method family is demonstrated in the code below.

# create a new variance matrices to demonstrate
newvmat = vmat.deepcopy()
newgvmat = gvmat.deepcopy()

# adjoin variance matrices along the taxa axis
tmp = vmat.adjoin(newvmat, axis = vmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = vmat.adjoin_taxa(newvmat)
tmp = gvmat.adjoin(newgvmat, axis = gvmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gvmat.adjoin_taxa(newgvmat)

# adjoin variance matrices along the trait axis
tmp = vmat.adjoin(newvmat, axis = vmat.trait_axis)
tmp = vmat.adjoin_trait(newvmat)
tmp = gvmat.adjoin(newgvmat, axis = gvmat.trait_axis)
tmp = gvmat.adjoin_trait(newgvmat)

Deleting elements#

The delete family of methods allows for taxa and trait axes of a genetic or genic variance matrix to be removed in a copy of the original. Use of the delete method family is demonstrated in the code below.

delete taxa#

# delete first taxon using an integer
tmp = vmat.delete(0, axis = vmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = vmat.delete_taxa(0)
tmp = gvmat.delete(0, axis = gvmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gvmat.delete_taxa(0)

# delete first five taxa using a slice
tmp = vmat.delete(slice(0,5), axis = vmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = vmat.delete_taxa(slice(0,5))
tmp = gvmat.delete(slice(0,5), axis = gvmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gvmat.delete_taxa(slice(0,5))

# delete first five taxa using a Sequence
tmp = vmat.delete([0,1,2,3,4], axis = vmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = vmat.delete_taxa([0,1,2,3,4])
tmp = gvmat.delete([0,1,2,3,4], axis = gvmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gvmat.delete_taxa([0,1,2,3,4])

delete traits#

# delete first trait using an integer
tmp = vmat.delete(0, axis = vmat.trait_axis)
tmp = vmat.delete_trait(0)
tmp = gvmat.delete(0, axis = gvmat.trait_axis)
tmp = gvmat.delete_trait(0)

# delete first two traits using a slice
tmp = vmat.delete(slice(0,2), axis = vmat.trait_axis)
tmp = vmat.delete_trait(slice(0,2))
tmp = gvmat.delete(slice(0,2), axis = gvmat.trait_axis)
tmp = gvmat.delete_trait(slice(0,2))

# delete first two traits using a Sequence
tmp = vmat.delete([0,1], axis = vmat.trait_axis)
tmp = vmat.delete_trait([0,1])
tmp = gvmat.delete([0,1], axis = gvmat.trait_axis)
tmp = gvmat.delete_trait([0,1])

Inserting elements#

The insert family of methods allows for taxa and trait axes of a genetic or genic variance matrix to be inserted into a copy of the original matrix. Use of the insert method family is demonstrated in the code below.

# create a new variance matrix to demonstrate
newvmat = vmat.deepcopy()
newgvmat = gvmat.deepcopy()

# insert variance matrix along the taxa axis before index 0
tmp = vmat.insert(0, newvmat, axis = vmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = vmat.insert_taxa(0, newvmat)
tmp = gvmat.insert(0, newgvmat, axis = gvmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gvmat.insert_taxa(0, newgvmat)

# insert variance matrix along the trait axis before index 0
tmp = vmat.insert(0, newvmat, axis = vmat.trait_axis)
tmp = vmat.insert_trait(0, newvmat)
tmp = gvmat.insert(0, newgvmat, axis = gvmat.trait_axis)
tmp = gvmat.insert_trait(0, newgvmat)

Selecting elements#

The select family of methods allows for taxa and trait axes of the genetic or genic variance matrix to be selected and extracted to a copy of the original matrix. Use of the select method family is demonstrated in the code below.

# select first five taxa using a Sequence
tmp =[0,1,2,3,4], axis = vmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = vmat.select_taxa([0,1,2,3,4])
tmp =[0,1,2,3,4], axis = gvmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gvmat.select_taxa([0,1,2,3,4])

# select first two traits using a Sequence
tmp =[0,1], axis = vmat.trait_axis)
tmp = vmat.select_trait([0,1])
tmp =[0,1], axis = gvmat.trait_axis)
tmp = gvmat.select_trait([0,1])

In-Place Element Manipulation#

Genetic or genic variance matrices have several methods which execute in-place element manipulations. These are called in-place element manipulation methods. Genetic or genic variance matrices may have taxa and trait axes appended, removed, incorporated, or concatenated. The following sections demonstrate the use of these method families.

Appending elements#

The append family of methods allows for new taxa and trait axes to be appended to the genetic or genic variance matrix. The code segment below demonstrates their use.

# append variance matrices along the taxa axis
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                   # copy original
tmp.append(vmat, axis = tmp.taxa_axis)  # append original to copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                  # copy original
tmp.append(gvmat, axis = tmp.taxa_axis) # append original to copy

tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                   # copy original
tmp.append_taxa(vmat)                   # append original to copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                  # copy original
tmp.append_taxa(gvmat)                  # append original to copy

# append variance matrices along the trait axis
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                   # copy original
tmp.append(vmat, axis = tmp.trait_axis) # append original to copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                  # copy original
tmp.append(gvmat, axis = tmp.trait_axis)# append original to copy

tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                   # copy original
tmp.append_trait(vmat)                  # append original to copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                  # copy original
tmp.append_trait(gvmat)                 # append original to copy

Removing elements#

The remove family of methods allows for taxa and trait axes to be removed from a genetic or genic variance matrix. A demonstration of their use can be seen below.

remove taxa#

# remove first taxon using an integer
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove(0, axis = vmat.taxa_axis)            # remove from copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.remove(0, axis = gvmat.taxa_axis)           # remove from copy

tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove_taxa(0)                              # remove from copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.remove_taxa(0)                              # remove from copy

# remove first five taxa using a slice
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove(slice(0,5), axis = vmat.taxa_axis)   # remove from copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.remove(slice(0,5), axis = gvmat.taxa_axis)  # remove from copy

tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove_taxa(slice(0,5))                     # remove from copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.remove_taxa(slice(0,5))                     # remove from copy

# remove first five taxa using a Sequence
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove([0,1,2,3,4], axis = vmat.taxa_axis)  # remove from copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.remove([0,1,2,3,4], axis = gvmat.taxa_axis) # remove from copy

tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove_taxa([0,1,2,3,4])                    # remove from copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.remove_taxa([0,1,2,3,4])                    # remove from copy

remove traits#

# remove first trait using an integer
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove(0, axis = vmat.trait_axis)           # remove from copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.remove(0, axis = gvmat.trait_axis)          # remove from copy

tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove_trait(0)                             # remove from copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.remove_trait(0)                             # remove from copy

# remove first trait using a slice
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove(slice(0,1), axis = vmat.trait_axis)  # remove from copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.remove(slice(0,1), axis = gvmat.trait_axis) # remove from copy

tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove_trait(slice(0,1))                    # remove from copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.remove_trait(slice(0,1))                    # remove from copy

# remove first trait using a Sequence
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove([0], axis = vmat.trait_axis)         # remove from copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.remove([0], axis = gvmat.trait_axis)        # remove from copy

tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.remove_trait([0])                           # remove from copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.remove_trait([0])                           # remove from copy

Incorporating elements#

The incorp family of methods allows for new taxa and trait axes to be inserted at specific locations in a genetic or genic variance matrix. Use of the incorp family is demonstrated in the code segment below below.

# incorp variance matrix along the taxa axis before index 0
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.incorp(0, vmat, axis = vmat.taxa_axis)      # incorporate into copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.incorp(0, gvmat, axis = gvmat.taxa_axis)    # incorporate into copy

tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.incorp_taxa(0, vmat)                        # incorporate into copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.incorp_taxa(0, gvmat)                       # incorporate into copy

# incorp variance matrix along the trait axis before index 0
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.incorp(0, vmat, axis = vmat.trait_axis)     # incorporate into copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.incorp(0, gvmat, axis = gvmat.trait_axis)   # incorporate into copy

tmp = vmat.deepcopy()                           # copy original
tmp.incorp_trait(0, vmat)                       # incorporate into copy
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()                          # copy original
tmp.incorp_trait(0, gvmat)                      # incorporate into copy

Concatenating matrices#

The concat family of methods allows for multiple genetic or genic variance matrices to be concatenated to each other along taxa or trait axes. The code segment below demonstrates their use.

# concatenate along the taxa axis
tmp = vmat.concat([vmat, vmat], axis = vmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = vmat.concat_taxa([vmat, vmat])
tmp = gvmat.concat([gvmat, gvmat], axis = gvmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gvmat.concat_taxa([gvmat, gvmat])

# concatenate along the trait axis
tmp = vmat.concat([vmat, vmat], axis = vmat.trait_axis)
tmp = vmat.concat_trait([vmat, vmat])
tmp = gvmat.concat([gvmat, gvmat], axis = gvmat.trait_axis)
tmp = gvmat.concat_trait([gvmat, gvmat])

Grouping and Sorting#

Genetic or genic variance matrices in PyBrOpS have several sorting and grouping focused methods. Sorting methods can be used to reorder, sort, and group taxa axes alphanumerically and reorder and sort trait axes.. The following sections demonstrate the use of the reorder, lexsort, sort, and group method families.

Reordering elements#

Taxa and trait axes in a genetic or genic variance matrix can be reordered using the reorder family of methods. Demonstrations of this method family are below.

reorder taxa#

# create reordering indices
indices = numpy.arange(vmat.ntaxa)

# reorder values along the taxa axis
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()
tmp.reorder(indices, axis = tmp.taxa_axis)
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()
tmp.reorder(indices, axis = tmp.taxa_axis)

reorder traits#

# create reordering indices
indices = numpy.arange(vmat.ntrait)

# reorder values along the trait axis
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()
tmp.reorder(indices, axis = tmp.trait_axis)
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()
tmp.reorder(indices, axis = tmp.trait_axis)

Lexsorting elements#

An indirect stable sort - or lexsort - for taxa or trait axes can be performed using the lexsort family of methods. The code segment below illustrates the use of this family of methods.

lexsort taxa#

# create lexsort keys for taxa
key1 = numpy.random.randint(0, 10, vmat.ntaxa)
key2 = numpy.arange(vmat.ntaxa)

# lexsort along the taxa axis
vmat.lexsort((key2,key1), axis = vmat.taxa_axis)
gvmat.lexsort((key2,key1), axis = gvmat.taxa_axis)

lexsort traits#

# create lexsort keys for trait
key1 = numpy.random.randint(0, 10, vmat.ntaxa)
key2 = numpy.arange(vmat.ntaxa)

# lexsort along the trait axis
tmp = vmat.lexsort((key2,key1), axis = vmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = vmat.lexsort_taxa((key2,key1))
tmp = gvmat.lexsort((key2,key1), axis = gvmat.taxa_axis)
tmp = gvmat.lexsort_taxa((key2,key1))

Sorting elements#

Alphanumeric sorting along taxa and trait axes can be done using the sort family of methods. Sorting examples are illustrated below.

sort taxa#

# sort along taxa axis
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()
tmp.sort(axis = tmp.taxa_axis)
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()
tmp.sort(axis = tmp.taxa_axis)

sort traits#

# sort along trait axis
tmp = vmat.deepcopy()
tmp.sort(axis = tmp.trait_axis)
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy()
tmp.sort(axis = tmp.trait_axis)

Grouping elements#

Grouping along taxa axes can be done using the group family of methods. The following code illustrates the use of the group method family along the taxa axes of a genetic or genic variance matrix.

# group taxa
# ++++++++++

# sort genetic along taxa axis
tmp = vmat.deepcopy() = tmp.taxa_axis)
# determine whether grouping has occurred along the taxa axis
out = tmp.is_grouped(axis = tmp.taxa_axis)
out = tmp.is_grouped_taxa()

# sort genic variance matrix along taxa axis
tmp = gvmat.deepcopy() = tmp.taxa_axis)
# determine whether grouping has occurred along the taxa axis
out = tmp.is_grouped(axis = tmp.taxa_axis)
out = tmp.is_grouped_taxa()

Square matrix functions#

Since variance matrices are also inherently square, there are a methods dealing with the squareness of a variance matrix.

Determine whether all square axes are of equal length#

The is_square method for genetic and genic variance matrices can be used to determine if a variance matrix is square.

# boolean value
out = vmat.is_square()
out = gvmat.is_square()

Exporting Variance Matrices#

Genetic and genic variance matrices may be exported to multiple formats including Pandas DataFrames, CSV files, and HDF5 files. The following subsections provide export examples.

Exporting to Pandas DataFrame#

The to_pandas method can be used to export a genetic or genic variance matrix to a Pandas DataFrame. Column names may be optionally provided to override default column names.

# write variance matrices to a pandas dataframe
out_df = vmat.to_pandas()
out_df = gvmat.to_pandas()

Exporting to CSV#

The to_csv method can be used to export a genetic or genic variance matrix to a CSV file. Like the to_pandas method, column names may be optionally provided to override default column names.

# write variance matrices to a CSV file

Exporting to HDF5#

Genetic and genic variance matrices can be written to an HDF5 file using the to_hdf5 method. The code below demonstrates the use of this method.

# write variance matrices to an HDF5 file